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ARCP Panels What’s is all about?. What is ES doing when deciding on the outcome of an educational review?  Making a recommendation to the ARCP panel.

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Presentation on theme: "ARCP Panels What’s is all about?. What is ES doing when deciding on the outcome of an educational review?  Making a recommendation to the ARCP panel."— Presentation transcript:

1 ARCP Panels What’s is all about?

2 What is ES doing when deciding on the outcome of an educational review?  Making a recommendation to the ARCP panel based on your expert knowledge of the trainee  3 outcomes:satisfactory unsatisfactory panel opinion requested

3 ES Recommendation  ES knows trainee best  ES expert recommendation is usually most important piece of evidence used by ARCP panel in determining outcome  Usual outcomes should be satisfactory or unsatisfactory  Only use POR if genuinely unsure

4 Satisfactory - ideal!  All assessments complete and the trainee has performed to the required standard  Learning Log is of an acceptable quantity and quality  PDP is active and SMART  No concerns in MSF, PSQ, CSR or Educator’s notes

5 When to ask for a panel opinion?  ‘Genuine uncertainty’  For a second opinion  NOT for a ‘telling off’  ? Discuss with TPD first  Try to avoid in January if possible

6 ARCP Panel  Sits once per year in June  No routine panel in February  Special panels may be convened in particular circumstances or for those out of step in training  Every trainee must have an ARCP review in a 12 month period  All of training must be covered by an ARCP  ARCP must be informed by an ESR that is less than 2 months old

7 WOS: 3 stage procedure Level 1  Screening panel  TPD ? discussion with AD  All trainees scrutinised  If satisfactory progress 3 possible outcomes: 1satisfactory progress 6completion of training 8OOP  Any concerns or missing evidence referred to level 2

8 Level 2:  Electronic panel  1 or 2 TPDs from other programmes + Trainer + lay person + admin rep +/- RCGP External Advisor  Detailed scrutiny of e-portfolio +/- additional evidence  Outcomes: 1satisfactory 6completion of training 5unsatisfactory additional training may be required (letter re concerns, 2 weeks to reply with an action plan, ES/TPD monitor) referred to level 3 (face to face interview)

9 Level 3:  Face to face interview  May consider additional evidence/extenuating circumstances ? Health problems  Made up of Assistant Director, TPDs, Trainers, lay reps, NES admin staff +/- RCGP EA  Further scrutiny of evidence

10 Level 3 outcomes:  1satisfactory  6satisfactory completion of training  CCT  2unsatisfactory, specific competencies needing developed, no additional training  3unsatisfactory, specific competencies and additional training required (remedial)  4removed from training (must have had previous outcome 3 at some point). Right of review of outcome 2 and appeal of outcomes 3 and 4

11 Step 1 appeal  Original panel meet to re-consider evidence available.  Usually has new chairperson  Trainee re-interviewed  Can uphold or overturn original decision

12 Appeals panel  Dean or another GP Director  Lay rep  External RCGP rep  TPD (different specialty)  Senior trainee (different specialty) Reconsider all evidence. Re-interview trainee, call informants (ES, TPD, AD) Trainee can be accompanied Decision is final.

13 ARCP Outcomes:  1 – Satisfactory progress  6 – Satisfactory progress completion of training  5 – Unsatisfactory progress - additional training time may be required (missing evidence)  2 – Unsatisfactory progress no additional training time required  3 – Unsatisfactory progress additional training time required (remedial)  4 – Unsatisfactory progress removed from training  8 – Out of programme

14 Trainee cases for discussion  Appoint a chairperson  Consider the evidence  What more information may have been helpful?  What are the main issues for this trainee?  What questions would you ask at interview  What support would be available/appropriate?  Indicative outcome  Next stage for trainee

15 Specific Requirements:  Panel make specific recommendations for areas to be focused on in next 6 months  Specify minimum number of assessments to be undertaken (may be more than RCGP standards)  May make suggestions re educational activity/exam preparation Recorded on ARCP form for trainee signature.

16 Common issues at Interview:  Trainee not engaging despite advice  Repeated exam failure  Multiple MRCGP component failure  Dyslexia assessment advice  Lack of insight  Trainee feels unsupported by ES/Training Practice  Underperformance despite remediation  Trainee health problems

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