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1 The Road to Affordable Care: Opportunities, Challenges and Successes in a post-ACA Market.

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1 1 The Road to Affordable Care: Opportunities, Challenges and Successes in a post-ACA Market

2 Disclaimer The comments here represent my opinion alone, and are not intended to be representative of the Washington State Health Exchange Board. I am speaking today as a consumer and working families advocate, and not as a Board member. 2

3 3 Cover the Uninsured Medicaid Enrollment Exchange Enrollment Improve Quality Ensure Affordability & Access Consumer’s Voice Protect Existing Coverage Watch Employer Behavior Impact on Market Identify Threats Monitor Costs Evaluate Access Hours and Pay Cuts Dual Role for Consumer Advocates

4 Type of Employer Penalty$$$ Penalty Employer fails to offer ANY Coverage and at least 1 FTE enrolls and is eligible for premium tax credit or cost sharing subsidy $2,000 on all FTEs (minus 30 FTEs) Employer offers UNAFFORDABLE Coverage and 1 or more FTEs enrolls and gets premium tax credit or cost sharing subsidy $3,000 per employee receiving coverage 4 FTE = 30+ hours or more per week “Unaffordable” = coverage costs more than 9.5% of individual’s income Employer Penalties in the ACA

5 Possible scenario: Employers drop group plan, pay penalty only instead TimelineIncome (4 at 250% FPL) Annual Plan Premium Employer Annual Cost Individual Cost Estimated Govt Cost Pre ACA$57,625$14,196$11,357$2,839$0 Post ACA$57,625$14,196$2,000$4,644$7,552 Difference - $9,357+ 1,805+ $7,552 5 Source: Calculation example borrowed from Gene Mechanic Law, 503.384.2070 Unanticipated Possible Market Changes

6 Unanticipated Market Changes Nationally Example: Employer penalty only applies to employees who work more than 30hrs/week and qualify for the exchange. Penalty does not apply to employers whose workers qualify for Medicaid. 6 Source: See handout from the Healthy WA Coalition.

7 Changing Market Behavior

8 Experienced Market Behavior in WA, 2012 Source: HCA Report to the Legislature, Employment status of HCA medical assistance clients & persons with dependents, Nov 2013. (excerpt, top 18)

9 The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was designed to ensure that employers, individuals, and the government share the responsibility for health care coverage and cost :  The ACA requires large employers to pay a penalty to offset the costs of public subsidies for their workers' healthcare if their full time employees receive health coverage through Exchanges.  Big corporations who shift costs to taxpayers by exploiting a loophole in the ACA, by cutting hours, pay or benefits, move more low-wage workers to Medicaid, should also have a penalty.  The assessment could cover the state’s portion of Medicaid, enhance provider reimbursement rates and invest in Washington’s safety net programs.  State-level policy can close this loophole in the ACA. Shared Responsibility was the ACA’s intent

10 Other employer policies that impact health and health outcomes for working families:  Lower income workers more likely to face shift changes, mandatory overtime, and non-standard hours.  Despite increased workload for families, no major federal initiatives have passed to help family/work dynamics.  Other nations with comparable resources have passed “work-family reconciliation” acts; The US ranks dead last.  Of 200 nations studied by UCLA, 180 nations offer guaranteed paid leave to new parents, 175 of them mandate paid annual leave, 162 limit the maximum length of the workweek; The US offers none of these protections. Other Market Policies that Impact Health Source: New York Times, Stephanie Coontz, Why Gender Equality Stalled, Feb 3, 2013.

11 11 Teresa Mosqueda, MPA Government Affairs Director WA State Labor Council, AFL-CIO 206-353-5276

12 Source: Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, How the Performance of the US Healthcare System Compares Internationally, Commonwealth Fund, June 2014

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