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(v.) to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to.

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2 (v.) to make calm, soothe; to relieve, satisfy; to yield to

3 A snack of fresh fruit should APPEASE your hunger until mealtime. Synonyms pacify, mollify, placate, propitiate Antonyms enrage, provoke, irritate

4 (adj.) late, tardy

5 The BELATED arrival of the party’s guest of honor put the hosts in an awkward position. Synonyms delayed, behindhand Antonyms early, ahead of time

6 (adj.) causing great misfortune

7 In 1906, a CALAMITOUS earthquake and fire leveled much of the city of San Francisco. Synonyms disastrous, catastrophic, ruinous, fatal Antonyms fortunate, beneficial, salutary

8 (v.) to quote; to mention; to comment, recommend

9 Be sure to CITE your sources when you write a research paper. Synonyms refer to, enumerate, subpoena Antonyms ignore, disregard

10 (adj.) in line with accepted ideas or standards

11 Many people have rather CONVENTIONAL taste in clothing. Synonyms ordinary, commonplace, orthodox Antonyms outlandish, bizarre, unorthodox

12 (v.) To lure into a trap (n.) a person or thing used to lure into a trap

13 Painted wooden DECOYS are prized by collectors of folk art as well as by hunters. Synonyms entice, entrap, lure, bait Antonyms

14 (v.) to dig; to search deeply and thoroughly into

15 Scholars continue to DELVE into all aspects of America’s Civil War. Synonyms probe, investigate Antonyms

16 (v.) to follow in order, come immediately after and as a result

17 When an airplane crashes, both investigations and lawsuits can be expected to ENSUE. Synonyms result Antonyms precede, come before

18 (n.) heroic courage; respect and courtesy

19 The Medal of Honor is awarded by Congress to those who perform acts of “conspicuous GALLANTRY” in combat. Synonyms bravery, chivalrousness, valor, daring Antonyms cowardice, boorishness

20 (v.) to make known, tell; to give, pass something on

21 All over the world, elders IMPART the traditions of their culture to the younger generation. Synonyms transmit, bestow, grant Antonyms withhold, keep back, conceal

22 (adj.) using or showing good judgment; wise, sensible

23 Cautious and JUDICIOUS people consider all their options before making important decisions. Synonyms thoughtful, prudent, shrewd, astute Antonyms foolish, thoughtless, ill- considered

24 (v.) to bring about an agreement between persons or groups, act as a go-between

25 A neutral third party often MEDIATES contract talks between labor and management. Synonyms settle, arbitrate, umpire, referee Antonyms

26 (n.) the setting, surroundings, environment

27 An authentic MILIEU is an essential ingredient in a good historical novel. SynonymsAntonyms

28 (adj.) strange, weird; out-of-the-way; exceeding reasonable limits

29 Imaginative and OUTLANDISH outfits are popular attire at a costume party. Synonyms peculiar, bizarre, odd, unorthodox, unconventional Antonyms conventional, orthodox, staid, sober

30 (adj.) domineering, bullying; overpowering, predominant

31 An OVERBEARING person has a strong need to be in charge all the time. Synonyms high-handed, overriding Antonyms meek, unassuming, self- effacing

32 (adj.) high-spirited, lively, bold

33 Most adults are willing to tolerate a certain amount of PERT behavior in children. Synonyms vivacious, impudent, fresh Antonyms sullen, gloomy, morose, peevish

34 (n.) a peculiar way of acting; a sudden twist or turn

35 A writer may be famous for creating characters who are full of interesting QUIRKS. Synonyms peculiarity, oddity, eccentricity Antonyms

36 (v.) to feast, entertain agreeably

37 Most people are eager to REGALE their friends with accounts of their vacation adventures. Synonyms amuse, divert Antonyms

38 (adj.) lazy, lacking in ambition and energy

39 How can anyone lead a SHIFTLESS life when there are so many interesting things to learn and see? Synonyms careless, sloppy, lackadaisical Antonyms energetic, hardworking, ambitious

40 (n.) a stain or spot; a mark of corruption or dishonor; (v.) to stain or contaminate

41 When toxic chemicals TAINT lakes and rivers, many fish and other animals die. Synonyms blot, soil, tarnish, pollute Antonyms purify, decontaminate, cleanse

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