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Rene Magritte Magritte's paintings - feature some sort of visual paradox (a restless blue sky with a hole in it, a human body with the head of a fish,

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Presentation on theme: "Rene Magritte Magritte's paintings - feature some sort of visual paradox (a restless blue sky with a hole in it, a human body with the head of a fish,"— Presentation transcript:


2 Rene Magritte

3 Magritte's paintings - feature some sort of visual paradox (a restless blue sky with a hole in it, a human body with the head of a fish, a hat suspended in mid-air) - seas and skies seem bright and sunny, but there is a disturbing artificiality about the too-regular clouds and the too-glassy water. - interplay between precisely drawn objects and abnormal settings and features is that the common-sense perception of reality is only one way of looking at the world - “The Human Condition” (1934), Magritte forcefully demonstrates the paradoxes of perception by placing a painting showing a landscape view within the window overlooking an identical view

4 “The Human Condition” (1934), Magritte

5 Rene Magritte

6 "My painting is visible images which conceal nothing; they evoke mystery and, indeed, when one sees one of my pictures, one asks oneself this simple question 'What does that mean'? It does not mean anything, because mystery means nothing either, it is unknowable." René Magritte

7 “Perspective” Series Late1940s and early 1950s… - Magritte made a series of “Perspective” paintings based on well-known works by French artists François Gérard, Jacques Louis David, and Édouard Manet - Substituted coffins for the figures represented in the original paintings. - Composition of Magritte’s paintings almost identical to the originals, except that the seductive young sitter has been replaced by a coffin, with a cascading gown left as the only trace of her previous existence

8 Jacques-Louis David Rene Magritte

9 Tanguy

10 Giorgio de Chirico Song of Love, 1914 The Vexations of the Thinker

11 Dali Eggs on a Plate Without a Plate (1932)

12 The Enigma of Desire - My Mother, my Mother, my Mother, 1929

13 Galatea of the Spheres

14 Swans Reflecting Elephants

15 Geopoliticus Child Watching the Birth of the New Man

16 The Persistence of Memory, 1931

17 Salvador Dali The Disintegration of the Persistence of Memory

18 Slave Market with the Disappearing Bust of Voltaire (1940)

19 Apparition of face and fruit-bowl on a beach. 1938

20 Un hommage à Dali

21 Max Ernst Oedipus Rex. 1922. Oil on canvas. 93 x 102 cm.

22 Ubu Imperator

23 Frida Kahlo What the Water Gave Me 1938

24 Remedios Varo Creation of Birds 1958












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