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Research Methods.

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1 Research Methods

2 Natural Observation Cardinal Rule: Do not disturb people or animals you are studying! Conceal yourself and be unobtrusive Studies organisms in natural environment Does not employ controls

3 Natural Observation Cont.
Psychologists avoid using this method b/c it doesn’t provide the how's and whys of behavior. You only know what you can see. Ex. Jane Goodall’s research with Chimps

4 Case Studies Used by psychologists and psychiatrists
Tries to get at background causes of behavior Includes info about family relationships, school, performance and occupational adjustment

5 Case Studies Continued…
Based on philosophy that the more we know about a person the better equipped the therapists is to understand and help them.

6 Interview Method Value of data (info) depends on interviewer (must be skilled in not presenting biased information Must observe body language as well as verbal responses

7 Questionnaires (surveys)
Involves sending selected questions to a group of people called “sample”

8 Questionnaires Continued…
A sample is a small group of people out of the total population which the researcher hopes represents society “random sample” is picked arbitrarily

9 Psychological Testing
Standardized and intended for specific purpose Results help establish norms in behavior They are not absolutes for predicting future success They are a means to an end; not an end in themselves

10 examples I.Q. Test WAIS – Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale
Key Math Achievement Test Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests

11 Types of Studies Longitudinal Study Cross-sectional Study

12 Directed Observation A refinement of natural observation but is more specific Looks at only one specific behavior – may have to use controls occasionally Ex. Certain medical research such as electrode implantation in the brain

13 Experimental Method Most specific/sophisticated of all research methods

14 Types of Experiments Natural Experiment: studies something that is occurring naturally in the environment… manipulation occurs w/o human intervention. Example: natural disasters

15 Field Experiments Field Experiments: the experiment manipulates/ changes conditions in a real life setting.

16 Types of experiments cont…
Laboratory experiments: (most sophisticated) essential…highest degree of control/precision. Environment is completely controlled by researcher.

17 Problems? Avoidance? Self-fulfilling prophecy: The scientist or researcher finds what he/she wished to find and overlooks the evidence. It’s human nature to find only the evidence which supports your hypothesis.

18 Double Blind procedure
Double-Blind Procedure: The researcher and the subjects are blind to the experiment. Neither knows who is actually involved until research is completed Example: Test brand name cola vs. off brand

19 Experiment Method Explanation
In order to qualify as an experiment it must have these components –

20 Hypothesis: Educated guess
Example: How much sleep effects a test performance?

21 Variables Independent Variable: produces the effect. It is something which is manipulated or controlled in a predetermined way…example: amount of sleep Dependent Variable: The change that occurs as a result of the independent variable. It is usually the subjects response to the changed condition. Example: Performance on test

22 Groups Control group: everything remains the same/measures normal response. (all subjects go normal amount of sleep) Experimental group: a variable/condition is changed and the response is measured (were not allowed to sleep

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