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Introduction to Psychology: Overview Cleoputri Yusainy, PhD

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1 Introduction to Psychology: Overview Cleoputri Yusainy, PhD

2 Class norms DO:  Ask questions, express critiques, opinions, etc. DON’T’S:  Plagiarise (0% tolerance).  Be late for more than 10 mins.  Ask anyone to sign your attendance on your behalf (-10% final mark)  Submit late assignment (-10% x days)

3 Communication  Text message/phone  Email:

4 Course contents  Overview - 1  Sensation & perception - 2  Nature, nurture, & human development – 3 & 4  Learning - 5  Memory - 6  Cognition & language – 7  Mid-term exam - 8

5 Course contents  Motivated behaviour - 9  Emotion, stress, & health - 10  Social perception & cognition -11  Attitudes -12  Interpersonal attraction & influence -13  Assignment 1 (Video) & Assignment 2 (Lab activity) – 14 & 15  Final exam - 16

6 Assessment  Mid-term exam: Multiple choices (individual) 30 %  Assignment 1: Video (group) 30%  Assignment 2: Lab participation (individual) 10%  Final exam: Multiple choices (individual) 30%

7 Best video from IR class 2013

8 Do you know what love is?

9 Bodily maps of emotions.

10 Your brain in love

11 Which face is most trustworthy for you?

12 12 3

13 12 3

14 Your brain decides whether to trust someone in milliseconds. decides-milliseconds-89771/

15 What psychology is  Psychology is the scientific study of behaviour and mental processes.  Behaviour is what we do.  Mental processes consist of cognition (what we think) and emotion-affect (what we feel).

16 Psychology level of analysis

17 What psychology isn’t Non-scientific!

18 Mind reading? Brain-to-brain message sent from India to Paris.

19 Reference Course notes: Introductory psychology. 0notes/coursenotes_intro.html Kalat, J. W. (2011). Introduction to psychology (9 th ed.). Wadsworth. Myers, D. G. (2012). Exploring psychology (9 th ed.). Worth Publishers.

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