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Strategic Global Business Development TWNIC Global Channel Marketing Kenny Huang Address Council, ICANN 2003.01.29.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Global Business Development TWNIC Global Channel Marketing Kenny Huang Address Council, ICANN 2003.01.29."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Global Business Development TWNIC Global Channel Marketing Kenny Huang Address Council, ICANN 2003.01.29

2 TWNIC Strategy (Assumption) Move from a “NIC” to a provider of Global Registry Services Achieve significant registration in next 2 years from global business channel Use Partners and Strategic Alliance to reach new global markets

3 Value of Channels & Alliances To reach new markets where TWNIC does not have market presence Offer “total customer” solutions through Channels and Partner Alliances” that maximize the use of TWNIC services in new markets Leverage TWNIC’s relationship with strategic partners and software suppliers to obtain reciprocal business Offer “scaleable” solutions via distributors and alternate registrars Offer web based tools that augment TWNIC’s best in class philosophy for customer services

4 Why Use Alternate Channels Access to market TWNIC do not currently address Augment “Value Proposition” by bundling TWNIC’s capabilities with third party suppliers and partners Reduce cost of new and incremental business Direct sales access into chosen markets Accelerate time to market

5 Role of Global Channel Marketing Develop, Co-ordinate and Manage Programmes that will deliver new registrations for TWNIC Work with Customer Service, Resellers, Product Development to develop key relationships with key suppliers and customers Develop Marketing and IT infrastructure to underpin new “Partners” Develop new products and services with “Partners” to access new markets

6 Partnership Philosophy Philosophy Least : Culture Simple Most : Diversified Business / Synergy Opportunities Distributors: Registries or accredited registrars Resellers: Accredited registrars

7 The Perfect Partner Profile Recognized brand and major player Acknowledged to be “best in class” Relevant customer base Established channel/partner structure Skilled sales and technical expertise Financially sound/reliable trading history Training and development culture

8 Channel Partner Selection Model Strategic Fit Business Engagement Business Engagement Skill & Resource Audit Skill & Resource Audit Marketing & Development Marketing & Development Partner Engagement Partner Engagement On-going Business Engagement On-going Business Engagement Channel and Strategic Partner 123456

9 Functional Channel Support Structure CHANNELMANAGEMENTCHANNELMANAGEMENT Marketing Support Channel Development Commercial Support Business Support Joint Marketing Plan Co-operative Marketing Marketing Fund Support Partner Website and Extranet Partner Acquisition Partner Incentive Schemes Joint Market Development Plan Pricing and Special Partner Payment Plans Commercial Contracts Partner Database Accreditation Process Training Programme Product Development Liaison Processes and Procedures

10 Way Forward Agree global channel strategy Develop tactical market plans in regions Establish list of pre-qualified prospect for each region Develop support programmes Contracts Commercial Marketing Processing Technical and customer service Proceed with develop support processes Launch global programmes

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