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United States Coast Guard Auxiliary 1 An Introduction.

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1 United States Coast Guard Auxiliary 1 An Introduction

2 2 USCGAUX History Established by Act of Congress in 1939 Originally called USCG Reserve Renamed the Auxiliary when WWII began Four Cornerstones Member Services Recreational Boating Safety Operations & Marine Safety Fellowship

3 3 On An Average Day the Coast Guard Auxiliary will:  Complete 62.5 safety patrols  Complete 6.2 regatta patrols  Perform 10.2 vessel assists  Assist 28 people  Save 1 life  Save $341,290 in property  Participate in 100 operational support missions  Participate in 48.7 administrative support missions  Complete 13.4 recruiting support missions  Educate 369 people on boating safety  Perform 299 vessel safety checks  Attend 70 public affairs functions

4 4 Cornerstones Member Services  We match your interests with our needs  Covers areas such as public affairs, finance, computer information systems, etc. Recreational Boating Safety  Public Education  Vessel Exams  Distribution of Safety Literature  Speaker’s Bureau Operations & Marine Safety  Operations  Aviation  Communications  Marine Safety  Aids to Navigation Fellowship  Encourages close relationships, team work, and, of course, fun !!!

5 5 We’re Just Like You …. People from all walks of life are Auxiliarists. No upper age limit, no height/weight standards (although for certain positions, such as boat crew, you must be physically capable of doing the routine tasks associated with that position).

6 6 Who are our members? PlumbersRetireesButchers DoctorsMomsDads Carpenters VeteransPainters Bus DriversSalesmenBoaters Electricians Waiters Ham Operators Machinists Lawyers Police Officers AccountantsWriters Fire Fighters Cooks Candlestick Makers

7 7 Membership Almost everyone can be a member as long as they are 17 years old and a US Citizen. Must be able to pass a basic background check.

8 8 What We Do as Auxiliary Members We help save lives We teach boating safety to our communities We disburse valuable information We Augment the US Coast Guard  Surface Vessels  Watch Standing & JOOD  Chef Program  Academy Recruiting

9 9 What you can expect from the Auxiliary Personal growth in gaining skills, abilities, and knowledge A sense of pride FUN !!!.

10 10 Jobs for EVERYONE !!! As a boater – Crew or Coxswain As a retiree – Share your life learned lessons As a carpenter, electrician, or plumber – Apply your skills to our team As a teacher – Public Education or Member Training As a communicator – Radio COMMS or our Watch Stander Program – As a sales person – Public Affairs, Recruitment, or Program Affairs, Recruitment, or Program Visitor Visitor As an HR person – Personnel As an HR person – Personnel Services Services As a writer – Publications As a writer – Publications As a fire fighter or police officer As a fire fighter or police officer – use your skills to enhance our – use your skills to enhance our various programs various programs As an accountant – Finance or As an accountant – Finance or Material Services Material Services

11 11 And so much more ….. Photographer Good and Welfare (Ombudsman) Emergency Response Planning

12 12 The Coast Guard Auxiliary Members a commitment to our community, and our country You don’t have to be on the water to help the USCG Auxiliary [we have members that cannot swim !!!] When was the last time you felt a sense of pride and accomplishment in being part of a worthy cause? So much to choose from so……  WHICH MEMBER ARE YOU GOING TO BE???

13 13 QUESTIONS Contact us by phone, email, or in person THANK YOU !!!

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