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Liz Du Pre & Dr Fiona Zinovieff Miles Dyslexia Centre.

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Presentation on theme: "Liz Du Pre & Dr Fiona Zinovieff Miles Dyslexia Centre."— Presentation transcript:

1 Liz Du Pre & Dr Fiona Zinovieff Miles Dyslexia Centre

2 In teams 3 rounds Round 1 - Dyslexia General Knowledge Round 2 - Difficulties and Challenges Round 3 – Trouble shooting / solutions The answers will be given at the end of rounds 1 and 3

3 Is dyslexia related to someone’s level of ‘general intelligence’?

4 True or False? Two dyslexic people may have very different profiles of strengths and weaknesses

5 Dyslexia is a syndrome: its not just about reading and spelling List three other typical difficulties associated with dyslexia

6 Can dyslexia be cured?

7 Richard Branson Steven Spielberg Cher Jamie Oliver Tom Cruise Thomas Edison Henry Ford Steve Jobs (Apple) Guy Ritchie Orlando Bloom Richard Rodgers Steven Redgrave Eddie Izzard Robbie Williams Scott Quinnell Theo Paphitis (Dragons Den) Walt Disney Keira Knightley Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) Agatha Christie Sir Jackie Stewart Duncan Goodhew

8 Dyslexia is a Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD). Name three other SpLDs

9 Does dyslexia run in families?

10 Perfectionism Low self-esteem Inability to learn Anxiety about performance Task avoidance Lack of imagination Strategies to hide difficulties Low IQ Laziness Sensitivity to criticism Frustration

11 Is it possible to be dyslexic and not know it?

12 Is dyslexia a disability?

13 Is dyslexia related to someone’s level of ‘general intelligence’? NO People may have low or high IQs, and varying patterns of strength accompanying the ‘difficulties’ they experience

14 Two dyslexic people may have very different profiles of strengths and weaknesses TRUE Everyone has different patterns of strength and weakness, and will have had different experiences which affect their skills, abilities and confidence

15 List three other typical difficulties associated with dyslexia? Varying degrees of difficulty with speed and accuracy of reading and writing Short term memory difficulties Problems with time management & general organisation Sequencing Problems working under pressure of time Multi-tasking Difficulty with sustained concentration

16 Can dyslexia be cured? NO Dyslexia reflects neurological differences which are there for life – strengths and weaknesses HOWEVER individuals may find many strategies to compensate for and overcome any difficulties they experience

17 Richard Branson Steven Spielberg Cher Jamie Oliver Tom Cruise Thomas Edison Henry Ford Steve Jobs (Apple) Guy Ritchie Orlando Bloom Richard Rodgers Steven Redgrave Eddie Izzard Robbie Williams Scott Quinnell Theo Paphitis (Dragons Den) Walt Disney Keira Knightley Ingvar Kamprad (IKEA) Agatha Christie Sir Jackie Stewart Duncan Goodhew

18 Dyslexia often overlaps with other SpLDs

19 Does dyslexia run in families? YES There is good evidence that all the SpLDs are genetic in origin and tend to ‘run in families

20 Which of these traits are known to be commonly associated with dyslexia? Low self-esteem Perfectionism Anxiety about performance Task avoidance Sensitivity to criticism Frustration Strategies to hide difficulties NOT Inability to learn NOT Low IQ NOT Laziness NOT Lack of imagination

21 Is it possible to be dyslexic and not know it? YES All the more reason for us to be aware of it …

22 Is dyslexia a disability? Legally - YES - if it has......a substantial and long-term adverse effect on a person's ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities

23 Write down three tasks / activities that a dyslexic person might find challenging in different ‘everyday’ settings in adult life

24 … not just reading and spelling Speed and accuracy of reading and writing Short term memory difficulties Time management & general organisation Sequencing Working under pressure of time Multi-tasking Sustained concentration Reluctance to ask for help

25 Swap the difficulties and challenges you identified in round two with another table Your task is to generate Solutions and/or strategies For the challenges your neighbours have identified

26 What is considered reasonable will depend on all the circumstances of the case including: the size of an organisation and its resources, what is practicable, the effectiveness of what is being proposed and the likely disruption that would be caused by taking the measure in question as well as the availability of financial assistance

27 Be aware of Equality Act 2010 Reasonable adjustments Disabled Students Allowance (HE) Access to Work scheme (Job Centre Plus)

28 Thank You – Diolch yn Fawr Liz Du Pre : Fiona Zinovieff: Miles Dyslexia Centre, Bangor University

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