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STAAR Grade 3-8 Standards Now We Know Who Passed!

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Presentation on theme: "STAAR Grade 3-8 Standards Now We Know Who Passed!"— Presentation transcript:

1 STAAR Grade 3-8 Standards Now We Know Who Passed!


3 The big questions… What do the performance categories mean? What is the phase in and how do I interpret it? How can I use the new data to plan for instruction and intervention?

4 the vibe

5 What are folks buzzing about? What’s confusing or needs clarification? 1


7 STAAR Performance Standards 7 Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance Level III Advanced Academic Performance SatisfactoryAdvanced 1

8 Inadequately Prepared – For this year’s test – For the next grade/course – To graduate They FAILED last year, and… – Are likely to this year – Have major concept gaps Level I Unsatisfactory Academic Performance 1

9 Well Prepared – For this year’s test – For the next grade/course – To graduate They PASSED last year, and… – Should pass this year Level III Advanced Academic Performance 1

10 Sufficiently Prepared – For this year’s test – For the next grade/course – To graduate They PASSED last year, but… – Will they this year? – Would they under a higher standard? Level II Satisfactory Academic Performance 1

11 11 Phase in…

12 Why do we have a phase-in for grades 3-8? A. To match EOC B. To allow time for teachers to adjust instruction C. To make the test easier

13 STAAR Performance Standards Higher than TAKS Set first for English III and Algebra II – Linked to college readiness – Linked by grade level down to 3 rd grade Validity studies Standard-setting committees and policy review committees Reviewed every 3 years 13

14 Phase in… Phase I 2011-12 2012-13 Phase II 2013-14 2014-15 Final Recommended 2015-16

15 Passing Standards Scale Scores – Vertical scale – Determined by raw scores Items Percentages – Scale remains the same | raw scores may differ each year

16 Passing Rates (accountability) Raw score percentages – Percentage of students passing the test at the Level II Satisfactory – Perhaps Level III standards for one index Accountability standards yet to be determined – Phase I or Final? – Rate rewuirements?

17 3

18 5

19 3

20 Why are the final recommended standards for grade 3-8 so high? A. TAKS standards were too low B. Field test results were too high C. STAAR standards anchor on EOCs

21 Why is the Final Recommended Standard so high?

22 What do you see? GradeReadingMath Grade 375%80% Grade 475%79% Grade 576%78% Grade 677%71% Grade 776%67% Grade 875%63%

23 English III Algebra II Grade 2

24 3

25 So… How did you do?

26 4

27 4

28 2 3 4 5 6 4


30 But what about individual kids? Focus on Level II Satisfactory | Sufficient Skills Phase 1 | Phase 2 | Final Recommended Student Phase 1Phase 2Final Santiago Y Y Y Grace Y Y Y Mario Y Y Y Nia Y Y Y Willie Y Y N Jada Y Y N Emiliano Y Y N Andre Y Y N Andrew YNN Benjamín YNN Maria José YNN Jacob YNN

31 How are we doing based on CURRENT data?

32 Collected any data THIS year?

33 STAAR Performance Standards ≈ 62% ≈ 55% ≈ 85% 3

34 66% 58% 57% 56% 54% 52% 50% 48% 40% 39% 66% 58% 57% 56% 54% 52% 50% 48% 43% 40% 39%

35 ≈ 75% ≈ 55% ≈ 85% ≈ 62% 3

36 Rethinking Scores 85 75 62 55 Well Prepared Sufficiently Prepared (Gr. 3-8 Final) Getting There (Sufficiently Prepared - Phase 1) Sufficiently Prepared (EOC Final/ Gr. 3-8 Phase 2)



39 Rethinking the Score STAAR 2012 78% 4


41 1

42 Quintiles and Common

43 Specific or Systemic Issues 5

44 6

45 1.Assess concept gaps 2.Review current intervention plan 3.Identify and monitor Level I/Q1 students 1.Assess concept gaps 2.Review current intervention plan 3.Identify and monitor Level I/Q1 students Specific or Systemic Issues 1.Verify Q5 students are well prepared 2.Assess concept gaps 3.Ask students for input 1.Verify Q5 students are well prepared 2.Assess concept gaps 3.Ask students for input 5

46 Reexamining Quintiles 85 75 62 55 Well Prepared Sufficiently Prepared (Gr. 3-8 Final) Getting There (Sufficiently Prepared - Phase 1) Sufficiently Prepared (EOC Final/ Gr. 3-8 Phase 2)

47 5

48 Is there a group of students you are worried about?

49 Quintiles and Common Sense by Student Group Quintile 1Quintile 2Quintile 3Quintile 4Quintile 5 Top % Correct 40% Top % Correct 49% Top % Correct 56% Top % Correct 72% Top % Correct 83% Students Raw Score Students Raw Score Students Raw Score Students Raw Score Students Raw Score Madison 40% Olivia 49% Camila 56% Nicholas 72% Valentina 83% Martín 39% Hannah 48% Lucas 55% Demetrius 69% Jada 79% Asia 38% Sebastián 48% David 55% Agustín 63% Emiliano 79% Reginald 26% Luciana 42% Daniel 52% Jerónimo 61% Emma 74% Jose 24% Mía 41% Deja 49% Valeria 58% Anthony 74%

50 7 SarahTerrell GraceAndreJacobLuciaImani AshEmmaHannah


52 Which standard type is the most logical starting point for intervention? A. Readiness B. Supporting C. Process

53 Thinking about the Standards? Readiness SupportingProcess

54 KNOW so they can GROW

55 Know the Standards… 1.Name a hard-to-teach readiness standard 2.What concept(s) are being taught? 3.What do students learn in the previous two grades to prepare them? 4.How will students use the learning next year?

56 8

57 Readiness Standards ≈ 30% of assessed TEKS ≈ 65% of STAAR – IN-DEPTH instruction – BROAD and DEEP ideas 57 Concepts Pacing – When do you go on? Pacing – When do you go on? 8

58 Readiness Standards Thinking about Intervention Assess cognitive complexity Plan for multiple novel items Focus on high volume reporting categories

59 Supporting Standards ≈70% of assessed TEKS ≈35% of the test – Prerequisite instruction Scaffold 8

60 9

61 Thinking about Intervention Scaffold for intervention Assess prerequisite skills or context Align to focus readiness standards Supporting Standards

62 62 Process Standards – Tools to KNOW – Ways to SHOW Access Demonstrate

63  ≥75% questions in Math (Grades 3-8)  ≥40% questions in Science  ≥30% questions in Social Studies 63 ≈ 82% ≈ 60% ≈ 55% Process Standards Assessed in CONTEXT [Logical Pairings] 9

64 Process Standards What Content Area? Analyze information by sequencing, categorizing, identifying cause-and-effect relationships, comparing, contrasting, finding the main idea, summarizing, making generalizations and predictions, and drawing inferences and conclusions; Social Studies 4.21(B) George C. Childress credited as being the author of the Texas Declaration of Independence


66 10

67 Focus… where do you start? Readiness SupportingProcess

68 Put in order for intervention Readiness Supporting Process


70 [Faculty Meeting Activity] Think of your best day this year. What did YOU do to get kids to think?

71 Intervention = Instruction

72 11

73 Talk with Students STAAR : Model inferential thinking Intervention : Assess, shape, extend thinking

74 Ask Questions (that we ourselves can answer) STAAR : Complete answer Intervention : Scaffold thinking

75 Check for Understanding (during teaching | after assessment } STAAR : Self check of learning Intervention : Redirect learning

76 Learn from Mistakes STAAR : Distractors Intervention : Scaffold learning

77 11

78 If we know the mistakes that students usually make…

79 When are you going to see it?

80 What are you going to do about it?

81 Provide Time to Think (wait time) STAAR : Patient problem solving Intervention : Allow processing time

82 Pace Instruction STAAR : Full concept development Intervention : Pre-teach | reteach

83 Provide Opportunities for Transfer STAAR : Multiple novel items Intervention : Apply learning

84 Transfer


86 12

87 Y = looks like the way I taught ‘em N = let’s see if they can apply what I taught ‘em

88 Terrell5949100X889 13


90 14

91 Why is knowledge of error type so important for intervention?

92 ✔ ? ? 14

93 15


95 Let’s think strategically! WHO will lead review? – Structure for organizing review/intervention

96 Let’s think strategically! What SE’s will we focus on? – Spiral from first Integrated Stand-alone (bell ringers) – High impact reporting categories – Planning

97 Let’s think strategically! How much time? Which materials? – Engagement – Novelty – Problem starting

98 FOCUS! Focus Readiness Standards – Linked Supporting Standards Highly tested Process Standards

99 50 5.7C 5.9A 5.5A 5.6A 5.9B 5.7A

100 16 Item practicing games | four corners get it wrong Review packets stations | lead teacher | student led | QR codes

101 Review MUST DO Focus Engage Transfer

102 17

103 Thank You!

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