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Draft Principal Evaluation Process: A Growth Focused Approach.

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1 Draft Principal Evaluation Process: A Growth Focused Approach

2 The Legislative Requirements  113 (2) A School Council May (g) direct the superintendent to evaluate a teacher, principal or other staff member and to provide a report to the Council of the evaluation, which report shall be returned to the superintendent immediately after the Council has reviewed and considered it;  105 (1) A principal shall be on probation for two years from the date of appointment. (5) A principal who is on probation shall be evaluated during the first year of probation and shall be evaluated in the second year of probation on or before March 31 of that year.

3 Current Practice  Evaluations in the two probationary years completed by March 31 st  Evaluation on the request of the School Council  Input from school councils and staff provided through a checklist survey  Inconsistent evaluation of experienced principals  Some principals using a growth plan model  Summative report provides a determination of satisfactory or less than satisfactory

4 Current Practice: Why it’s not ideal  One size fits all approach  Doesn’t consider experience, skills of principal  Doesn’t consider the school context  Not completed for everyone  Retrospective versus prospective  Not growth/improvement-oriented  Significantly different from other YG employee evaluation process  Need to separate egregious discipline from regular evaluation  No role for school councils until “after the fact”  Ethical concerns over anonymous staff survey approach

5 Principal Evaluation Working Group  Led by Judy Arnold  Includes:  Urban and rural principal representatives  AYSA representative  One Superintendent  One representative of School Councils  Objective: to recommend a principal/vice-principal evaluation process that addresses the deficiencies of the current practice and that results in better outcomes for the education system

6 Proposed Practice  Evaluations in two probationary years completed by March 31 st  Evaluation on the request of the School Council  Experienced principles evaluated every third year  All principals using a growth focused model  With the exception of those requiring Department disciplinary action  Summative report provides a determination of satisfactory or less than satisfactory

7 Input By School Council and Staff  Proposed Practice  Using the School Review Inquiry Framework  Principal gathers input before writing the proposed performance plan  Principal shares professional goals  Superintendent gather input before writing the summative evaluation report

8 Over view of The Evaluation Process  Reviewing the Graphic Handouts (Document 1)  Step 1  Step 2 (See document 2: Performance Plan Working document)  Principal gathers input from school council and staff ( See document 3: Principal Evaluation Input Process )  Step 3  Step 4  Superintendent gathers input from school council and staff ( See document 3: Principal Evaluation Input Process )  Summative Report- (See Document 4: report format)  Satisfactory or Less than satisfactory

9 Summary of Council Role  Notified of upcoming principal evaluation in June  Input into context and areas of focus in September  Goals shared with Council and staff  Superintendent gathers input from Councils before writing summative report  Council can request to the Superintendent that their principal be evaluated for a given year  Council can refer disciplinary situations to Superintendent at any time.

10 Implementation  September 2012/13 for new principals  Hired for 2012/13 school year  Hired for 2011/12 school year  Notification in June 2012  Meetings with impacted Councils in September  Significant Superintendent involvement



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