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STAAR TREK ILT January 18, 2011. Desired outcomes Increase understanding of changes to the state accountability system for 2011 and beyond Raise level.

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Presentation on theme: "STAAR TREK ILT January 18, 2011. Desired outcomes Increase understanding of changes to the state accountability system for 2011 and beyond Raise level."— Presentation transcript:

1 STAAR TREK ILT January 18, 2011

2 Desired outcomes Increase understanding of changes to the state accountability system for 2011 and beyond Raise level of awareness of changes to the state assessment system for 2012 and beyond Consider steps to address these changes

3 State testing and accountability systems overview Current system 2004-2011 TAKS New system 2013-????STAAR 2012 STAAR 2003 TAKS Old system 1994-2002 TAAS



6 Standards, schmandards Learning standards  What students should know and be able to do  e.g. TEKS Performance (testing) standards  Cut scores used to define performance ranges for individual students  e.g. Panel Recommended Standard, Commended Performance Accountability standards  Cut points of aggregate student performance used to assign ratings to educational organizations  e.g. 70% met standard = Academically Acceptable

7 Key state accountability changes for 2011 TAKS-M and TAKS-Alt included Increased AA standard for math (65) and science (60) New commended performance indicator  Recognized 15%, Exemplary 25% New ELL Progress indicator  Recognized or Exemplary 60% TPM??? Student race/ethnicity subgroups???

8 Key state accountability changes for 2011 New race/ethnicity categories TBD All students Hispanic African American White Economically Disadvantaged Select One Native American Asian/PI African American Hispanic White Is the student Hispanic? Y/N Select one or more races Native American Hawaiian/PI Asian African American White Prior to 10-1110-11 and beyond PEIMS Student Demographics Prior to 20112011 and beyond Accountability Groups All students Hispanic African American White Economically Disadvantaged Multiracial????

9 Accountability beyond 2011 2012 (first year for STAAR)  No campus/district accountability ratings 2011 ratings will stand for 2 years Kudos and sanctions  No SSI retest opportunities  STAAR results (3-8) not released until fall 2012 (performance standards set over the summer)  Aggregate STAAR results will be available at district, campus and classroom levels through new data portal

10 Performance schmandards Did not meet standardMet StandardCommended Unsatisfactory?SatisfactoryAdvanced Panel Recommended Commended Performance Readiness Satisfactory Performance TAKS STAAR 3-8 Unsatisfactory?SatisfactoryAdvanced Readiness Satisfactory Performance STAAR EOC Minimum Performance Gray area

11 Accountability beyond 2011 2013 - new accountability system  Based on new performance standards Satisfactory performance  Will likely be phased in (e.g. 2 SEM, 1 SEM) Readiness standards  Will NOT be phased in Student progress indicator  Rating categories for districts / campuses Unacceptable / Acceptable  Based on satisfactory performance

12 Accountability beyond 2011 2014 - Distinction designations Categories - Recognized / Exemplary  Based on readiness performance standards Other Measures (campus only)  Top quartile in annual improvement  Top quartile in closing performance gaps  Four other areas of distinction  Fine arts  Physical education  21 st century workforce development  Second language acquisition

13 Accountability schmandards UnacceptableAcceptableExemplary 70% met standard Current system Recognized 80% met standard 90% met standard UnacceptableAcceptable ??% met satisfactory performance New basic rating (starts 2013) ??% met readiness standard Readiness distinction (starts 2014) ExemplaryRecognizedNo distinction awarded ??% met readiness standard

14 Financial Allocation Study for Texas (FAST)

15 How will we respond to these new accountability challenges?


17 Know the assessment What do students need to know or be able to do to be successful on the items? For which grade level is the item most appropriate?

18 In 1990, tuition at Britton Pre-School was $300 per pupil. According to this graph, how much money was collected in 1990? A$9000 B$900 C$600 D$6000 1. Read graph (30 pupils in 1990) 2. Multiply (30 pupils x $300/pupil)

19 What central angle should the sponsor use for the section representing the votes for the student who finished in third place? A 54º B 72 º C 90 º D 126 º 1. Read table and compare numbers to determine who finished in third place 2. Add to find the total number of votes 3. Set up and solve proportion The student council sponsor is planning to make a circle graph showing the number of votes for each of the candidates for student council president. The table below indicates the name and the vote count for each candidate. Bridget’s votes (240) Total votes (1200) X degrees 360 degrees =


21 Which state exports the least amount of crude oil monthly? A Louisiana B Texas C Alaska D Pennsylvania 1. Read pictograph to find state with fewest barrels

22 What percent of the total solid waste was paper? A 33 1/3% B 40% C 66 2/3% D 72% 1. Read table and find the number of tons of paper waste 2. Divide the tons of paper waste by the total waste given 3. Convert decimal to percent The graph shows the types and amounts of solid waste produced in the United States in 1998.

23 Know the assessment With which exit-level assessment is each item associated?  TABS Grade 10 (1982)  TEAMS Grade 10 (1986)  TAAS Grade 10 (1999)  TAKS Grade 11 (2002 field test)  STAAR Algebra II (2012?)

24 In 1990, tuition at Britton Pre-School was $300 per pupil. According to this graph, how much money was collected in 1990? A$9000 B$900 C$600 D$6000 1. Read graph (30 pupils in 1990) 2. Multiply (30 pupils x $300/pupil) TEAMS Grade 10 (1986)

25 What central angle should the sponsor use for the section representing the votes for the student who finished in third place? A 54º B 72 º C 90 º D 126 º 1. Read table and compare numbers to determine who finished in third place 2. Add to find the total number of votes 3. Set up and solve proportion The student council sponsor is planning to make a circle graph showing the number of votes for each of the candidates for student council president. The table below indicates the name and the vote count for each candidate. Bridget’s votes (240) Total votes (1200) X degrees 360 degrees = TAKS Grade 11 (2002)

26 STAAR Algebra II (2012??)

27 Which state exports the least amount of crude oil monthly? A Louisiana B Texas C Alaska D Pennsylvania 1. Read pictograph to find state with fewest barrels TABS Grade 10 (1982)

28 TAKS Grade 3 (2009)

29 What percent of the total solid waste was paper? A 33 1/3% B 40% C 66 2/3% D 72% 1. Read table and find the number of tons of paper waste 2. Divide the tons of paper waste by the total waste given 3. Convert decimal to percent The graph shows the types and amounts of solid waste produced in the United States in 1998. TAAS Grade 10 (1999)

30 STAAR overview Assessments  Grades 3-8 Same subjects as TAKS R & M vertically linked to English III and Algebra II  Grades 9-12 12 end-of-course assessments Minimum performance required on all EOCs for graduation English III and Algebra II performance will determine diploma status (e.g. DAP, RHSP)

31 STAAR administration details STAAR Accommodated not a separate form STAAR Modified  Not available for Algebra II, chemistry, physics  Will have embedded field test items STAAR Alternate will be available STAAR L for ELLs administered online Online oral administration

32 Other STAAR details STAAR items will be field tested on TAKS in 2011 Phase-in of satisfactory performance standard (e.g. 2 SEM, 1 SEM), but not readiness standard May adopt a time limit (but still not a timed test) Remediation required for any student failing a STAAR assessment (3-8 and EOC) Some items released over next 3 years, but no full test release until 2014 Reporting categories replacing objectives

33 STAAR v. TAKS Increased rigor and depth  Greater number of more difficult items  Greater level of cognitive complexity  Rigor validated against nationally-normed exams and reviewed every 3 years Increased number of items Higher performance standards Increased number of gridable items in math and science Process skills embedded in Math, Sci, Soc St

34 State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness (STAAR) Increased focus, clarity, depth Changes in assessed curriculum Readiness standards Supporting standards Standards not assessed

35 Vertical alignment of readiness standards Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 Alg I Geom Alg II Gr 3 Gr 4 Gr 5 Gr 6 Gr 7 Gr 8 Eng I Eng II Eng III Readiness for success at the next level College and career readiness

36 STAAR and the TEKS 30% 70% 35% 65% Supporting Standards Readiness Standards Supporting Standards

37 Assessed curriculum

38 Blueprints

39 Readiness standards alignment


41 No minimum score (e.g. 2) required on composition for satisfactory performance

42 The challenge ahead Increasing accountability standards New accountability indicators Increased assessment rigor

43 What can we do now? Look at TAKS commended performance as indicator of success with STAAR Download Assessed Curriculum and Blueprint documents Get to know readiness standards  How and when are these taught in your grade level?  How are they aligned vertically before and after your grade level?

44 Desired outcomes Increase understanding of changes to the state accountability system for 2011 and beyond Raise level of awareness of changes to the state assessment system for 2012 and beyond Consider steps to address these changes

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