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Geography P2L Rivers: Drainage basins. You have choice how you complete this P2L task 1.Make a labelled model to describe and explain the features of.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography P2L Rivers: Drainage basins. You have choice how you complete this P2L task 1.Make a labelled model to describe and explain the features of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography P2L Rivers: Drainage basins

2 You have choice how you complete this P2L task 1.Make a labelled model to describe and explain the features of a river basin. OR 2.Identify and photograph or sketch the features of a river basin in the real world and create a PowerPoint presentation or leaflet to describe and explain these features Only do one of these!

3 Page 74 in geog 1, the work you have done in your Flood Disasters booklet and your exercise book will help you with these tasks.

4 Page 74 in geog 1

5 A River’s Profile Page 74 geog 1

6 This video will also help you identify features of a river basin. Click the hyperlink below to view it. from/340.html from/340.html

7 Key Words River Basin Source Tributary Confluence Meander Flood Plain Upper Course Middle Course Lower Course Mouth Your model, PowerPoint or leaflet should identify, describe and explain what all these keywords mean.

8 Option One Make a labelled model to describe and explain the features of river basin The instructions on the next 9 slides will help you

9 Use the self and peer assessment sheet to ensure you have included all the labels to Describe (Level 4) and Explain (Level 5) the features of a river basin!

10 Gather the resources that you might need. You already have pens, pencils, colours, rulers etc for school. Asks your parents or carer if you you can use the glue and scissors that you have at home. You should not need to buy “Building Materials”. Use waste cardboard boxes, scrap paper, junk mail and used envelopes that would otherwise be put in your recycling bags or boxes.

11 Cut up a box to create the base of you model. Glue on other card to make the “land”. Leave gap some of the base showing. This will be the “sea”.

12 Cut out more card and use it to show the relief (the shape of the land) by gluing it in layers to your base to create the hills around your drainage basin. Trim the edges carefully.

13 Glue on some white card or paper to show the snow on mountain tops and a glacier that could be the source of your river

14 Use pencil to draw in the main features of the drainage basin. Include the source at the base of your glacier, a spring, tributaries, confluences, meanders and the mouth of the river. Be careful to include all the features of a drainage basin Use your pencil lightly so you can easily rub out mistakes

15 Very carefully colour in the river and it’s tributaries. Don’t forget it will be narrow nearer the source and wider nearer the mouth!

16 Now label your model. Make sure you use keywords and describe what each feature is. You could write these on white card or paper then glue them to your model, make flags and attach them to you model or number each feature then write out a key that you could glue onto the model. Give your model a title and include your name and form Features to describe and label: Source Spring Tributary Confluence Meander Flood Plain Mouth & Descriptions of the slope in the upper, middle and lower parts of the river.

17 Don’t forget to recycle your waste paper and cardboard!

18 Now write a paragraph to explain how you used technology to make your model. Did you use it for research? For presenting your work? To build your model?

19 Option 2 Identifying features of a drainage basin on a real local river And Presenting your work using PowerPoint or by making a movie

20 Option 2 Use a local Ordnance survey map to find the following features on local streams and rivers. You can borrow one of these from your teacher. Record the Grid references. Visit the sites and photograph the features using a digital camera or make sketches of what you see. Prepare a PowerPoint presentation or a leaflet to show the features that you identified. Make sure you describe each feature, explain what it is and give it’s grid references. The next 8 slides of features of Barrow Brook and the River Sence will give you ideas. Print your PowerPoint as 6 slide hand outs and hand this in to your teacher. Or bring in your movie on a data stick!

21 Use the self and peer assessment sheet to ensure you have included all the labels to Describe (Level 4) and Explain (Level 5) the features of a river basin!

22 STAY SAFE Water can be very dangerous. When you visit the sites: Go with an adult. Do not enter or play in the water. Keep yourself safe from the weather!

23 Features of a River Basin: Blower’s Brook and the River Sence By Mr Howard 8SH

24 The Source The starting point of a river it could be a spring, melting glacier or an area where rain collects. Grid reference: 393137

25 The Upper Course The Upper Course is the steepest part of the river. Barrow Brook flows from this these hills. Grid reference 392123

26 The Middle Course The slope is less steep. Grid Reference: 396116

27 Meander A Meander is bend in a river Grid Reference: 398114

28 Tributary Tributaries are small rivers that join the main one. Blower’s Brook is a tributary of the river Sence. Grid Reference: 399114

29 Confluence Where two rivers join. Here Blower’s Brook joins the river Sence. Grid Reference: 399114

30 Flood Plain This is the land that get flooded when the river overflows Grid Reference: 397115

31 The Lower Course The slope has flattened out as the river gets nearer the mouth. Grid Reference: 399113

32 The Mouth Where a river flows into a lake or the sea Grid Reference: 399113

33 Now write a paragraph to explain how you used technology to make your model, movie or presentation. Did you use it for research? For presenting your work? To create your presentation? To make a movie?

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