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Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas.

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Presentation on theme: "Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas

2 Rural Electrification and Role of Solar (PV) Systems; The Household Electrification Project (HEP) and the Rural Electrification Project (RPP) Small – Scale Gasifiers; Biogas

3 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas The O-Ilaw and BEP (1999; 2001) Designed to address the goal of providing electric power to all barangays nationwide (41,995 in remote locations). As of Dec. 31, 2010, 99.89% have been energized. Goals: - Improve quality of life; - Better access to rural development; - Stimulate socio-economic growth in rural areas;

4 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Technology Options for Rural Electrification Solar Home Systems Solar Battery Charging Systems (BCS) NOTE: One system services 10 households

5 Solar – Wind Hybrid Battery Charging Systems Photovoltaic Pumping Systems (PVP) Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Technology Options for Rural Electrification

6 Solar Mini – Grid Pangan-an Mini Grid 45 Kwp Clients – 200 houses Solar – Diesel Hybrid Power Plant Malaguicay, Abuyog, Leyte PV Array – 7 Kwp Diesel – 10 KVA Clients – 150 houses Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Technology Options for Rural Electrification

7 Grid- Connected PV Power Plant Cagayan de Oro Grid Connected PV Plant Installed Capacity – 1.25 Mwp Daily Production – 4,100 kwh Serving 770 houses Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Technology Options for Rural Electrification

8 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Barangay Electrification Partners in the Visayas Renewable Energy Management Bureau – DOE (EUMB-DOE) Phil. National Oil Company (PNOC) Dept. of Interior & Local Gov’t. (DILG – MSIP) Aus – Aid (MSIP) ADB (8 barangays in Negros Occ.) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Kingdom of Belgium GTZ Power Bureau – DOE Distribution Utilities Independent Power Producers NGO’s, e.g. World Vision & Philgerfund Affiliated Renewable Energy Centers (AREC)

9 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Issues & Problems Communities need to be fully capacitated to maintain their systems; Given the high initial cost of the system, gov’t. subsidy is still needed; Some replacement components are not readily available or, as in the case of some batteries, not reliable; The low power capacity of the installed systems precludes the use of household appliances, unless these are upgraded for the purpose; Most systems installed depended largely on aid funding

10  These two are expansion programs to augment the BEP;  Target : Sitios situated far from the grid (between 2 – 5 km) and have not availed of the BEP;  Implemented in partnership with Distribution Utilities (DU);  Counterpart funding of P 1,000 from HH + P 150 – 250 monthly fee; Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas HEP (EUMB) and RPP (PB)

11 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas HEP (EUMB) and RPP (PB) HEP System : one (1) 30 Wp Solar Panel good for three (3) 3 – watt LED lights; RPP System : one (1) 50Wp Solar panel good for two (2) 3 – watt LED + provision for DC-TV (preferably LCD) HEP initially targetted 14 sitios (370 HH) in 2010;

12 Physicist Roland Go Innovator Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Gasifier

13 WOODGAS ICE PLANT Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Gasifier

14 Reactor and Cornmill Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Gasifier

15 BIOMASS MULTICAB with ELECTRIC GENERATOR Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Gasifier

16 Benefits: source of energy (methane); reduction of gas emissions which contribute to global warming through methane capture (methane is 21 times more potent than CO2 as a pollutive gas) protects ground water acquifers from leachates arising from livestock waste, e.g., poultry & hogs; biodegraded waste & wastewater are utilized in farms as organic fertilizer and pest repellants Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas

17 As a source of energy, a cubic meter of biogas has the following equivalents:  0.454 Kg of LPG (1 LPG = 11.0 Kg)  0.52 Liter of Diesel Fuel  0.80Liter of Gasoline  0.62Liter of Kerosene  0.60Liter of Crude Oil  1.10Liter of Alcohol  1.50Cubic Meter of Natural Gas  1.40Kgs of Charcoal  4.70Kw-Hr of Electricity  3.47Kgs of Firewood  0.43Kg of Butane  12.30 Kgs of Cattle Dung Cake Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas

18 For small backyard livestock, biogas provides energy for domestic needs Capacity Digester Size (m 3 ) Gas Production Equivalent LPG/Month Hogs CattleDaily (m 3 /day) Monthly (m 3 /mo) 4-12 3 4.0 0.5-1.515-452.11 Tank 12-18 6 6.0 1.5-2.545-753.16 Tank 18-24 10 8.0 2.5-3.575-1054.22 Tank 24-30 20 10.0 3.5-4.5105-1355.27 Tank Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas

19 For Commercial Farms, Methane is Translated Into Power Generation (25Kw); Or Industrial (Thermal) Application Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas

20 Up and Coming Methane Power Plant (Madridejos, Bantayan Island, Cebu) Targetted Capacity : 500 Kw Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas

21 Small-Scale Alternative Energy Options & Projects for Rural (Remote) Areas Other Potential Energy Sources Biogas Up and Coming Methane Power Plant (Madridejos, Bantayan Island, Cebu) Targetted Capacity : 500 Kw


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