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Raven Sumner Financial Aid Counselor University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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1 Raven Sumner Financial Aid Counselor University of Nevada, Las Vegas

2 Types of Appeals  Satisfactory Academic Progress  Special Considerations  Cost of Attendance  Special Circumstances  Dependency Status

3 Satisfactory Academic Progress Requirements:  2.0 cumulative GPA for Undergraduate students  3.0 cumulative GPA for Graduate students  Must successfully complete 70% of your classes attempted  Graduate within 186 credit hours first baccalaureate degree or 231 for second baccalaureate degree Satisfactory academic progress is monitored at the end of every semester.  Warning Semester: The semester after the first semester student did not meet SAP requirements.  Disqualification: The semester after second semester of not meeting SAP requirements. Student is no longer be eligible to receive financial aid assistance.

4 SAP Appeal Process A student whose financial aid was disqualified for not meeting the SAP requirements has the right to appeal mitigating circumstances to the Financial Aid & Scholarships Office. To initiate an appeal, a student must complete a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal Form available on the forms page.  Satisfactory Academic Progress appeals are reviewed by a committee comprised of financial aid counselors.  Individualized consideration is provided to students based upon his or her circumstances and supporting evidence provided within the appeal.  The committee’s decision is final and cannot be appealed to the U.S. Department of Education or other UNLV employee per federal financial aid regulations.

5 Satisfactory Academic Progress  Documentation of Extenuating Circumstance(s)  Documentation from Medical Provider  Death Certificate  Police Report  Demonstrate a reasonable effort was made during Warning semester to resolve SAP issue.  Resolution of the circumstances that led to Disqualification  Plan of Study that will led the student towards academic success

6 Special Consideration: Cost of Attendance  Process for students to document qualifying expenses above the standard Cost of Attendance budget to increase their budget only  Does not provide student with more financial aid funds if they have already reached their maximum limits  Expenses must be incurred during the academic year  Allowable expenses:  Limited Transportation  Study Abroad  Cooperative Education  Dependent Care  Disability  Personal Computer purchase (one time)  Professional Conferences  Professional memberships/subscriptions  Health insurance

7 Special Consideration: Cost of Attendance Documentation includes but may not be limited to:  Letter of Appeal by student explaining:  Why they are requesting a cost of attendance review;  Reason(s) they were unable to meet their current expenses and financial obligations; and  Any change in financial situation that has impacted their ability to meet the current expenses and other financial obligations.  Copies of official receipts or statements of expenses incurred  For transportation expenses, also need a copy of current vehicle registration

8 Special Consideration: Special Circumstances  Circumstances are measured by calendar year  For example, 2014-2015 FAFSA requires tax information from 2013 calendar year. Student can appeal changes in the 2014 calendar year for the 2014-2015 academic year. Changes that occur in 2015 calendar year affect 2015-2015 academic year.  Report a substantial change in income  Divorce/separation or death of spouse  Unusual expenses paid such as exceptionally high dental/medical expenses  Change in child support/alimony payments

9 Special Consideration: Special Circumstances Documentation can include but may not be limited to:  Letter explaining the details of the changes that occurred  Changes in income are documented by IRS Tax Return Transcript for the calendar year. (2014 tax return to change the 2014-2015 FAFSA)  Divorce decrees/Separation documentation  Death certificates  Receipts or bills of medical expenses  Must verify the FAFSA’s current information prior to make any changes

10 Special Considerations: Dependency Status How the dependency is determined by the FAFSA for 2014-2015:  Born before January 1, 1991  Married as of the date of filing the FAFSA  Graduate or professional student  Veteran of Armed Forces or on active duty  Has children or other legal dependents who received 51% of support from applicant  Since age 13 was in foster care, ward of the court, or both parents deceased  Emancipated minor or in legal guardianship with someone other than their parents  Certified as Homeless, at risk, or unaccompanied youth by proper authorities

11 Special Considerations: Dependency Status Document extenuating circumstances such as, but not limited to:  Abusive family environment (sexual, physical, domestic violence)  Abandonment by parents  Incarceration or institutionalization of parents  Parents lacking the physical or mental capacity to raise the child  Parents hospitalization for an extended period

12 Special Considerations: Dependency Status Extenuating circumstances must be well documented  Police reports  Reports from social services office  Detailed letter by student stating the specific circumstances  Two detailed letters of support from knowledgeable sources  One of these letters MUST be from a professional, knowledgeable third party such as a counselor, minister, attorney, educator, doctor, or social worker. Must be on official letterhead.  Committee meets to carefully examine the documentation and render a decision

13 Questions? UNLV Financial Aid and Scholarships 702-895-3424 On Twitter: @UNLV_FinAidSch

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