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TIPS & TRICKS ABOUT REPORT DESIGN IN DYNAMICS 2009 Steven Renders …think about IT.

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Presentation on theme: "TIPS & TRICKS ABOUT REPORT DESIGN IN DYNAMICS 2009 Steven Renders …think about IT."— Presentation transcript:

1 TIPS & TRICKS ABOUT REPORT DESIGN IN DYNAMICS 2009 Steven Renders …think about IT

2 TOC  Introduction to enhanced report design  Dashboard reports:  Conditional formatting  Using images to simulate KPI's  Using and embedding Chart controls  Document Reports:  Display data bound information in page header  The No of Copies option  Q & A

3 Introduction to enhanced report design  How to create a simple report?

4 Classic Client

5 Visual Studio

6 Steps

7 Steps to create a Classic Report

8 Steps to create an RDLC Report

9 Dashboard reports  Conditional formatting  Using images to simulate KPI's  Using and embedding Chart controls

10 Conditional formatting  Expressions:  Describes data or property values.  Used to control the content and the appearance of a report.  Begins with an equal sign (=) followed by a combination of field identifiers, constants, functions, and operators.

11 Expressions  Reporting Functions  Sum, First, Last, Avg, Count, InScope, Iif, Switch,…  Reporting Collections:  Globals, User, Fields, ReportItems  Visual Basic Run-time Library .NET Framework CLR Classes & Assemblies  Custom Assemblies & Class Instances  Custom Code



14 Using images to simulate KPI's

15 Required steps Embed image Name image Use image Test the expression!

16 Behind the scenes

17 Using and embedding Chart controls

18  Not possible in detail level



21 Alternative solution

22 Padding  Possible at Detail level  But I don’t like Padding

23 Dashboard  Demo, using Charts & Matrix

24 Document Reports  Display data bound information in page header  The No of Copies option

25 Display data bound information in page header  Fields can not be used in page header/footer  Let’s use ReportItems!  Be aware of possible problems of this solution

26 Problem type 1

27 Solution

28 Problem type 2

29 Solution  Global Variable: Shared VarData as Object  Function to put value in it: Public Function SetData(NewData as Object) VarData = NewData End Function  Function to get value out of it: Public Function GetData() as Object Return VarData End Function

30 Alternative solution  See Chapter 5 of: crosoft-dynamics-nav-2009- for-professional- reporting/book

31 The No of Copies option

32 Classic Client

33 Visual Studio  Look very closely

34 List?  Why a List?  Container & Grouping capabilty  Group on what?  NoOfLoops NoOfCopies OutputNo

35 List - Group

36 Result

37 Q & A

38 Demo reports  Available as a download (in ppt)

39 Steven Renders  Trainer (MCT) | Freelance Consultant | Author  Specialties:  Microsoft Dynamics NAV  Microsoft SQL Server  Business Intelligence & Reporting  Book:  Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009: Professional Reporting Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009: Professional Reporting  Company:  think about IT 

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