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Science-TEK Subcommittee Updates and Discussion Steering Committee Mtg. April 24, 2014 Frank Shipley – Chair S-TEK Subcommittee Mary Mahaffy – Science.

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Presentation on theme: "Science-TEK Subcommittee Updates and Discussion Steering Committee Mtg. April 24, 2014 Frank Shipley – Chair S-TEK Subcommittee Mary Mahaffy – Science."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science-TEK Subcommittee Updates and Discussion Steering Committee Mtg. April 24, 2014 Frank Shipley – Chair S-TEK Subcommittee Mary Mahaffy – Science Coordinator Tom Miewald – Data Manager

2 S-TEK Related Topics: USGS Support to the NPLCC – Frank Shipley S-TEK Activity Updates (other than below topics) – Frank Shipley 2014 S-TEK Implementation Plan Projects – Mary Mahaffy New solicited proposals Continuation of on-going priorities Recommended final approval process Conservation Planning Atlas – Tom Miewald NPLCC Conservation Goals – John Mankowski and Mary Mahaffy

3 USGS Support: Part-time Assistant Science Coordinator Jill Hardiman - Fisheries Biologist, USGS Columbia River Fisheries Research Lab Primary responsibilities include – Assists with: Project tracking system Review project data management plans Project peer review process Assessing and enhancing use and relevance of deliverables Developing a framework for continual adaptive learning for program- scale response to climate change based on the totality of project findings Updates to interactive climate map (currently under development)

4 Progress being made on: Project Management and Accountability Practices Document S-TEK Subcommittee discussion and input Draft will be provided in early June for Steering Committee discussion and consideration for adoption in July 2015/2016 Implementation Plan Under development by S-TEK Subcommittee Consistent with 4 year S-TEK Strategy Homework will be provided prior to July Steering Committee meeting for discussion on priority focuses to include in Implementation Plan

5 2014 Implementation Plan Table 2 (part) Priority Topics Likely Funding Mechanism 1. Augment, integrate, and share existing S-TEK data and information Salary/Agreement/ Contract 1.1 Conservation Planning Atlas (1 ongoing project) 1.5 Partner Forums (Cascadia) (1 ongoing project) - Interactive Climate Map (communication tool) (1 ongoing project) All 2. Align and coordinate the delivery of Science and TEK with decision-maker needs RFP 2.5 Synthesize information existing work ( evaluated - none proposed )B, C or E 3. Identify S-TEK information necessary to support large- scale planning and management efforts Agreement/ Contract 4. Incorporate climate information into line management activities RFP 4.2 Habitat conserv. & restoration planning ( evaluated –none proposed) B or E 4.4 Planning and adaptation actions (4 proposed given funding)Any Science/TEK Strategy Implementation Plan – Current Funding Recommendations

6 All Actions – Work with Decision-makers Action 2.5 Synthesize information existing work related to species, ecosystem or ecosystem service/characteristic in different geographic locations to inform common factors affecting that resource across a broader geography and issues that may be unique to that one geography. (Priority Topics: B, C or E) Action 4.2 Assist with incorporating climate change info into habitat restoration, adaptation or enhancement (Priority Topics: B or E) Action 4.4 Assist with incorporating climate change information into natural resource management through linking actions to key climate impacts, vulnerabilities or adaptation options. (Priority Topics: Any) Fall 2013 Request for Pre-Proposals Actions

7 Action2.54.24.4Total # Pre-proposals19 2260 Distribution NPLCC4116 AK3137 BC45918 WA66820 OR79521 CA64111 Tribes/First Nations14914 FY 2014 Pre-Proposals 8 Invited Full Proposals

8 Proposal Review: Total 17 reviewers 5 – 8 reviewers for each project S-TEK Subcommittee and outside technical reviewers Recommendations: 1 project fund now 3 projects potentially fund (may have funding for 2) 4 projects do not fund this year

9 Recommended Project to Fund: Lead Agency: WDFW Lead PI: Quinn Geographic Area: WA Title: Applied Case Study to integrate climate change science into culvert design for WDFW& Partners Cost: $44,821 Objectives: 1) Translate available hydrologic projections derived from downscaled climate projections into metrics used in design fish passage structures, and 2) Map decision pathways to indicate where and how to incorporate climate information Proposal Addition Needed: Coordination with similar NPS/UW efforts

10 Projects to Potentially Fund: Lead Agency: Coastal Douglas-fir and Associated Conservation Partnership Lead PI: Arcese (Nature Trust of B.C.) Geographic Area: B.C./WA/OR Title: Cross Boundary planning for resilience and restoration of Endangered Oak savanna and Coastal Douglas-fir Forest Ecosystems Cost: $50,059 Objectives: 1) Synthesize existing regional models of invasive/native species distribution, ecosystem mapping, forest age & climate change to deliver GIS tools to prioritize land acquisition & conservation investment, and 2) integrate tools with US partners to facilitate cross-boundary planning Questions for PIs: How all identified tasks will be completed, clarify methods, questions on coordination and engagement

11 Projects to Potentially Fund: Lead Agency: Nooksack Tribe Lead PI: Grah Geographic Area: WA Title: Climate Change Impacts on Nooksack River Hydrology Cost: $50,000 Objectives: 1) Inform salmon habitat restoration actions, 2) Conduct a vulnerability assessment, 3) Prepare an adaptation plan that can be directly integrated into management practices Questions for PIs: Not clear how TEK incorporated and how methods are transfered to other Tribes

12 Projects to Potentially Fund: Lead Agency: USFS Lead PI: Peterson Geographic Area: OR Title: Implementing Climate-smart resource management across multiple ownerships in SW OR Cost: $49,561 Objectives: 1) Implement recommendations from Rogue Basin Action Plan for resource management and planning, 2) link key vulnerabilities with specific adaptation strategies and tactics, 3) link adaptation with restoration, planning, and resource monitoring programs Questions for PIs: Transferability of approach to other areas

13 Projects Not Recommended for Funding in 2014: Lead AgencyLead PIAreaTitleAction BC FLNROFloydBC/AKStream discharge, snow-cover, soil drainage & yellow-cedar decline in NPLCC (BC and SE AK) Proposal discussion w/ PIs & AK CSC Cascadia Geosciences LeroyCAEffects of relative sea level changes and storms on the Humboldt Bay Estuary Proposal discussion w/ PIs & SW CSC PSUNielsen- Pincus ORIncorporating climate change into compliance based Riparian restoration initiative investment planning Proposal discussion w/PIs – innovative project DU CanadaHarrisonBCModeling the effects of sea level rise to prioritize BC estuaries for conservation Project too localized

14 2014 Implementation Plan Table 2 (part) Priority Topics Likely Funding Mechanism 1. Augment, integrate, and share existing S-TEK data and information Salary/Agreement/ Contract 1.1 Conservation Planning Atlas (Ongoing project)- $25K (completed) 1.5 Partner Forums (Cascadia) (Ongoing project)- $6.5K - Interactive Climate Map (Ongoing project) - $15K to $25K All $47K - $57K 2. Align and coordinate the delivery of Science and TEK with decision-maker needs RFP 2.5 Synthesize information existing work ( evaluated - none proposed )B, C or E 3. Identify S-TEK information necessary to support large- scale planning and management efforts Agreement/ Contract 4. Incorporate climate information into line management activities RFP 4.2 Habitat conserv. & restoration planning ( evaluated –none proposed) B or E 4.4 Planning and adaptation actions (4 proposed given funding)Any $150K - $200K Science/TEK Strategy Implementation Plan – Current New Funding Recommendations

15 Next Steps: Current funding decisions – propose using process set up last year: Concerns about any recommended funding actions shared with Ad Hoc Steering Committee (comprised of Co-chairs, S- TEK Subcommittee Chair) by May 8, 2014 Ad Hoc Steering Committee consider any feedback and approve recommendations if no concerns raised

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