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Organization and Program. Special Needs Unit project Target:  Advocacy and campaign for the implementation of education policy and disability policy,

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Presentation on theme: "Organization and Program. Special Needs Unit project Target:  Advocacy and campaign for the implementation of education policy and disability policy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Organization and Program

2 Special Needs Unit project Target:  Advocacy and campaign for the implementation of education policy and disability policy, lobbying to provincial Ministers (2012-2015)  15 MOU for 15 special Needs units - between ASNN and Zonal Directors of Education (2012)  Mainstreaming of at least 10% of 236 children to regular school (20% for 2013-2015)  Provide centre and school-based vocational training to: 18 children ages 17&18 and 20 children ages 14 to 17 (2012)

3 Special Needs Unit project Teachers Training Target:  24 training (reference; curriculum 2012)  Sign language training in collaboration with National disability Network in Sri Lanka (2012)  2 Educational trip to best centres in Sri Lanka  Monitoring and internal evaluation (2012)  Project evaluation and impact assessment (by external evaluator 2012)  Implementation of ASNN accessibility minimum standard (2012-2015)

4 Social Network Poverty Alleviation project Target:  Capacity building and expanding number of livelihood beneficiaries  Project monitoring and evaluation  Hiring of personnel to manage the project

5 Social Network Target:  Establish and develop more partners; NGO’s, government Ministry and community-based organizations.  Resource mobilization – to augment Network’s income.  Celebrate children’s day, ASNN day, disability day and other special celebration related to children and disability.  Establish and develop CBR focal point (2012-2015)

6 Special clinic project Target:  Public advocacy on disability prevention and causes, and child management  Improve accessibility in health services and equipping assistive devices in clinics  Strengthening the capacity of the health/clinic staff  Monitoring and evaluation


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