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Vocabulary Week 10/18-10/22 Quiz 10/22.  Appease (verb) – to bring to a state of peace  Augment (verb) – to make larger; enlarge in size  Candid (adj.)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Week 10/18-10/22 Quiz 10/22.  Appease (verb) – to bring to a state of peace  Augment (verb) – to make larger; enlarge in size  Candid (adj.)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Week 10/18-10/22 Quiz 10/22

2  Appease (verb) – to bring to a state of peace  Augment (verb) – to make larger; enlarge in size  Candid (adj.) – straightforward  Diffident (adj.) – lacking confidence in one’s own ability  Expunge (verb) – erase; wipe out or destroy  Extol (verb) – to praise highly  Inexorable (adj.) – unchangeable; not to be persuaded  Ostensible (adj.) – evident; conspicuous; obvious  Rancor (noun) – bitter; hatred; malice  Strident (adj.) – having an irritating quality or character

3 Tuesday 10/19 Fold your paper into 12 boxes. In the first box write your name in MLA format. In each of the remaining boxes, write a vocabulary word and its part of speech at the top and draw a picture of the MOST IMPORTANT word of the definition. In the last box write a sentence about Halloween using any word you would like. AppeaseAugmentCandid DiffidentExpungeExtol InexorableOstensibleRancor Strident

4 Wednesday 20/Thursday 21 Complete the Crossword Puzzle Hand Out. Don’t forget, you have a quiz Friday!!

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