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Teresa Ryerse Overton.  Suburbs of Washington DC  5 Campuses and a separate Medical Education Campus  78,000 Students  2,600 Faculty and Staff  ~8,000.

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1 Teresa Ryerse Overton

2  Suburbs of Washington DC  5 Campuses and a separate Medical Education Campus  78,000 Students  2,600 Faculty and Staff  ~8,000 Developmental Math Students Per Year

3  Representatives from each campus attended a conference, November 2009 in Nashville  Sponsored by NCAT (National Center for Academic Transformation)  Started small grew big (6 month time) ◦ AtD meeting ◦ NCAT Conference ◦ College plan ◦ NCAT grant

4  Creating a Workable Plan  Sell the Plan  Right Place Right Time ◦ Faculty, Administration, and State System all ready for a change  Faculty were consulted on all decisions and at every step along the way

5  Team of 13 formed ◦ 2 math faculty from each campuses teaching Developmental Math ◦ 1math faculty member from ELI ◦ 1 Instructional Designer ◦ 1 Dean  Received NCAT Changing the Equation Grant  Objectives for each unit written (based on The Critical Point and Curriculum Guide)

6  Selected a book and homework management system  Secured computers from administration  Chose computer classrooms and labs on each of the five campuses  Created common documents and assignments with significant input from faculty  Developed a training program for Faculty  Assessment questions were selected and was used to gather comparison data between redesign and traditional sections

7  MASTER Math ◦ Motivating ◦ Academic ◦ Success ◦ Through ◦ Effective ◦ Redesign

8  Class is four credits for students, three for instructors (25 students per class)  Students are paying for seat time ◦ Minimum amount of units must be met for the course grade ◦ No maximum amount of units in a semester  Addresses the logistics of scheduling and financial aid  Students receive both unit grades and course grade  Also have MTT 1, 2, and 3

9  Placement by VPT (Virginia Placement Test)  Multiple exit points depending on credit level course needed  Two hours spent in computer classroom at a set time with their instructor  Minimum of two hours spent in Master Math Lab during open hours  One Custom Textbook for all Units (Two Volumes)  All documents and assignments are common

10  Ten units from what was three courses(no more repeated material)  Each unit consists of: 1) a pretest; 2) 3 modules, each with PowerPoint, notes, homework and a quiz; 3) a cumulative post-test  All units start with the pre-test  80% or higher-student proceeds to next unit pretest  Less than 80%-student works through modules and then takes the post-test before going to next unit

11 For each module in the unit:  Student views a PowerPoint presentation in MyLabsPlus and takes notes  Notes are checked by their Instructor  Student works the set of MyMathLab homework problems ◦ Must solve 90% of the homework problems correctly to continue ◦ May work each problem multiple times

12  Student takes proctored MyMathLab quiz ◦ 80% or better-goes on to next module ◦ Less than 80%-review material and retest  After completing all three Modules, student takes cumulative MyMathLab post-test ◦ 80% or better-goes to pretest of next unit ◦ Less than 80%-more review and retest  Also have a MyMathLab Practice Test and Personalized homework based on the Practice Test results

13  Points for Everything  Grade is for motivation – Passing Units is the goal  Notes are 10%  Homework Assignments are 30%  Quizzes are 25%  Tests are 25%  Computer Classroom and Lab Attendance is 10%

14  Master Math Labs (one per campus) staffed with instructors, instructional assistants and tutors  Open ~60 per week  Students work on homework assignments, take tests and quizzes, and ask questions  Attendance is tracked – minimum of 2 hours per week  Most campuses have blocks on the computers so students can only work on Math

15  Two hours per week in both the computer classroom and MASTER Math Lab  Important to have connection with Instructor and other students  Instructor talks with every student every class  Tutor in the computer classroom with the Instructor  Same work being done in both locations by students  Lab gives flexibility to work more time than required with help!

16  One on every campus  Existing Teaching faculty compensated with reassign time  Campus representatives in policy decisions (weekly meetings)  Campus experts on the course – Go to Person  Train the faculty on the campus and assist them with their courses

17  Without counting start-up expenses, 6.5% cost savings in course delivery  Percent of S grades has not significantly improved, but grading standards are different  Student attitudes towards math have improved ◦ Over 70% of students surveyed Fall 2011 were satisfied with the course ◦ Over 60% of students surveyed Fall 2011 said they enjoyed the course

18  Thirty common assessment questions given during the pilot to both Redesign and Traditional classes. ◦ Spring 2011  Average 60.9% correct in Traditional classes  Average 85.4% correct in Redesign classes ◦ Summer 2011  Average 63.0% correct in Traditional classes  Average 89.5% correct in Redesign classes ◦ Fall 2011  Average 89.8% correct in Redesign classes


20 Teresa Ryerse Overton

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