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April 2011 Organizing Your Math Data The following cards can help you initially sort your students to determine intervention needs Additional error analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "April 2011 Organizing Your Math Data The following cards can help you initially sort your students to determine intervention needs Additional error analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 April 2011 Organizing Your Math Data The following cards can help you initially sort your students to determine intervention needs Additional error analysis and diagnostic work may be necessary to customize interventions

2 April 2011 Kindergarten WHO Students whose instructional recommendation is Benchmark Translation These students are probably on track for learning number concepts If there are no teacher concerns, continue differentiated core instruction.

3 April 2011 Kindergarten WHO Number Identification below target Translation These students may need support to learn beginning number concepts. Instructional focus should be what numbers mean and how they are represented. Intervention Consideration PALS Math—begin with Lesson 1 enVisionMATH Additional Activities, Intervention Centers, and Diagnosis & Intervention System Monitor Progress monitor NI When NI progress is satisfactory, move to QD intervention and monitoring

4 April 2011 Kindergarten WHO Number Identification ok, Quantity Discrimination below target Translation These students can identify numerals but may need support to learn how numbers relate to each other. Instructional focus should be number and quantity relationships. Intervention Consideration PALS Math—begin with Lesson 7 (teach Lesson 1 as introduction) enVisionMATH Additional Activities, Intervention Centers, and Diagnosis & Intervention System Monitor Progress monitor QD

5 April 2011 First Grade WHO Students whose TEN and MBSP instructional recommendations are Benchmark Translation These students are probably on track for learning number concepts If there are no teacher concerns, continue differentiated core instruction.

6 April 2011 First Grade WHO Number Identification below target Translation These students may need support to learn beginning number concepts. Instructional focus should be what numbers mean and how they are represented. Intervention Consideration PALS Math—begin with Lesson 1 enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System Monitor Progress monitor NI When NI progress is satisfactory, move to QD intervention and monitoring

7 April 2011 First Grade WHO Number Identification ok, Quantity Discrimination below target Translation These students can identify numerals but may need support to learn how numbers relate to each other. Instructional focus should be number and quantity relationships. Intervention Consideration PALS Math—begin with Lesson 7 (teach Lesson 1 as introduction) enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System Monitor Progress monitor QD When QD progress is satisfactory, move to Computation intervention and monitoring

8 April 2011 First Grade WHO TEN Benchmark, Computation below target Translation These students are probably on track for development of number concepts, but may need support to develop computation skills. Instructional focus should be computation concepts and skills. Intervention Consideration Utilize item analysis and/or other data sources (MAPS+, Math Basic Skills, etc.) to determine specific skill deficits. Mastering Math Facts PALS Math—begin with Lesson 11 (teach Lesson 1 as introduction) enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System Monitor Progress monitor Computation

9 April 2011 Second Grade WHO Students whose instructional recommendation is Benchmark Translation These students are probably on track for developing appropriate computation skills and understanding and applying appropriate math concepts. If there are no teacher concerns, continue differentiated core instruction.

10 April 2011 Second Grade WHO Computation below target Translation These students may need support to develop computation skills. Their computation skills may interfere with application of concepts. Instructional focus should be on development of computational fluency. Intervention Consideration Utilize item analysis and/or other data sources (MAPS+, Math Basic Skills, etc.) to determine specific skill deficits. Mastering Math Facts enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System PALS Math (Computation) Monitor Progress monitor Computation When Computation progress is satisfactory, move to Concepts & Applications intervention and monitoring

11 April 2011 Second Grade WHO Computation ok, Concepts & Applications below target Translation These students are probably on track for developing appropriate computation skills but may need support in understanding and applying math concepts. Instructional focus should be on development of non-computation concepts. Intervention Consideration Utilize item analysis and/or other data sources (Math Basic Skills, etc.) to determine specific conceptual deficits. PALS Math (Concepts & Applications) enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System Prioritize based on relevance to current and upcoming core content Monitor Progress monitor Concepts & Applications

12 April 2011 Third-Sixth Grades WHO Students who score MAP above the 40 th %ile Translation These students are probably on track for developing appropriate computation skills and understanding and applying appropriate math concepts. If there are no teacher concerns, continue differentiated core instruction.

13 April 2011 Third-Sixth Grades WHO MAP below 40%ile, Computation below target Translation These students may need support to develop computation skills. Their computation skills may interfere with application of concepts. Instructional focus should be on development of computational fluency. Intervention Consideration Utilize item analysis and/or other data sources (MAPS+, Math Basic Skills, etc.) to determine specific skill deficits. Mastering Math Facts enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System PALS Math (Computation) Consider MAP Correlation guides Monitor Progress monitor Computation

14 April 2011 Third-Sixth Grades WHO MAP below 40%ile, Computation ok, Concepts & Applications below target Translation These students are probably on track for developing appropriate computation skills but may need support in understanding and applying math concepts. Instructional focus should be on development of non-computation concepts. Intervention Consideration Utilize item analysis and/or other data sources (Math Basic Skills, etc.) to determine specific conceptual deficits. PALS Math (Concepts & Applications) enVisionMATH Intervention Centers and Diagnosis & Intervention System CAMS & STAMS Prioritize based on relevance to current and upcoming core content Monitor Progress monitor Concepts & Applications (monthly)

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