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Radcomms2014 Spectrum Review. A pre mobile world = telephony At home At work On the move And then…….

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Presentation on theme: "Radcomms2014 Spectrum Review. A pre mobile world = telephony At home At work On the move And then……."— Presentation transcript:

1 Radcomms2014 Spectrum Review

2 A pre mobile world = telephony At home At work On the move And then…….

3 How things have changed !

4 25 YEARS - wow - what a ride…..

5 …..and the pace of change is accelerating Wearables

6 Waves of evolution Ericsson

7 Internet of things / everything

8 Meeting customer demand for quality user experiences with latest generation mobile devices, apps and services depends on industry investing $billions in: latest generation technologies network infrastructure and radio-frequency spectrum Infrastructure Challenges

9 Spectrum Review  Productivity – Innovation – Regulatory Reform  Customer Focus  Case Studies – learn from the past  Staged approach – start with a stocktake  Managing Change – flexibility and certainty  Case for fundamental reform

10 Thank you


12 Mobile History in Australia 3G CDMA GSM AMPS First fully automatic mobile system Australian Mobile Subscriptions (Millions) 30 25 20 15 10 4G 1981 1987 1993 1999 2000 2003 2007 2011 20122013

13 Productivity gains: $12-17 billion by 2025 Reverse decline in productivity growth 2013 Mobile Nation Deloitte Access Economics Mobile Nation

14 Towards 50 Billion Connections Fixed 400 Million Households Today 5 Billion Subscribers Mobile Full Service Broadband Tomorrow 50 Billion Devices Source: Ericsson

15 Mobile Data Traffic

16 Mobile Telecommunications Network Infrastructure Currently 18,000 radio sites 3,000 in feasibility, planning or acquisition at any one time Network deployment activity to expand and augment capacity and coverage can also raise community concern Public concerns can exist in relation to: –Visual amenity –Electromagnetic Energy - EME –Deployment consultation with community

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