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Office of the Vice President for Research Supporting your Research and Scholarship Dr. Jeff Seemann Vice President for Research 860-486-3621 |

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Presentation on theme: "Office of the Vice President for Research Supporting your Research and Scholarship Dr. Jeff Seemann Vice President for Research 860-486-3621 |"— Presentation transcript:

1 Office of the Vice President for Research Supporting your Research and Scholarship Dr. Jeff Seemann Vice President for Research 860-486-3621 | We Can Help!

2 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research UConn Research The Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) plays a central role in the continuing success and development of the faculty’s research, scholarship, and creative endeavors through its leadership and provision of service activities in the broad areas of Research Development, Technology Commercialization and Research Administration. The goal of the OVPR is to help make UConn one of the nation’s top 10 public research universities by 2020 as a result of supporting its faculty’s profound positive impact on the quality of the human condition in Connecticut, the nation, and the world. research UNLEASHED

3 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Need to Find Money? We Can Help! Funding Databases Community of Science (COS) Pivot and InfoEd SPIN Search a database of current funding opportunities Share funding opportunities with colleagues Setup and receive funding opportunity alerts Identify collaborators within/outside UConn based on expertise and publication information How to access (Pivot) //In//In (SPIN) Need Help? Pivot Steve Batt, 486-6128 SPIN Khamis Abu-Hasaballah, 486-4247

4 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Looking for UConn Funding & Research Support? Internal Funding Programs Research Excellence Program (REP) Scholarship Facilitation Fund (SSF) CHIP Seed Grant Program Faculty Travel Program Grant Development Services Grant writing workshops Proposal development & submission support Research Centers & Institutes Biotechnology & Bioservices Center (BBC) Center for Health Intervention & Prevention (CHIP) Center for Environmental Sciences & Engineering (CESE) Need Help? Michelle Williams, 486-6760 We Can Help!

5 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Trying to Get a Grant? Trusted advice and guidance in research administration Proposal review and institutional signature Contract & award negotiation, setup, management, billing and closeout Effort reporting, export control & financial conflict of interest matters We Can Help! Need Help? Mike Glasgow, 486-3619 Sponsored Program Services

6 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Working with Human Subjects, Recombinant DNA and/or Animals? Research Compliance Services (RCS) and Environmental Health & Safety (EHS) are here to help you succeed with research: Institutional Review Board (IRB) Institutional Biosafety Committee (IBC) Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee(IACUC) Radiation Safety Committee (RSC) Laboratory Safety Committee (LSC) Providing consultative services and training Engage RCS & EHS early to avoid unnecessary research delays Need Help? RCS: Nancy Wallach, 486-8802 EHS: Terence Monahan, 486-3613 terence We Can Help!

7 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Trying to Work with Industry? UConn researchers bring unique expertise, enthusiastic graduate students and leading edge equipment to solve industry’s research and development challenges. UConn has many successful research programs with industry partners (UTC, Pratt &Whitney, GE, Comcast) among many others. UConn can be flexible on business and legal terms that matter to industry--payments, intellectual property, confidentiality. In some cases, a researcher may wish to consult individually with a company (see for details) Need Help? Andrew Zehner, 486-1339 We Can Help!

8 Office of the Vice President for Research Office of the Vice President for Research Need Help with Technology Commercialization? We Can Help! Ideation Identification of Intellectual Property (IP) Industry Exposure IP Protection Market Validation Entrepreneurial Education Proof of Concept Support Startup Advice and Creation Commercializa- tion Funding Technology Licensing Product Research Services All Along the Innovation Continuum -- Lab to Market Need Help? Ali Andalibi 486-3001

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