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Peter Batty Developing a culture of trust and collaboration.

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Presentation on theme: "Peter Batty Developing a culture of trust and collaboration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peter Batty Developing a culture of trust and collaboration

2 The Challenge of Leadership: Effective Teams Celebration/Incorporation of Achievement  Productive Action  Open Communication  Positive Relating  Safety From a model produced by Denton Roberts Vision PhysicalEmotional Intellectual

3 The Challenge of Leadership: Effective Teams From a model produced by Denton Roberts Celebration/Incorporation of Achievement  Productive Action  Open Communication  Positive Relating  Safety Vision PhysicalEmotional Intellectual System nourished by: PRAISE, ACCEPTANCE, UNDERSTANDING, REALISTIC PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS, INCLUSION

4 The Risk of Leadership: Dysfunctional Teams From a model produced by Denton Roberts Lack of Safety  Negative Relating  Close/Confused Communication  Unproductive/Destructive Activity  Conflict

5 The Risk of Leadership: Dysfunctional Teams From a model produced by Denton Roberts Lack of Safety  Negative Relating  Close/Confused Communication  Unproductive/Destructive Activity  Conflict System nourished by: BLAME, RIDICULE, HUMILIATION, UNREALISTIC PERFORMANCE EXPECTATIONS, ALIENATION

6 The five dysfunctions of a team Absence of trust Fear of conflict Lack of commitment Avoidance of accountability Inattention to results Patrick Lencioni

7 In truly cohesive teams, people Trust one another Engage in unfiltered conflict around ideas Commit to decisions and plans of action Hold one another accountable for delivering against those plans Focus on the achievement of collective results Patrick Lencioni

8 Members of trusting teams… Admit weaknesses and mistakes Ask for help Accept questions and input about their areas of responsibility Take risks in offering feedback and assistance Appreciate and tap into one anothers’ skills and experience Focus time and energy on important issues, not politics Offer and accept apologies without hesitation Patrick Lencioni

9 Members of teams where trust is absent… Conceal their weaknesses and mistakes from one another Hesitate to ask for help or provide constructive feedback Hesitate to offer help outside their own areas of responsibility Jump to conclusions about the intentions and aptitudes of others without attempting to clarify them Fail to recognise and tap into one another’s skills and experiences Waste time and energy managing their behaviours for effect Patrick Lencioni

10 Four steps to building trust Being vulnerable Clarifying expectations Holding and being held to account Engaging with conflict

11 Building trust: what are the implications of this for leading (and teaching) the leaders of tomorrow?

12 In your pair… …decide who will talk and who will listen first …when you are listening, your role is to try and understand – and help your partner to understand – the situation they are describing: you are NOT trying to resolve it or advise them or counsel them …you have five minutes each

13 The Johari Window O T H E R S’ V I E W OWN VIEW SELF

14 The Johari Window Solicits Feedback O T H E R S’ V I E W Self-Disclosure or Gives Feedback OWN VIEW Things I Don’t Know (about me) Things I Know (about me) Things They Know (about me) Things They Don’t Know (about me) BLIND SPOT FACADE UNCONSCIOUS UNKNOWN ARENA

15 SELF The Johari Window Solicits Feedback O T H E R S’ V I E W Self-Disclosure or Gives Feedback OWN VIEW Things I Don’t KnowThings I Know Things They Know Things They Don’t Know BLIND SPOT FACADE (Hidden Area) UNCONSCIOUS UNKNOWN ARENA


17 Ear Self You Eyes Undivided Attention Heart

18 What? Why? How? Where? When? Who? So is it ‘X’? What I understand so far is ….. LISTENINGLISTENING The Funnelling Technique Open Probe Close Summary

19 Probing: building your own repertoire Probing is signalling you want to go further or deeper by… …using supplementary questions or phrases like Go on… Can you say some more about… What do you mean by… When you say… Can you explain… …using connecting words, often combined with inflection like And…? So…? Because…? About…? …simply reflecting (repeating) back the last word or phrase that has been used …NOT saying anything at all but using pause and body language to invite further contribution

20 What? Why? How? Where? When? Who? So is it ‘X’? What I understand so far is ….. LISTENINGLISTENING The Funnelling Technique Open Probe Close Summary

21 Testing Understanding and Summarising (as a % of all behaviour) Research Analysis of 49 Meetings / Presentations Average number of misunderstandings and misconceptions per person The Importance of Clarifying

22 Testing Understanding and Summarising (as a % of all behaviour) Research Analysis of 49 Meetings / Presentations Average number of misunderstandings and misconceptions per person The Importance of Clarifying Source: Huthwaite Research Group


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