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 Datshon lightner 4/20/12. Pyromania is defined as a pattern of deliberate setting of fires for pleasure or satisfaction derived from the relief of tension.

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Presentation on theme: " Datshon lightner 4/20/12. Pyromania is defined as a pattern of deliberate setting of fires for pleasure or satisfaction derived from the relief of tension."— Presentation transcript:

1  Datshon lightner 4/20/12

2 Pyromania is defined as a pattern of deliberate setting of fires for pleasure or satisfaction derived from the relief of tension experienced before the fire setting. The act of having the pleasure of setting things to a flame.

3 Associated features  Fire setting among children and adolescents and pyromania in adults may be either chronic or episodic.

4 Associated features Children and adolescents  set fires frequently as a way of relieving tension  others apparently do so only during periods of unusual stress in their stress in their Adults  depressed mood  thoughts of suicide  repeated conflicts in interpersonal relationships  poor ability to cope with stress.

5 Etiology  There are two categories that pyromania can be caused witch is individual and environmental  Individual means in this case alone that you get by your self  Environmental means in this case you get it from people or pitchers around you.

6 INDIVIDUAL  Antisocial behaviors and attitudes. Adolescent firesetters have often committed other crimes, including forcible rape (11%), nonviolent sexual offenses (18%), and vandalism of property (19%).  Sensation seeking. Some youths are attracted to firesetting out of boredom and a lack of other forms of recreation.

7 INDIVIDUAL  Attention seeking. Firesetting becomes a way of provoking reactions from parents and other authorities.  Lack of social skills. Many youths arrested for firesetting are described by others as "loners" and rarely have significant friendships. Read more:

8 INDIVIDUAL  Lack of fire-safety skills and ignorance of the dangers associated with fire setting.  These are the individual parts of pyromania.

9 ENVIRONMENTAL.  Poor supervision on the part of parents and other significant adults.  Early learning experiences of watching adults use fire carelessly or inapproriately.  Parental neglect or emotional uninvolvement.

10 ENVIRONMENTAL.  Parental psychopathology.  Firesetters are significantly more likely to have been physically or sexually abused than children of similar economic or geographic backgrounds.  They are also more likely to have witnessed their parents abusing drugs or acting violently.

11 ENVIRONMENTAL  Peer pressure. Having peers who smoke or play with fire is a risk factor for a child's setting fires himself.  Stressful life events. Some children and adolescents resort to firesetting as a way of coping with crises in their lives and/or limited family support for dealing with crises.

12 Prevalence  There is a disorder that leads up to pyromania it is conduct disorder.  This disorder is a behavioral disorder you can tell if a chilled has this disorder by them.  Bullying and intimidating others. Using weapons (sticks, knives, bats or even guns) to threaten or hurt others, getting into physical altercations.

13 Prevalence continues Causing violence or harm to small animals, and even killing them. Forcing others into sexual activityviolence  Pyromania is not that common in women its more common in men.  Less then one percent of the human population was recoded to have this disorder.

14 Treatment  Since pyromania is very rare scientist are not abele to understand it more but some of the treatments that doctors suggest is problem-solving skills, anger management, communication skills, aggression replacement training, and cognitive restructuring.

15 Prognosis  The prognosis for children is hard to say because it depends on the mix of independent and environmental causes.  For adults its unknown.

16 Dsm-iv-tr  Psychiatry A disorder of impulse control which is characterized by a pattern of fire setting for pleasure, gratification, or relief of tension.  (1) The person has set fires deliberately and on purpose on more than 1 occasion (multiple episodes involved)(2) The person feels a tension or affective arousal before setting the fire(3) Fascination, interest, attraction and/or curiosity for fire making paraphernalia, fire fighting equipment or any fire-related topic(4) Pleasure, gratification, or relief may be felt(a), (5) to improve one's living circumstances, (6) in response to a delusion or hallucination, and (7) as a result of impaired judgement due to delusion or intoxication.

17 Dsm-iv-tr  when setting fires(b) while witnessing a fire(c) when participating in the aftermathExclusion criteria The fire setting cannot be better explained by another disorder (mania, antisocial personality conduct disorder, other).The fire setting is not done (1) for monetary gain–insurance etc (2) to express a sociopolitical ideology, (3) to conceal a criminal act, (4) as a conscious expression of anger or vengeance

18 References  Frey, R. J. (2012). Pyromania. Retrieved April 20, 2012, from Encyclopedia of Mental Disorders database.  Hargon,r.p and whits bournegs.k(2005).abnmolpsy:chical roerspectfon on psychological disoder. New york, mcgrowitll.

19 Discussion questions  If you knew any one with pyromania would you help them?  Why or why not?

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