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Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options.

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Presentation on theme: "Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options."— Presentation transcript:

1 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Research Approach: how integrative synthesis supports decision briefing and analysis Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmanted, sequential, inflexible OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety

2 Generalize The integration of heterogeneous options/ alternatives with heterogeneous information to support AEC decision-making tasks (DEEP) Such heterogeneous options/alternatives may be product (belt/bridge), process (OT/no OT), or organization (additional welding/original team) Such heterogeneous information are decision factors, which may include: functional requirements, cost, duration, precedence relationships, etc.

3 Contribution An extensible schema/relationship structure, which integrates options with decision factors. An interactive decision network, which represents and interlinks multiple types of information to support AEC decision-making tasks (e.g., to query decision factors, manipulate options, and select alternatives). –A CPM Gantt chart represents 1 information type for 1 option –A project curve represents 2 information types for 1 option –A 4D model represents 2 information types for 1 option –A decision network has the potential to embody multiple information types (e.g., time, cost, organization, linkage to 3D objects, etc.) for multiple options

4 Evidence Degree of integration (in briefings—descriptions and explanations) a higher degree of integration would allow decision makers to describe and explain integrated decision factors more quickly and comprehensively. Degree of flexibility and extensibility (in evaluations) a higher degree of flexibility and extensibility would allow decision makers to evaluate more decision alternatives informatively with appropriate foci. Degree of repeatability (in predictions/re- evaluations) a higher degree of repeatability and responsiveness in handling new decision criterions would allow decision makers to quickly incorporate performance predictions, evaluate new decision criterions, and iteratively unlock/lock options.

5 Decision Plan AnalysisBriefingSynthesisPlanning What-if? What are the appropriate duration, unit rates, network logic, supervisor? AEC Decision-Making Process in Selecting Project Alternatives iterative, multilateral, alternatives, creativity while influence level is relatively high How to generate a PPO proposal? Based on the best available knowledge and criteria at the time How to effectively present the alternative proposals to the decision makers? Does the alternative meet the functional requirements? Decision criteria? What if we relax the functional requirements, refine the decision criteria? Can the project team generate other creative alternatives?

6 Laydown and Access Background Case—Product, Process, Organization, Cost, and the Issues Steel Sub WelderErector GC Concrete Sub RebarCarpenter lower level parking$ 733k retail steel$ 657k Total $ 13,069k (-0.2%) Risk Issues Low coordination risk in baseline schedule, on time and on budget 3/11/02

7 Unforeseen Site Condition—Contaminated Soil, Native Indian Remains

8 Laydown and Access 2-Month Delay and its Impact Steel Sub WelderErector GC Concrete Sub RebarCarpenter Risk Issues The project would miss the turnover deadlines and the retail business window The owner requested the GC to come up with acceleration proposals for an OAC meeting Owner lower level parking$ 733k retail steel$ 657k Total $ 13,171k (+0.5%) 5/13/02 +54D +56D

9 Laydown and Access Planning—How to accelerate? Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk issues/Uncertainty associated with the alternative High risk—concerns about production by the fabricator High risk—the impact of overtime work on productivity and rework Owner lower level parking$ ???k (+??%) retail steel$ ???k (+??%) Total $ ??,???k (+??%) Additional Soffit Forming Material How much can we accelerate by overtime and multiple welding team? How much can we accelerate by additional formwork and overtime work? Welding Sup

10 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : fragmanted options with intra-disciplinary predictions Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

11 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Group Responsible: Intra-disciplinary professionals, knowledgeable about their niche ** steel/concrete sub, scheduler, estimator** Product Option: Acquiring additional soffit forming material ** 3D models in ADT and CPT-4D** Process Option: Shortening task duration with overtime work in steel erection, concrete reinforcement, etc. ** MSP ** Organization Option: Bringing additional teams and supervisors for welding and coordination ** SV ** These intra-disciplinary applications do not incorporate P/P/O options. The model either represent one option or the other option. The testing of different combinations of intra-disciplinary options requires the generation of different models, which are discrete and unrelated with one another Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Fragmanted options with intra-disciplinary predictions Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

12 Laydown and Access In order to brief (describe and explain) the proposal to the decision makers… Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues what is the impact to the steel erection supply chain? how will overtime work affect coordination? productivity? and rework? does the change order meet schedule and budget criteria? Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 715k (+8.8%) Total $ 13,649k (+4.2%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Welding Sup Steel acceleration reduces duration from 68D to 51D in retail area Concrete acceleration reduce duration from 116D to 103D in lower parking area +8D +7D

13 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : The coupling stage based on best available decision criteria

14 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Group Responsible: Inter-disciplinary professionals ** project executive ** Integration: generate a coherent inter-disciplinary package for the selected combination of options ** Excel, 4D, MSP, SV, ADT ** Decision Criteria: ** Aiming for on-time completion ** In preparation for the OAC review meeting, the project executive filtered the many options into an alternative based on the best available decision criteria “change the dials once at a time” “ paired comparison” “7+/-2” There is a limit of the simultaneous Information-handling capacity of the decision makers Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : The coupling stage based on best available decision criteria

15 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Group Responsible: decision makers ** owner’s representatives ** decision facilitators ** project executive ** Descriptive questions: Where is the laydown area? What is the predecessor of retail steel work? What is the cost implication of the acceleration alternative? How much time can it buy back? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Descriptive tasks: What …? When …? Who …? How much …? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

16 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Descriptive tasks: What …? When …? Who …? How much …? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

17 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Descriptive tasks: What …? When …? Who …? How much …? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

18 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Group Responsible: decision makers ** owner’s representatives ** decision facilitators ** project executive ** Explanative questions: How does overtime work impact the change order cost? Why is there an idle time between the completion of retail slab-on-grade and retail steel erection? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Explanative tasks: Why …? How …? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

19 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : High-level evaluation of alternatives with fixed options Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan pre-set combination of options

20 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : High-level evaluation of alternatives with fixed options Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan on-time? on budget? acceptable risk level? satisfactory performance level?

21 Laydown and Access Upon decision evaluation, the owners refined their functional requirements Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues what is the impact to the steel erection supply chain? how will overtime work affect coordination? productivity? and rework? does the change order meet schedule and budget criteria? Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 715k (+8.8%) Total $ 13,649k (+4.2%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Welding Sup Relax Parking Turnover Constraint +8D +7D

22 Predictions—What if steel erection has a concurrent relationship with lower parking? Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues what is the impact to the steel erection supply chain? how will overtime work affect coordination? productivity? and rework? how to provide access to the parking area? Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 715k (+8.8%) coordination$ ??k (extra) Total $ ??,???k (+4.5%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Welding Sup How much float will be available Concurrent  coordination means, cost, and time +??D Connector Bridge? Concrete Belt? +??D

23 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Acceleration Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety What if: one changes the precedence relationship? From FS to SS? there is no overtime work? Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : Available alternative is coupled; what-if requires re-integration Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan

24 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan : New combinations of options generated anew, re-integrate, re-DEEP Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Test options with intra-disciplinary applications:

25 Predictions—What if steel erection has a concurrent relationship with lower parking? Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues what is the impact to the steel erection supply chain? how will overtime work affect coordination? productivity? and rework? how to provide access to the parking area? Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 715k (+8.8%) coordination$ 50k (extra) Total $ 13,700k (+4.5%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Welding Sup Float Available Concurrent  coordination means, cost, and time +36D +20D Connector Bridge? Concrete Belt? +20D

26 Predictions—What if steel erection has a concurrent relationship with lower parking? Steel Sub Welding Team 1, 2, 3Erector OT GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues what is the impact to the steel erection supply chain? how will overtime work affect coordination? productivity? and rework? how to provide access to the parking area? Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 715k (+8.8%) coordination$ 50k (extra) Total $ 13,700k (+4.5%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Welding Sup How to minimize cost and coordination risk? +36D +20D Connector Bridge? Concrete Belt? +20D How to minimize parking delay?

27 Steel Sub WelderErector What-if predictions and re-evaluation GC Concrete Sub Rebar OTCarpenter OT Risk Issues bear lower risks for steel erection supply chain, overtime work, coordination, productivity, and rework float allow connector bridge to accelerate at a lower cost Owner lower level parking$ 748k (+2.0%) retail steel$ 657k coordination$ 20k (lower) Total $ 13,612k (+3.9%) Additional Soffit Forming Material Connector Bridge How to minimize parking delay? Utilize the float for bridge construction +22D 17 additional days with no overtime or extra welding teams Acceptable !

28 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan include decision options (both high and detail levels) Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible

29 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan include decision options (both high and detail levels) Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible

30 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan XML schema—hierarchically integrate heterogeneous project data



33 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Generate an interactive decision network based on the inputs

34 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Interactive output allows one to describe with iRoom apps iRoom event

35 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Interactive output allows one to explain/record rationales Explicitly register the concerns

36 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Evaluation of performance metrics at different decision nodes

37 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Decision focus for decoupling or manipulating options Directly add/edit/delete relationships, de/activate options, or change attributes in the decision network

38 Synthesis Process Acceleration Alternative ProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: CostResource ProcessProductOrg. Brainstorm for PPO options Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning CostResource Baseline Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Process OT conc. OT steel Concurrent Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options CostResource Planning Process OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Product Belt Bridge Add Soffit Org. welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Brainstorm for PPO options Planning CostResource Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? PPO Option data, functional requirements Macro Production Plan Query Test new criteriaResourcesMethods Decision Network Alternatives Courses Briefing iRoom highlight Describe and explain: explain Analysis Functional require. Evaluate and predict: What-if? Concurrent Alternative Lock-up a set of options into an alternative: XML data files CIFE applications iRoom infrastructure Hierarchical PPO object concept XML schema for AEC alternatives hierarchically represent, centrally integrate, and automatically propagate OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety OT conc. OT steel Finish-Start Belt Bridge Add Soffit welding sup 3+weld crew add safety Test options with intra-disciplinary applications: Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Implication: a coherent macro network helps production planning Planning | Synthesis | Briefing | Analysis | Decision or Re-plan Current Process: fragmented, sequential, inflexible

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