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2013 April 1 – Bell Ringer We are paper boxing today. Get out a blank sheet of paper, head it with your first and last name, today’s date, and the period.

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Presentation on theme: "2013 April 1 – Bell Ringer We are paper boxing today. Get out a blank sheet of paper, head it with your first and last name, today’s date, and the period."— Presentation transcript:

1 2013 April 1 – Bell Ringer We are paper boxing today. Get out a blank sheet of paper, head it with your first and last name, today’s date, and the period that you have civics. Title the paper“Classroom Points of Order and the Samurai Résumé Project.”

2 a lesson on procedures and expectations CLASSROOM POINTS OF ORDER

3 New Rule or Old Rule? Writing You should have a pencil to write with in this class every day. Your work must be in pencil. No pens are allowed. Copy one of the following sentences: I knew I had to write in pencil. I didn’t realize that I needed a pencil in class every day. I didn’t know that I couldn’t write in pen; I will write with a pencil instead.

4 New Rule or Old Rule? Bathroom use during class time I expect you to use the restroom during lunch or in between classes so that you never leave class. Starting today, if you use the bathroom, you will be required to make up the time you were out of the room. Make up time will be served before or after school. If the time is not made up within one week, you will be issued a detention. Copy one of the following sentences: I don’t go to the bathroom during class. I will be making up time with Mr. Deutsch because I do not use the bathrooms during lunch and between classes.

5 New Rule or Old Rule? Gum chewing in class There is no excuse for chewing gum in this class. Starting today, if you chew gum in here, you will be required to make up the time as if you had gone to the bathroom. Make up time will be served before or after school. If the time is not made up within one week, you will be moved up a step on the discipline ladder. Copy one of the following sentences: I don’t chew gum during class. I will be making up time with Mr. Deutsch because I cannot stop chewing gum in class.

6 New Rule or Old Rule? Lost Papers and Nameless Papers I will only hold lost or missing papers for three days from now on. You should check the wall every day or so just in case your paper is up there. If you check eSembler, it can tell you if you are missing work. Check your paper right now. Did you head it correctly? Copy one of the following sentences: I always write my name. I have not always headed my paper correctly in this class.

7 New Rule or Old Rule? Notes I expect you to keep every paper that I hand to you. The grades in the 3 rd nine weeks were atrocious because people were unable to produce the work I know they had completed. Notes check grades are NOT going away. If you need to punch holes in your paper, please use the three-hole punch on the front table. Copy one of the following sentences: I will keep all my notes. I need to do a better job of keeping my notes together so that my grade does not drop even though I did all the work.

8 In the top right box on the back of your paper, please write “guardian notes” and put a line for a parent or guardian to sign. This paper is now home prep due tomorrow. If your parent or guardian hands it to me during FCAT Night, I will give you double credit on the home prep.


10 SAMURAI RÉSUMÉ PROJECT Before we can begin the project, I need your input. Every year, I allow the students to add kanji to the lists so everyone has more name choices. But first, what is kanji?

11 KANJI Every kanji (Chinese character) has one or two meanings. 日 means day or sun. 本 means book or origin.

12 KANJI When multiple kanji are put together, you get to be creative in defining your new ‘word’ or new ‘phrase’. 日本 means Japan. Any guesses why? Sometimes they make sense, sometimes they don’t.

13 Put these together to make phrases. Easy-ish Ones 靴 + 下 = shoes + under = ? 学 + 長 = school + chief = ? 王 + 国 = king + country = ? Hard Ones 秘 + 密 = conceal + careful = ? 傭 + 兵 = employ + soldier = ? 麒 + 麟 = giraffe + giraffe = ?

14 inn 舎 shaseki green 緑 midori earth 土 do preserve 囲 i chief 長 chou hunt 狩 ka general (army) 将 shou learn 学 gaku path 道 dou protect 守 mamo sea 海 umi sand 砂 sa Last Year’s Portable Team Last Year’s Team B Last Year’s Team A

15 Samurai Résumé Project Are there any words you want to be included in the lists this year?

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