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 Presented by: Jackie Gantzer EdPower 2013.  Match the classroom strategy with the famous person on the next page – be able to support your answer with.

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Presentation on theme: " Presented by: Jackie Gantzer EdPower 2013.  Match the classroom strategy with the famous person on the next page – be able to support your answer with."— Presentation transcript:

1  Presented by: Jackie Gantzer EdPower 2013

2  Match the classroom strategy with the famous person on the next page – be able to support your answer with an explanation. Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013







9 Objective: By the end of this session, you will revise your current unit assessment to ensure it includes aligned, rigorous assessment questions.  Opening Reflection  Identifying Learning Goals and Defining Mastery of Them  Optional: Writing Questions Aligned to Goals  Checking Questions for Alignment  Quality Check Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

10 On your paper, respond to the following:  Where do your assessments primarily come from? Do you write them yourself or obtain them from a source (book, ExamView, online resources, etc.)?  Describe what is challenging about creating assessments for your classroom.  What steps do you take to ensure the rigor and quality of your assessments? Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

11 Quality Assessments Give us reliable data to make the best decisions for the needs of our students Set a rigorous bar that guides our instructional planning Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

12 1. Select one learning goal from your current unit. Ex. 9-10.RI.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

13 2. Examine the verbs and content of the learning goal. Ex. 9-10.RI.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. 2b. What knowledge and skills do students need to demonstrate mastery over these learning goals? Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

14 Learning Goal: 10.RI.1: Cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text. Verb: Cite Analyze Infer Content: Strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly from text Skills/Knowledge Needed to Master Learning Goal: -Analyze what is explicitly said in text -Make inferences about what is implied in text -Cite multiple pieces of relevant evidence from the text to support both *lower level: read and comprehend what’s said in text, cite relevant evidence Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

15 3. Consider what student product would need to be produced to demonstrate mastery over the content and skills identified?  Skills/Knowledge Needed to Master Learning Goal: - Analyze what is explicitly said in text - Make inferences about what is implied in text - Cite multiple pieces of relevant evidence from the text to support both What would students need to do or say to prove they “got this”? What questions would lead students to this type of product? Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

16 Read a text - Explain what the text was about (explicitly said) - Make an inference or prediction about the content - Support it with relevant evidence from the text - Sample questions: Read the following selection. 1. What is one fact contained in the first paragraph? 2. Based on the information in the selection, which invention had the most significant impact on the country? 3. Support your answer with two pieces of evidence from the text. Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

17 3. Identify the question(s) on your assessment that is/are aligned to your selected standard. 1. What is one fact contained in the first paragraph? (MC) 2. Based on the information in the selection, which invention had the most significant impact on the country? (CR) 3. Support your answer with two pieces of evidence from the text. (CR) Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

18 4. Using the Bloom’s Taxonomy handout, look for the verbs from your standard and compare your question(s) to the sample questions on the handout. 1. What is one fact contained in the first paragraph? (MC) 2. Based on the information in the selection, which invention had the most significant impact on the country? (CR) 3. Support your answer with two pieces of evidence from the text. CR Verb(s): Rigorous enough? Identify/Classify facts Make an inference Identify supporting evidence Content: Covered? Strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from text. Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

19 Quality Check Questions Yes or No Is there at least one question for each learning goal? Does each assessment question align to the content of the standard? Does each assessment question align to the bloom’s level of the standard? Do short answer responses include an exemplar? Does each question reveal true mastery? (see chart) Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

20  Select a new standard and assessment question and have a peer review it for alignment to rigor and content; discuss your suggestions. 7 minutes  Share out – Who had a high quality assessment item? Who is going to revise one of theirs? 3 minutes Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

21  Continue to review your assessment, checking for: 1) Standard Coverage 2) Content Alignment 3) Rigor Alignment 4) Necessary Exemplars 5) Student Mastery Revealed Jackie Gantzer, EdPower 2013

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