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Welcome to Challenge Curriculum Night Mrs. Ajaya Sonde James Williams Elementary.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Challenge Curriculum Night Mrs. Ajaya Sonde James Williams Elementary."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Challenge Curriculum Night Mrs. Ajaya Sonde James Williams Elementary

2 Agenda  Curriculum: Year 1, Activities, Projects, Report Cards, Field Trips  Extensions: DI, Reflections, KPGT  Communications: Wiki, 5 th Gr. JRHS Screening, Flipped Classroom & Edmodo, GT PAC & KPGT Liasion  Contact Info

3 Curriculum Year 1: Change Meteorology, Fine Arts, Chemistry  Change happens over time.  Change can be natural or man-made.  Change can be random or predictable.


5 Activities  Inquiry  Flipped Classroom  Discovery Education  TED  PBS - NOVA  Edmodo Homework  Simulations  Computer Lab  Internet sites  SMART Board  Read Aloud  Hands On Activities  Logic Games & Puzzles

6 Project for Meteorology  Grades 4 & 5  Grades 2 & 3  Grade 1 Complexity

7 Report Cards  Evaluations same as before. Excellent = Exceeds Expectations Satisfactory = Meets Expectations Needs Improvement Unsatisfactory  No comments this year unless child is not meeting expectations.  1 st report card = Work Ethic, Current status.  2 nd report card = Meteorology  3 rd report card = Fine Arts  4 th report card = Chemistry

8 Field Trips  Challenge Field Trip: Weather Museum?, Houston Symphony?, Museum of Fine Arts? Theatre? Focus on Meteorology, Fine Arts Will be in May near the end of school Will need parent chaperones & photographers

9 Extensions  Destination Imagination  PTA Reflections  KPGT Opportunities  TAGT Conference

10 Destination Imagination






16 Communications  5 th Grade JRHS Screening  My Wiki:  Edmodo:  KPGT Liasion & GT PAC

17 5 th Grade JRHS Screening Parents: Please Note: 5 th Grade JRHS Screening Info that is currently being advertised is NOT for you!!!! Information for your child will be sent at a later date. I will update you via email and send an e-copy for you. All current screening information is being posted on a new wiki:

18 Old Challenge Wiki New Challenge Wiki

19 Edmodo Communication for The Next Generation Advantages:  Your intermediate level child is connected to a Challenge classroom on Non Challenge days.  They are able to communicate with their challenge friends and discuss challenge topics in a safe environment.  They are able to share their knowledge learned outside of the classroom with their peers. Edmodo

20 What’s the Difference? KPGT Liaison A “ room mother” for Challenge (or father) Campus / Classroom focus District contact is the Challenge teacher Assists with dissemination of KPGT information to the campus and classroom Time required varies,“as needed” for KPGT and campus needs, usually during school hours More than one Liaison per campus is OK Focus on carrying out tasks May also serve as the PAC Representative GT PAC Member A representative on an advisory board District / Program Focus District contact is the GT/AAS Director Receives department/district information and provides input as requested Time required is attendance at three evening PAC meetings scheduled by the Director One PAC Representative per campus Focus on discussing issues May also serve as the Liaison

21 JWE needs a KPGT Liasion and a GT PAC member Please email or contact me if you are interested.

22 Thank You For coming tonight! Questions? Concerns? Email Me!

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