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00 INSPIRE EDUCATE BECOME Great men Salesian College Year 11 - 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "00 INSPIRE EDUCATE BECOME Great men Salesian College Year 11 - 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 00 INSPIRE EDUCATE BECOME Great men Salesian College Year 11 - 2015

2 Agenda 1.Welcome and VCE Overview – Mr. Stephen Sellwood 2.The Year 11 Program and Subject Selection Process – Mrs. Leanne Matheson

3 VCE Overview: Mr. Sellwood The Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority ( VCAA) regulates the VCE Must pass a minimum of 16 units 3 of English including English Units 3/4 Salesian boys generally attempt a minimum of 24 units Can include VCE and VET subjects

4 VCE RULES AND PROCEDURES Mandated by VCAA Presents clear instructions Protects students

5 Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR) Formerly ENTER VCAA uses SAC/SAT/examination grades to calculate a study score for each subject A study score of 50 indicates a student finished at the top of the cohort

6 Calculating the ATAR Number between 0 – 99.95 English study score Next best three Units 3 / 4 scores 10% of 5th and 6th Units 3 / 4 scores

7 Units 1 / 2 VCE Assessment S (satisfactory) / N (non – satisfactory) reported to VCAA Outcomes – basis for a satisfactory completion of a VCE unit College reports on students’ levels of achievement to parents in semester reports

8 Breach of VCE Rules Internal breaches: College’s VCE Academic Panel Units 3 / 4 examination breaches: VCAA VCE Rules and Procedures distributed at the beginning of the school year.

9 VCAL : Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning VCAL prepares boys for: TAFE Apprenticeship Workforce Salesian College offers Intermediate VCAL (Year 11 2015 and Senior VCAL (Year 12 2016)

10 VCAL : Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning Boys complete program including: Literacy Numeracy Work Related Skills VET Certificate at TAFE (each Wednesday) Work Placement (each Friday) Personal Development Skills Religious Education

11 WHY CHOOSE VCAL? VCAL is an accredited secondary school qualification Practical experience Employability skills Prepare for work place and/or TAFE

12 VET : Vocational Education and Training Direct and practical experience Complete two qualifications at once Delivered by the College Lead to Diploma courses at TAFE Nationally accredited Our VET subjects contribute to ATAR

13 The Year 11 Program: Mrs. Matheson Full entry to VCE years Biggest academic leap in secondary years Greater subject choice Focus on career pathways VCAA rules and procedures

14 The Year 11 Academic Program Religion and Society Unit 1 English Units 1 / 2 5 additional Units 1 / 2 subjects or 4 additional Units 1 / 2 subjects plus one Units 3 / 4 subject Sport

15 Promotion to Year 11 Challenged where boys receive less than 50 in two or more Semester 1 subjects A ‘Show Cause’ process will take place Boys should: Still complete the subject selection process Not assume they will be promoted

16 Units 3 / 4 VCE Studies Biology History Health and Human Development English Literature Further Mathematics Business Management Commence 6 November!!!

17 UNITS 3 / 4 VCE STUDIES A challenge for capable students Early start to Year 12 ATAR score Definitely not for all students

18 Promotion and Subject Selection Requirements Requirements to gain access to certain subjects Subject will not appear on Web Preferences if criteria not met Strictly enforced Appeal process for students who just miss out

19 Appeal Process Boys should: Fully complete the online subject selection process as normal Complete the Appeal Form (see ‘Learning’ section of College website) Return the Appeal Form to their Head of House by Friday 1 August

20 Key Questions Am I interested in it? Am I good at it? Do I have a coherent suite of subjects? Am I capable of doing a 3/4 subject in 2015? Is this subject in the direction of my career aspiration?

21 Subject Selection Boys will received Web Preference password on Monday 21 July Web Preference subject selection closes 6pm Friday 1 August

22 Subject Selection Subjects may not run due to insufficient numbers Subject clashes will occur In Term 4 students will be advised of 2015 subjects

23 Advice Subject selection material (see ‘Learning’ section of College website) Heads of House Heads of Department Mr. Beurs (Pathways Co-ordinator)

24 Making Considered Choices Seek information to make informed decisions Assess strengths and weaknesses Think ahead when making choices Interest Capability Career

25 Strategies For Doing Well Establish study habits now that will ensure you reach your potential 2 hours home study per night Work smart Organisation and commitment Balanced life Maths Tutoring – Monday

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