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Published byNorman Floyd Modified over 9 years ago
Association of Colleges Regional Events – Summer 2012 Revised Common Inspection Framework for further education and skills:
Aims: Consultation outcomes Conducting an Inspection - logistical issues Common Inspection Framework What is changing/what stays the same -Outcomes for Learners -Teaching, Learning and Assessment -Leadership and Management -Overall Effectiveness Report Format Preparing for inspection
‘A Good Education for All’ Consultation Outcomes
Consultation- ‘A good education for all’ Outstanding providers must have outstanding teaching and learning From September 2012 providers will only be judged outstanding for overall effectiveness if the quality of teaching, learning and assessment is outstanding. ‘Requires improvement’ replaces ‘satisfactory’ Requires improvement’ will replace the ‘satisfactory’ grade, to make it clear that all providers should be working towards providing good or outstanding provision. Providers judged to be ‘satisfactory’ in the current framework will still be considered satisfactory. We will not amend judgements retrospectively.
Consultation- ‘A good education for all’ Early inspection for those who are ‘satisfactory’ Providers who were graded satisfactory at their last inspection and up to 31 August 2012 will be inspected, in most cases, by 31 August 2014. Providers who were graded satisfactory at their previous two or more inspections will, in most cases, be inspected by 28 February 2014. They will not usually receive a monitoring visit between September 2012 and their next full inspection. Note: We will consider individual circumstances and may conduct an inspection earlier if required, for instance if the annual risk assessment process identifies serious concerns about the provision.
Consultation- ‘A good education for all’ For those who ‘require improvement’ - post Sept 12 We will introduce an earlier return inspection for those judged as ‘requires improvement’. From September 2012 onward those judged as ‘requires improvement’ will usually be inspected again within 12-18 months. They will not normally receive a monitoring visit before their full inspection.
Consultation- ‘A good education for all’ Limit the opportunity to be graded as ‘requires improvement’ to two consecutive occasions From September 2012 we will normally limit the number of times a provider can be judged as ‘requires improvement’ to two consecutive inspections before it is considered to be ‘inadequate’ for overall effectiveness. However, the lead inspector will consider what progress has been made since the last inspection, and the judgement of inadequate will not be automatic.
Consultation- ‘A good education for all’ ‘ No notice’ inspection? From September 2012 we will usually give up to two working days’ notice of an inspection. It is essential that a provider is able to provide key documentation; to ensure that the inspection runs smoothly. Summary of performance management outcomes During an inspection we will ask the college for an anonymised summary of the outcomes of the most recent performance management of all teachers, trainers and assessors. This will be used to assess how well the college manages its staff to promote continuous improvement.
Further information
Conducting an inspection
Provides detailed information on: How Ofsted inspects How are providers selected for inspection? What happens before the inspection? What happens during the inspection? What happens after the inspection?
Inspection - Logistical issues (some) Impact of – max two days notification of inspection Potential availability issues: for example Self Assessment report Development or Quality Improvement Plan Recent Performance Data Pre Inspection Briefing Learning Timetables Detailed subcontracting and learner arrangements
Inspection - Logistical issues Off-site provision locally and nationally Availability of governors or councillors/trustees Availability of senior managers including nominee Base room for an inspection team Access to technology Marrying provider expectations e.g. scoping Contacting/availability of employers Gathering learner views and availability of learner reps
Inspection of consortia, partnerships and subcontracted provision SFA and EFA funded provision that a provider is directly and wholly responsible for falls within the scope of their inspection. Ofsted will select the provider that is directly contracted with the funding agency, including a lead of a consortium, for inspection. However, subcontracted provision of the direct contract holder is also included in the inspection. Inspectors will not include provision that the directly contracted provider subcontracts from other directly contracted providers.
When will my provision be inspected?
Risk assessment Approach: A risk-proportionate approach to inspection scheduling enables Ofsted to focus its efforts where it can have the greatest impact. There are two stages: Stage one: A provider assessment based on an analysis of publicly available information Stage two: Further analysis, conducted by HMI, to review providers highlighted by stage one Note: Ofsted will use a broad range of indicators to select providers to inspect the following year.
Risk assessment indicators (examples) previous inspection record self-assessment performance data (including trends over the last three years) change of leadership concerns raised by a funding body, employers, parents or learners the views of learners, parents and carers and employers, gathered through online questionnaires any information on significant changes to the type of provision and learner numbers
Previous inspection record JudgementNext inspection OutstandingNo further inspection unless performance drops GoodWithin 6 years of the last inspection Satisfactory pre- Sept 2012 Within 2 years of September 2012 Requires improvement Within 12-18 months InadequateRe-inspection monitoring visit within 6-8 months of the last inspection, and a full re-inspection within 12-15 months of the last full inspection
The Common Inspection Framework and methodology What changes, what stays the same?
Aims of the revised framework The revised Common Inspection Framework streamlines and simplifies the existing CIF by focusing on: the aspects of a provider’s work that have most impact on learners reducing the number of judgements and grades the impact of leadership on the learner experience.
What is different in the revised framework ? the emphasis on teaching, learning and assessment no limiting grades for equality and diversity and safeguarding No separate grade for ‘Capacity to Improve’ the extent to which the provision meets local and national needs increased observation of teaching, learning, skills development and assessment success, rates of progress and progression of different groups of learners. destinations - into employment and higher level qualifications
Grading sector subject areas We will: award a grade for teaching and learning overall, which will be supported by a grade for each subject area continue to inspect a sample of subject areas use subject specialist inspectors increase the focus on teaching and learning including assessment, a broader look at learning inspect and make judgements about teaching, learning and assessment in a sample of subject areas with reference to outcomes write a subject area report focussed on teaching, learning and assessment but with reference to outcomes.
CIF – Evaluation Schedule
The current Common Inspection Framework
Common Inspection Framework 2012 Overall effectiveness Outcomes for learners Quality of teaching, learning and assessment Effectiveness of leadership and management
Outcomes for Learners
Outcomes for learners To judge outcomes for learners we will give particular attention to how well: all learners achieve and make progress relative to their starting points and learning goals achievement gaps are narrowing between different groups of learners learners develop personal, social, and employability skills learners progress to courses leading to higher-level qualifications and into jobs that meet local and national needs
Myth - I have heard that ‘Outcomes for learners’ judgement is based purely on success rates data and a comparison with national averages. Is this true? This is not true. None of the judgements are based on data alone. Although inspectors will look at success rate data they will also look at retention, progress, and whether learners go on to do further learning or in to sustainable employment. Inspectors will also talk to learners about whether they enjoy their course and whether it is meeting their needs.
Principles of ‘Outcomes for learners’ The big picture – if it is their primary goal, learners need to pass examinations and assessments, but outcomes are about more than success rates e.g. progress and progression Considerations – need to take into account the provider’s context and the learners they serve Capturing evidence - outcomes is not just about data, but includes capturing information in a range of settings e.g. the classroom, study centres, workshop or workplace
Task 1
QSR and Overall Effectiveness? Example 1: A college merges with a weak college in a deprived inner city area – inspection takes place 18 months after merger Success rates (SR) for 16-18 year olds are below the National Averages, but not significantly so; adult SR are as one would expect with extensive good work based SR and poor (small) apprenticeship provision Teaching and Learning is good (good proportion of outstanding lessons); attendance is weak on some courses; progression and destinations are good; learners make good progress; QA is sound Leadership and management has achieved much to create a one college culture Overall Effectiveness Grade: ?????
QSR and Overall Effectiveness? Example 2: An English and Humanities department consistently has good Success Rates - entry requirements for all courses are high with A*/A GCSE prior attainment the norm Progress measures indicate that learners generally do not make the progress that is expected of them and high grades are very low Teaching and learning is mostly satisfactory and few learners gain entry to good universities Overall Effectiveness Grade: ?????
QSR and Overall Effectiveness? Example 3: An independent learning provider offers short apprenticeships for ‘call centre’ industry Success Rates rates are very high 90% plus During the inspection it transpires that the learners do not have ‘real jobs’ and little prospect of gaining one. The training they receive is minimal and of a very poor standard. There are even concerns that some of the learner portfolios are being ‘managed’ by the assessors. Overall Effectiveness Grade: ?????
Teaching, learning and assessment
learners benefit from high expectations, engagement, care, support and motivation from staff staff use their skills and expertise to plan and deliver teaching, learning and support to meet each learner’s needs staff initially assess learners’ starting points and monitor their progress, set challenging tasks, and build on and extend learning for all learners learners understand how to improve as a result of frequent, detailed and accurate feedback from staff following assessment of their learning In judging teaching, learning and assessment, inspectors must evaluate the extent to which:
Teaching, learning and assessment teaching and learning develop English, mathematics and functional skills, and support the achievement of learning goals and career aims appropriate and timely information, advice and guidance supports learning effectively equality and diversity are promoted through teaching and learning.
Myth - Inspectors only judge the quality of teaching and learning through a at least a series of 30 minute plus observations? Inspectors make judgements on the quality of teaching, learning and assessment by collecting evidence in a number of different ways, including visits to workplaces, lessons, training and assessment sessions to evaluate the impact of the teaching on how well people learn When inspectors observe teachers and trainers the judgement contributes to the inspection team’s evaluation of the quality of teaching overall Inspectors judge the quality of teaching and the learning taking place and not the quality of the teacher Observations contribute to the judgment on teaching, learning and assessment. Taking into account how well learners are assessed, and how this helps them to improve.
Subject Inspectors: Inspecting teaching, learning and assessment - key points The key factor in judging the effectiveness of teaching and assessment is the impact on learning Judgements are made in the context of outcomes but take account of current attainment and progress Inspection methods must cover learning activities in the broadest sense and take account of learners’ views
Principles and indicators of learning
Principles of teaching, learning and assessment The big picture – learners need to achieve their learning goals but learning is about more than gaining qualifications The subject specialism - there’s more to a subject or vocational area than the syllabus, tick boxes and assessments People learn in a range of settings, not just in the classroom, workshop or workplace
Principles of teaching, learning and assessment All staff play a pivotal role in getting learners to where they need to be Assessment should be an integral part of teaching and learning, rather than the main focus or an afterthought The progress a learner makes relative to their starting point – is a critical indicator
Indicators of teaching and learning - overview Indicators that show what learners are learning rather than doing Broad range of indicators including standards of work and skill development but encompassing learning of a wide range of skills Includes indicators based on teachers’ practice and effectiveness linked to the impact this has on learning Teaching strategies ═ learning
Myth - I think we are due an inspection shortly. Do I need to have a lesson plan for the inspector? No. You should do what your provision normally expects you to do when planning lessons. One of the greatest advantages of short notice inspections is that there will be no special preparation for inspection. Whatever you do normally in your college will prevail
Indicators of teaching and learning: 1 Standards of work and skill development Learners’ progress Development of literacy, numeracy, language and ICT skills Development of employability skills Ability to work independently and/or collaboratively Development of intellectual skill Learners’ attitudes including their concentration, engagement and application
Indicators of teaching and learning: 2 Teachers’ practice and effectiveness Use of assessment Learners need for support and guidance Learners’ understanding of E&D
Judging learners’ progress ‘Progress’ Rate of learning and acquisition of skills Extent to which challenging targets are met Compared to starting point/prior attainment Evaluated during learning activities, from learners’ work and over time Shown through learners’ work and skill development in main learning aims and a broader range of skills including over time
Methods – tools for capturing learning Inspectors will: continue to use established methods – observations, discussions and meetings choose activities and samples in line with issues that need to be explored whilst ensuring coverage across provision broaden observation activities to encompass all forms of learning cover assessment fully across activities
Myth - I have heard that providers need to have a certain proportion of lessons or training sessions observed during the inspection as ‘outstanding’ before the provider can be judged ‘outstanding’. Is this correct? This is incorrect. Ofsted has not established a required proportion of lessons or training sessions that need to be judged outstanding. Inspectors do not observe all sessions during the inspection and when they do visit they may only stay for part of the session. Clearly, it would be unusual for an outstanding’ provider to not have any ‘outstanding’ lessons or training session observations during an inspection but it is worth stressing that a wide range of evidence drawn from across the college is used in conjunction with lesson observations to determine whether the college is outstanding or not.
Task 2
Capturing Learning - methods Task 2: Consider the range of different activities that inspectors might undertake - to gather the fullest range of learning activities 1. Discuss and list them!
Leadership and Management
Leadership and management We will evaluate the extent to which leaders and managers, including, where relevant, governors: demonstrate an ambitious vision, have high expectations for what all learners can achieve, and attain high standards of quality and performance improve teaching and learning through rigorous performance management and appropriate professional development evaluate the quality of the provision through robust self- assessment, taking account of users’ views, and use the findings to promote and develop capacity for sustainable improvement
Leadership and management We will evaluate the extent to which leaders and managers, including, where relevant, governors: successfully plan, establish and manage the curriculum and learning programmes to meet the needs and interests of learners, employers and the local and national community actively promote equality and diversity, tackle bullying and discrimination, and narrow the achievement gap safeguard all learners.
Myth - Will my provider be downgraded if I do not have an up to date self-assessment report? There is no contractual requirement for further education and skills providers to complete a self-assessment report. However, there is an expectation from both Ofsted and the funding bodies that providers will rigorously assess their own performance. When we notify a provider of their inspection the lead inspector will ask for their most recent self-assessment report, in whatever format the provider has chosen to use. Inspectors will want to analyse the impact of the self- assessment processes as part of their evaluation of leadership and management. Inspectors will be critical of providers that do not establish accurate and robust self- assessment processes and/or do not regularly share this information with the governing body, where appropriate.
Task 3
Leadership and Management Task 3: Consider the statement ‘improve teaching and learning through rigorous performance management and appropriate professional development’ 1. What evidence might inspectors collect to support this judgement? 2. What is the significance of this judgement?
Overall Effectiveness Inspectors will finally judge the quality of education and/or training provided - taking account of: the three key aspect judgements the extent to which the education and/or training meets the needs of the range of learners at the provider and, in particular, the needs of learners with learning difficulties and/or disabilities. Note: In judging overall effectiveness, inspectors will take account of the full range of evidence and will then decide whether the provider’s overall effectiveness is outstanding, is good, requires improvement or is inadequate.
Myth - Will the two key grades for ‘Outcomes for learners’ and ‘The quality of teaching, learning and assessment’ become the new ‘limiting’ grades? Surely it will be impossible to be judged outstanding? We are confident providers will be found to be outstanding. Providers will only be judged outstanding for ‘overall effectiveness’ if ‘the quality of teaching, learning and assessment’ is judged to be outstanding. We would expect that this high quality teaching, learning and assessment would result in high success rates and very good and sustained progress for learners. However if ‘outcomes for learners’ is not judged to be outstanding this will not necessarily ‘limit’ the overall effectiveness grade.
Preparing for an inspection Before the inspection?
Before inspection Provider receives a telephone call, by 10:30, two days before the inspectors arrive on site, followed by an e mail with an attached notification letter Lead inspector telephones the provider by 12:00 noon to confirm arrangements and start the inspection process During this telephone call the lead inspector and provider will agree a time for the planning meeting to go ahead. The lead inspector will confirm the range of documents that will be required for the inspection
Planning meeting The lead inspector will hold a pre-arranged planning meeting with the nominee/most senior member of staff usually by telephone or conference call. Other senior managers may take part For very complex inspections or for providers new to inspection it may be a face- to- face meeting A separate phone call or meeting will be arranged with learner representatives, before or on the first morning of the inspection
The nominee role remains the same, but increased preparedness will be essential in readiness for a shorter notification period training for nominees is offered at specially focused ‘preparation for inspection events’, details of which can be found at:
Organisation information To be provided as soon as the inspection team arrives Information about the provider day, timetable and work based activity Information about the organisation of the provider, with staff names and responsibilities Details of any changes to normal routines Names and email addresses of any employers whose premises the inspection team intends to visit submitted to the provider on the first day or agreed during the planning phone call
Learner view Learners’ views remain an essential component of the inspection process. From Sept 2012, inspectors will use Ofsted’s new web tool – ‘Learner View’ to collect the information they need When notified of an inspection, providers will be requested to inform their learners of the opportunity to complete the questionnaire - by the end of the second day of inspection. During this period there will be a ‘free text’ box to enter comments Inspectors will view and analyse the latest results during the inspection
During inspection?
Operational information To be provided by lunchtime of the first day of the inspection Evidence of internal monitoring and evaluation processes and how the findings are used Evidence of improvement planning and subsequent progress Findings and use made of performance management processes Evidence of the work of governors and their impact, where applicable
Further information required Inspectors will also need: access to the single central register, which summarises the checks and vetting of all staff working with learners, where appropriate access to the logs that record complaints, incidents of poor behaviour, racist incidents and incidents of bullying Note: As every inspection is different, colleges should expect to be asked for additional information i.e. pertinent to the provision inspected.
After inspection?
Inspection report format The front page of the inspection report will include a new short section called ‘Summary of key findings’ The inspection report will explain in straightforward language what the provider is doing well and what it needs to improve. The report will be published on Ofsted’s website approximately 25 working days after the inspection has finished.
Inspection report format
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