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© 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. This presentation is provided for the recipient only and cannot be reproduced or shared without Fair Isaac.

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1 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. This presentation is provided for the recipient only and cannot be reproduced or shared without Fair Isaac Corporation’s express consent. Accessing, Integrating, and Applying High-Volume, Highly- Variable, Real-Time Data Sources Part Two Dr. George Vaněček, Jr Product Development FICO Tom Traughber Product Development FICO

2 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Forward-Looking Statements Product roadmaps and similar marketing materials should be considered forward looking and subject to future change at FICO’s discretion. Future functionality, features or enhancements as shown are FICO’s current projections of the product direction, but are not specific commitments or obligations. 2

3 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Capabilities Decision Ready Data Validation Event Processing Normalization Unified Data Acquisition Distributed Processing Analytic Processing Visualization Identity Resolution 3 Data Sources Scheduled Batch (Pull) Continuous Stream (Push) Un-Structured Semi-Structured Structured ! Decision Consumers Data Analytic & Decisioning Solutions 3 rd Party Applications

4 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Jobs Based on Distributed Processing and Messaging … Decision Consumers Data Analytic & Decisioning Solutions 3 rd Party Applications Data Sources Scheduled Batch (Pull) Continuous Stream (Push) ! Distributed Processing Distributed Messaging Job Step Topic Job 1 n … 4

5 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Key Concepts Job Steps Job Step Developer develops Job Template Designer designs Job Templates Job Manager configures Jobs Application Developer enables Business User visualizes Topics Applications Data Sources Tenant Owner manages 5

6 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Jobs Designed For Rapid Development and Ease of Use JOB STEPS ► Self Describing ► Reusable ► Configurable ► Schedulable ► Do-it-Yourself ► Can be Parallelized ► Sharable JOBS ► Templatized and Configurable ► Data Source Attachable ► Compiled from Specifications ► Always-on ► Suspendable ► Protected ► Trackable 6 Benefits and Features

7 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. ► Web UI supports users interactions, such as job editing and management ► API/Web Server provides services to support the Web UI ► Database stores tenant information, catalogs, job specifications and meta-data ► Distributed Processing Cluster processes jobs ► Distributed Messaging Cluster maintain topics reliably ► Distributed Configuration Manager manages the processing and messaging clusters ► Staging Area provides temporary storage for batch and intermediate data files Key Architectural Components DB Staging Area External Identity Provider Web UI Logs Distributed Messaging Cluster Topic Distributed Processing Cluster Distributed Configuration Manager Value-Add Services API/Web Server Applications Data Source 7

8 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. ► FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform’s deployment configuration scales ► From All-in-One single VM or dedicated Server, ► To fully distributed Multi-Server Cluster ► Size depends on expected worst-cases of ► Message Sizes ► Job Composition ► Volume ► Velocity ► Max size? Deployment Size Configuration Based on Need 8 Small Multi-server cluster Medium Multi-server cluster Transaction per Second (TPS) Number of Processing and Messaging Servers 1 10K n2n2n 100K 1M All-in-one Single VM

9 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Use Cases 9 Improve Customer Experience Increase Market Share Reduce CostsRespond Faster

10 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. … ► GOAL ► Improve front-line customer decisions, case management while maintaining compliance ► CONSIDERATIONS ► Real-time collection of data from customer interactions ► Augment and correlate with other internal or external data in real-time ► Current decisions are determined in batch with long latencies from initial customer interaction 1 - Real-Time Customer Experience Monitoring 10 3 rd Party Applications

11 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Processing 1.Consume the distinct data sources in real-time within one or more jobs 2.Save the raw events for later analysis in Big Data technologies like Hadoop 3.Determine business events from the raw events with decision technology from FICO ® Decision Management Platform 4.Save the business events in noSQL technologies like Cassandra rings for other application use 5.Visualize the business events through topics in a dashboard Real-Time Customer Experience Monitoring FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Distributed Messaging Cluster Topic Distributed Processing Cluster Job Dashboard FICO ® Decision Management Platform 11 Cassandra Hadoop

12 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Job Pattern Real-Time Customer Experience Monitoring Job Ingest Link Norm Valid HDFS TopicSave Detect FICO ® Decision Management Platform Ingest 12453 1.Use the appropriate protocol and format job steps to ingest the data 2.Correlate, normalize and validate the event data with those job steps 3.Save the raw events in Hadoop using HDFS job step 4.Detect business events using service call to FICO ® Decision Management Platform 5.Save the business events using topic and Cassandra job steps Post 12 Application Cassandra Hadoop

13 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Requirements ► Access to real-time data sources of relevant customer events ► Infrastructure to hold and analyze the raw and business events Benefits ► Accelerates the responsiveness of customer actions ► Ensures compliance of actions to policies ► Enables timely supervised analysis of events to improve customer actions ► Gain early insight to patterns through real-time visualization Real-Time Customer Experience Monitoring 13

14 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. ► GOAL ► Reduce impact of outages, risk, losses and inefficiency ► CONSIDERATIONS ► Many devices and infrastructure components with vulnerabilities and potential for failures ► Current fault and vulnerability detection is contained in siloes ► Costs are escalating due to faults and vulnerabilities 2 - Operational Intelligence ! 14

15 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Processing 1.Consume the distinct data sources in real-time within one or more jobs 2.Extract relevant information from the data sources 3.Generate correlations and linkages between the events leveraging network persistence in noSQL technologies like Couchbase 4.Detect anomalies worth attention 5.Visualize the anomalies through topics in a dashboard Operational Intelligence FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Distributed Messaging Cluster Topic Distributed Processing Cluster Job Dashboard FICO ® Decision Management Platform 15 Couchbase

16 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Job Pattern Operational Intelligence Job Ingest Link Extract Topic Detect FICO ® Decision Management Platform Ingest 12453 1.Use the appropriate protocol and format job steps to ingest the data 2.Extract the relevant information from unstructured data using text analysis job steps 3.Augment linkage networks with network relationship job step 4.Detect anomalies using service call to FICO ® Decision Management Platform for outlier detection 5.Save the anomalous events using topic job steps Extract 16 Couchbase

17 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Requirements ► Requires access to real-time devices/components in the infrastructure ► Requires infrastructure to hold and manage the linkage networks Benefits ► Accelerates the detection of faults and vulnerabilities ► Extracts information from unstructured data to provide deeper meaning ► Integrates events to catch correlations for more comprehensive coverage ► Gain early insight to anomalies through real-time visualization Operational Intelligence 17

18 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. ► GOAL ► Customer-focused real-time marketing in response to customer actions ► CONSIDERATIONS ► Many channels for customer interaction, including 3rd party sources ► Reduce long latencies from initial customer engagement by driving personalized, relevant actions in real-time. ► Improve customer growth and retention Sense and Respond Marketing 18

19 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Processing 1. Consume the distinct data sources in real-time within one or more jobs 2. Link related sources by ID 3. Normalize and validate the incoming data 4. Augment the data with product and customer data 5. Send the information to campaign management system to respond to the events 6. Visualize the event data to spot early trends to adjust campaign rules Sense and Respond Marketing FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Distributed Messaging Cluster Topic Distributed Processing Cluster Job Dashboard CRM Campaign Management ID 19

20 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Job Pattern Sense and Respond Marketing Job Ingest Link Norm Topic Post Campaign Management Ingest 12453 1.Use the appropriate protocol and format job steps to ingest the data 2.Link related data using identity resolution job step 3.Normalize and validate the data with the corresponding job steps 4.Augment the data with additional metadata (e.g. customer data) 5.Send the information to campaign management and topic with respective job steps Fetch Valid CRM ID Ingest 20

21 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Requirements ► Requires access to real-time customer data ► Access to other relevant sources of data, e.g. customer data ► Requires infrastructure to hold and manage the identity resolution data Benefits ► Increases the responsiveness of marketing actions ► Integrates information to provide a more comprehensive view of the customer ► Gain early insight to customer behavior through real-time visualization Sense and Respond Marketing 21

22 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. The FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform: A Unique Combination of Capabilities Leverage the right data in your decisions Narrow the gap between data generation and decision execution Re-usability improves time-to-value Allows rapid development and deployment with libraries of job steps Works with existing data sources, applications, and infrastructure Unifies and simplifies Big Data access and automation 22

23 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. This presentation is provided for the recipient only and cannot be reproduced or shared without Fair Isaac Corporation’s express consent. Thank You! 23 George Vanecek (408) 535-1541 Tom Traughber (512) 532-3553

24 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Learn More at FICO World Related Sessions ► Using Data to Improve Consumer Touchpoints ► FICO Big Data Analyzer: Exploring and Discovering Insights from All Your Data Products in Solution Center ► FICO ® Data Management Integration Platform Experts at FICO World ► Shalini Raghavan ► George Vanecek ► Tom Traughber Blogs ► 24

25 © 2014 Fair Isaac Corporation. Confidential. Please rate this session online! George Vanecek (408) 535-1541 Tom Traughber (512) 532-3553 25


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