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100 200 300 400 PinkYellowGreenBlueGreen. To join at one end or be next to Synonyms: border on, bolster.

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Presentation on theme: "100 200 300 400 PinkYellowGreenBlueGreen. To join at one end or be next to Synonyms: border on, bolster."— Presentation transcript:

1 100 200 300 400 PinkYellowGreenBlueGreen

2 To join at one end or be next to Synonyms: border on, bolster

3 What is abut? Next

4 Clothes, apparel, garb; to dress Synonyms: clothing

5 What is attire? Next

6 To be of use or benefit to; to make use of; to take advantage of

7 What is avail? Next

8 A very close friend, pal, chum, buddy Antonyms: enemy, rival

9 What is crony? Next

10 Puzzling, mystifying, or enigmatic Antonyms: crystal clear, unambiguous

11 What is cryptic? Next

12 Going in different directions; different from each other Synonyms: not in agreement, differing Antonyms: merging, intersecting

13 What is divergent? Next

14 Hatred, ill-will Synonyms: hostility, animosity Antonyms: friendship, amity

15 What is enmity? Next

16 Very earnest, emotional, passionate Synonyms: enthusiastic, ardent, burning Antonyms: blasé, apathetic

17 What is fervent? Next

18 Thin and bony, starved looking, all skin and bones Synonyms: lean, scrawny, lanky Antonyms: plump, chubby, stout

19 What is gaunt? Next

20 to pass through or gain entrance to Synonyms: slip into, creep into

21 What is infiltrate? Next

22 To make of no value, cancel, or wipe out Synonyms: invalidate, annul Antonyms: confirm, endorse

23 What is nullify? Next

24 Capable of being grasped by the senses or mind Synonyms: noticeable, observable Antonyms: invisible, unnoticeable

25 What is perceptible? Next

26 To plunge straight down Synonyms: to take a nosedive Antonyms: soar, skyrocket

27 What is plummet? Next

28 To declare publicly or officially Synonyms: announce Antonyms: conceal, cover up

29 What is proclaim? Next

30 An agent, substitute, written permission Synonyms: deputy, representative

31 What is proxy? Next

32 To cause anger, irritation, or bitterness Synonyms: irritate, vex, annoy Antonyms: please, delight,

33 What is rankle? Next

34 A person who collects or removes usable items from waste Synonyms: rummager

35 What is scavenger? Next

36 To limit, be sparing, or frugal Synonyms: restrict, scrimp Antonyms: splurge, squander

37 What is stint? Next

38 Self-controlled, not showing feeling Synonyms: unresponsive, impassive Antonyms: excitable, emotional

39 What is stocial? Next

40 Tireless, continuing with vigor Synonyms: steady, undiminishing, unremitting Antonyms: diminishing, drooping, sagging

41 What is unflagging? Next

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