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Improvement in Dose Selection Through Clinical Applications of PK/PD in Antimicrobial Drug Development Hartmut Derendorf, Ph.D. University of Florida.

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1 Improvement in Dose Selection Through Clinical Applications of PK/PD in Antimicrobial Drug Development Hartmut Derendorf, Ph.D. University of Florida

2 Pharmacokinetics PK/PD Pharmacodynamics
conc. vs time Conc. Time 25 0.0 0.4 PK/PD effect vs time Effect 1 Pharmacodynamics conc. vs effect 10 -3 Conc. (log)

3 PK PD Serum MIC

4 Pharmacokinetics Problems: Protein Binding Tissue Distribution


6 vascular space extravascular space plasma protein binding
blood cell binding, diffusion into blood cells, binding to intracellular biological material tissue cell binding, diffusion into tissue cells, binding to extracellular biological material

7 Microdialysis

8 Clinical Microdialysis
Cefpodoxime 400 mg po Cefixime 400 mg po Liu & Derendorf, JAC 50, 19 (2002)

9 Pharmacodynamics Problems: MIC is imprecise MIC is monodimensional
MIC is used as a threshold When MIC does not explain the data, patches are used (post-antibiotic effect, sub-MIC effect)

10 Kill Curves flask reservoir tubing connector pump waste
Auto-dilution system

11 Piperacillin (2g and 4g) vs. E. coli
Dosing Interval Piperacillin (2g and 4g) vs. E. coli q24h q8h q4h Nolting & Derendorf, Pharm. Res. 13, 91 (1996)

12 Kill Curves of Ceftriaxone
S. pneumoniae ATCC6303 MIC: 20 ng/mL H. influenzae ATCC10211 MIC: 5 ng/mL

13 Kill Curves of Ceftriaxone
S. pneumoniae ATCC6303 MIC: 20 ng/mL H. influenzae ATCC10211 MIC: 5 ng/mL

14 PK-PD Modeling Based on Kill Curves
Same PK Same MIC Same t>MIC Same AUC/MIC Same Cmax/MIC Same k (Growth Rate) Different EC50 (Sensitivity) Different kmax (Maximum Kill Rate) Control (CFU/mL) Treated (CFU/mL) Antibiotic concentration

15 Khunvichai & Derendorf, ICAAC 2001
Faropenem Daloxate 300 mg q12h S. pneumo. Fed Fasted Khunvichai & Derendorf, ICAAC 2001

16 Piperacillin in patients
Piperacillin serum and muscle levels in healthy patients and intensive care patients after single iv dose of 4g Brunner et al, 2000

17 Piperacillin in patients
Piperacillin kill curves (MIC:  = 2 mg/l and =4 mg/l) Sauermann et al, 2003

18 Summary A simple comparison of serum concentration and MIC is usually not sufficient to evaluate the PK/PD-relationships af anti-infective agents. Protein binding and tissue distribution are important pharmacokinetic parameters that need to be considered. Microdialysis can provide information on local exposure. PK-PD analysis based on MIC alone can be misleading. Microbiological kill curves provide more detailed information about the PK/PD-relationships than simple MIC values.

19 Conclusions Intelligent PK/PD can help to streamline rational clinical dose selection The final dose needs to be confirmed in a clinical trial


21 Acknowledgements Markus Müller Edgar Schuck Qi Liu Ping Liu
Teresa Dalla Costa Amparo de la Peña Ariya Khunvichai Arno Nolting Andreas Kovar Kenneth Rand Alistair Webb Maria Grant

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