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Assessing the Veracity of Identity Assertions via OSNs Michael Sirivianos Telefonica Research Telefonica Researchwith: Kyunbaek Kim (UC Irvine), Jian W.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing the Veracity of Identity Assertions via OSNs Michael Sirivianos Telefonica Research Telefonica Researchwith: Kyunbaek Kim (UC Irvine), Jian W."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing the Veracity of Identity Assertions via OSNs Michael Sirivianos Telefonica Research Telefonica Researchwith: Kyunbaek Kim (UC Irvine), Jian W. Gan (TellApart), Xiaowei Yang (Duke University) Xiaowei Yang (Duke University)

2 Leveraging Social Trust to address a tough problem Assessing the credibility of identity statements made by web users

3 Why Social Trust?  It requires effort to built up social relationships:  The social graph can be used to defeat Sybils  Online Social Networks (OSN) help users to organize and manage their social contacts  Easy to augment the OSN UI, with features that allow users to declare who they trust and and by how much

4 An online world without identity credentials makes determining who and what to believe difficult She wants me to prove I am not a dog 


6 How can ``Merkin’’ convince us that he is a chef?

7  Trustworthy online communication:  Dating websites, Craigslist, eBay transactions first contact in OSNs  ``I work in...”, ``I am an honest seller”, ``My name is ” Access control  Age-restricted sites: ``I am over 18 years old’’ More Motivating Scenarios  We need a new online identity verification primitive that:  enables users to post assertions about their identity  informs online users and services on whether they should trust a user’s assertions  preserves the anonymity of the user that posts the assertion  does not require strong identity or infrastructure changes

8 Our Approach  Crowd-vetting  Employ friend feedback (tags) to determine whether an online user’s assertion is credible  A new application of OSNs and user-feedback  OSNs have so far been used to block spam (Re:, Ostra) and for Sybil-resilient online voting (Sumup)  User-feedback has so far been used for recommendations (Yelp, Amazon, YouTube, eBay etc) Our main contribution lies in combining OSNs and user feedback to provide credible assertions

9 Our Solution: FaceTrust  Online social network users tag their friends’ identity assertions  OSN providers issue web-based credentials on a user’s assertions using his friends’ feedback  bind the assertion to a measure of its credibility  for not very critical applications, but they can help users or services make informed decisions  Uses trust inference to prevent manipulation

10 Social Tagging  A Facebook app ``with a purpose’’  Users post assertions on their OSN profiles:  e.g., “Am I really over 18 years old?”  Friends tag those assertions as TRUE or FALSE



13 An Amazon review example  I want to write a scathing review for Sergei’s book  I want to prove that I am indeed a CS researcher, thus my review is authoritative and readers can take it seriously  I don’t want Sergei to know I wrote the review  Amazon’s ``Real Name’’ is not an option



16  We aim at determining the ground truth on identity assertions  We assume that user beliefs reflect the ground truth

17  Because user feedback is not fully reliable, we provide a credibility measure in 0-100% that should correlate strongly with the truth  We refer to this measure as Assertion Veracity  Verifiers can use thresholds suggested by the OSN provider, e.g., accept as true if > 50%

18 Outline  How to defend against colluders and Sybils?  Manipulation-resistant assertion veracity  Trust inference  OSN-issued web-based credentials  Unforgeable credentials  Anonymous and unlinkable credentials  Evaluation

19 Our Non-manipulability Objective  It should be difficult for dishonest users to post assertions that appear true  Ensure that honest users can post assertions that appear true

20 Veracity values should be informative  The veracity values should correlate strongly with the truth.  If an assertion has higher veracity than another → the assertion is more likely to be true  Useful for devices/users that have prior experience with the system and know the veracity values of known true assertions

21 Manipulation-resistant Assertion Veracity  User j posts an assertion. Only his friend i can tag the assertion  Use weighted average of tags d ij by friends i on j’s assertion  If TRUE, d ij = +1. If FALSE d ij = -1  j’s assertion veracity = max(  i w i  d ij /  i w i, 0) Tags weighted by w i FALSE tags matter more To defend against colluders that have low weight: if  i w i < M, assertion veracity = 0

22 Tagger Trustworthiness  Each tagger i is assigned a tagger trustworthiness score assertion veracity = max(  i w i  d ij /  i w i, 0)  Trust inference analyzes the social graph of taggers and their tagging history Tagger credibility derived via Trust Inference

23 Trust Inference via the Social Graph  Honest users tend to befriend honest users  each edge in the social graph implies trust  Annotate trust edges by tagging similarity:  History-defined similarity = #same-tags / #common-tags e.g., if 2 friends have tagged the same 2 assertions of a common friend and agree on only 1 tag, they have 50% similarity  linearly combine history- and user-defined similarity (``Do I honestly tag my friends?”) Difficult for Sybils to establish similarity-annotated trust edge with honest users

24 Our Trust Inference Problem  Dishonest users may employ Sybils  Dishonest users can try to build up high similarity with their honest friends  The input is the trust graph G(V, E)  V are the users in the social network  E are directed friend connections annotated by tagging similarity  The output is the tagger trustworthiness of users

25 .. Similarity-annotated Trust Graph s1 u2u3u4 100%75%50% 80% 100% u2. Honest region Trust Seed Honest node Dishonest node Attack edge Sybil node Dishonest region  How to translate this trust graph into tagger trustworthiness values for all users?  Plethora of prior work on trust inference Tagging similarity Sybil nodes 100%  The trust inference method determines how trust propagates from trusted seed to users  The closer and the better connected the dishonest user is to the trust seed, the greater the trust it can obtain  Having multiple trust seeds reduces the trust a dishonest user can obtain by focusing on a seed  We need a Sybil-resilient trust inference method  the trust dishonest users and Sybils can obtain should be limited by edges connecting them to honest region Bottleneck

26 MaxTrust  We transform the similarity-annotated trust graph into a single-source/single-sink flow graph  The cost of computation should not increase with the number of trusted seeds  Unlike Advogato, cost of MaxTrust’s max-flow heuristic is independent of the number of seeds O(Tmax |E| log |V|)  The tagger trustworthiness of a user is 0 ≤ w i ≤ Tmax in increments of 1

27 Outline  How to defend against colluders and Sybils?  Manipulation-resistant assertion veracity  Sybil-resilient trust inference  OSN-issued web-based credentials  Unforgeable credentials  Anonymous and unlinkable credentials  Evaluation  Introducing social trust to collaborative spam mitigation

28 OSN-issued credentials  Issued by the OSN provider:  {assertion type, assertion, assertion veracity}  Simple and web-based  Easy to parse by human users with no need to understand cryptographic tools [``Why Johnny can’t Encrypt’’, Security 99]  XML web API to enable online services to read credentials


30  Unforgeable credentials  the user binds the credential to the context he is issuing it for. Thus, no user can reuse it in another context



33  Anonymous credentials  as long as OSN provider is trusted and the assertion does not contain personally identifiable info  Unlinkable credentials  as long as the user does not list it along with his other credentials and he creates a new credential for each distinct verifier

34 Effectiveness Simulation How well do credibility scores correlate with the truth?  Can the design withstand dishonest user tagging and Sybil attacks?  Evaluating the effectiveness of trust inference in our setting:  user feedback weighted by trust derived from the social graph and tagging history

35 Veracity is reliable under Sybils  50% of users is honest. Veracity of true assertions is substantially higher than veracity of dishonest  The number of Sybils does not affect it

36 Facebook Deployment  Do users tag?  Is the UI sufficiently intuitive and attractive?  Do users tag honestly?  Does trust inference work in real life?  Measure average veracity of a’ priori known true and false assertions  Data set  395-user Facebook AIR social graph  14575 tags, 5016 assertions, 2410 social connections

37 Users tag honestly  Veracity correlates strongly with the truth  Real users tag mostly honestly

38 FaceTrust contributions  A solution to the problem of identity verification in non-critical online settings  crowd-vetting through social tagging  trust inference for attack resistance  simple, lightweight web-based credentials with optional anonymity and unlinkability.  Deployment of our social tagging and credential issuing front-ends  collection of real user tagging data  proof of feasibility

39 Thank You! Facebook application “Am I Really?” at: Questions?

40 The bar for the non-manipulability of user-feedback-based systems is low  Plain majority voting  Weighted majority voting  reduces the weight of votes submitted by friends, but easily manipulable with Sybils Yet users still rely on them to make informed decisions

41 Threat Model  Dishonest users  tag as TRUE the dishonest assertions posted by colluding dishonest users  create Sybils that tag their dishonest assertions as TRUE  tag as TRUE the honest assertions posted by honest users to build trust with honest users  Sybils, which are friends only with dishonest users, post assertions, which cannot be voted FALSE (Sybil assertion poster attack)

42 Assumptions  Honest users  tag correctly to the best of their knowledge  when they tag the same assertions, their tags mostly match  most of their friends will not tag their honest assertions as FALSE  do not indiscriminately add friends

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