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KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Programme Implementation Manual Management Coordination Seminar Patrizia Grifoni.

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Presentation on theme: "KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Programme Implementation Manual Management Coordination Seminar Patrizia Grifoni."— Presentation transcript:

1 KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Programme Implementation Manual Management Coordination Seminar Patrizia Grifoni Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010

2 Contents Information about deliverables due, in terms of content and their scheduling: a)Deliverables produced by the project activities (Brochures,..) b) Reports for the JTS Information about the project indicators KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010

3 KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Deliverables produced by the project activities

4 a) Start-up report b) Preparation expenses claim c) Progress report d) Final report and closure of the project Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Reports for the JTS KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

5 When It has to be produced before July 31, 2010 Who the Lead Partner sends to the Joint Technical Secretariat the start-up report What it contains The report has to attest the beginning of the activities and has to detail the structures of management that ensures the good performance of the project (rules of procedure of the Steering Committee, Copordination Committee). Notes: This report is not a financial reporting and thus it doesn’t grant any right to a financial refunding Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Start-up report KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

6 When It has to be produced before the October 31, 2010, when the first progress report will be sent. (chiadere alexandrova se i livelli di controllo sono 2**?) Who checked and signed by the selected independent controller. What it contains This report contains a description of the preparation expenses of the project as well as the financial report, (checked and signed by the selected independent controller). Notes: This report grants only the right to the Preparation’s expenses refunding Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Preparation expenses claim KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

7 The implementation of the projects is generally based on 6 months periods, except for the first and the last period of the project. When Progress report deadlines are: October 31, 2010 April 30, 2011 October 31, 2011 April 30, 2012 October 31, 2012 April 30, 2013 July 31, 2013 Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Progress report KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

8 Who The Lead Partner What s/he has to do Has to verify the expenditures of the other partners, fill in the progress report through PRESAGE system, submit the progress report and the request for reimbursement to the JTS (together with the copies of the confirmations of the first level controller on the validated amounts). The Lead Partner will have to make sure that the expenditures noted in the financial report were not included in a financial report submitted previously. What it contains This report will include the management report as well as the financial reporting checked and signed by the Lead Partner. It should also be accompanied by concrete outputs of the project, by communication documents or other documents published during this period. The Activity Report includes information on the general operation’s progress, as well as a comparison between the objectives initially envisaged and the objectives already achieved. It also includes any part corresponding to technical realisations. The Financial Report contains a retrospective accounting of expenditure paid out during the reporting period. The report will have to contain information on all the expenditures, cash as well as in kind. Only reimbursement is authorised and only for the expenses effectively committed during the period concerned by the report, already paid and justified by invoices or documents of equal value of proof. Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Progress report KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

9 What it contains This report must provide information on the achievements, the results and the impacts of the project, as well as the final detailed financial information. It will be produced by the different progress reports of all the project, and it will consider the indicators identified for the project and the obtained results respect to the expected one. When The Final Report must be submitted to the Joint Technical Secretariat United after the closure of the project. The deadline is: July 31, 2013. Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Final report and closure of the project KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth

10 Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth - KnowInG Deliverables for the JST Comp 1; Comp 2; Comp 3; Comp 4 Comp1: 104780 Comp 2: 141940 Comp 3: 59780 Comp 4: 101300Comp1: 28500 Comp 2: 22000 Comp 3: 47000 Comp 4: 53575Comp1: 15000 Comp 2: 12000 Comp 3: 29000 Comp 4: 95600Comp1: 29500 Comp 2: 16000 Comp 3: 47000 Comp 4: 64650Comp1: 27000 Comp 2: 11000 Comp 3: 53000 Comp 4: 69090 Comp1: 30900 Comp 2: 17000 Comp 3: 23000 Comp 4: 108000Comp1: 24000 Comp 2: 11000 Comp 3: 41850 Comp 4: 62000Comp1: 28300 Comp 2: 9000 Comp 3: 53000 Comp 4: 71200Comp1: 37200 Comp 2: 17000 Comp 3: 88000 Comp 4: 57700Comp1: 15000 Comp 2: 16000 Comp 3: 63500 Comp 4: 14300 National Council of Research, IRPPS - responsible of component 1 and 2FVMPCEEICalabria RegionSicily RegionBIC Attika -responsible of component 4Lavrion TCP Region Attika - responsible of component 3Uni AlgarveAnglia Ruskin Uni June 2010 first lines communication plan (with logo)+ website Start-up report july CC meeting + seminar in Rome + management manual - 14-15-16 July augustdefinitive Communication plan Folder + 2 gadgets(pen+bag) sept RC(co-production technical); coordination Work Group 1 - participation at 3 WG Resource Centre (co-production contents)project leaflet SC+CC meeting+Launch Conference in Palermo - 27-28-29 Sept Resource Centre (co-production contents) Resource Centre (co-production technical and content) RC(co-production technical and content); coordination Work Group 2 - participation at 3 WG contribution to the RC content ; coordination Thematic Work Group 3 - participation at 3 WG Preparation expenses claimProgress reportoct Resource Centre (co-production contents) 1 gadget (diary) E-magazine 1 nov decLaunch of the Community of Practice Launch of the Community of Practice (ccordination)Launch of the Community of Practice jan 2011 febcontribution to the Think tank Think tank in Rome and Bxlcontribution to the Think tank mar Project Brochure Progress reportapr e-magazine 2 may juneLaboratory of creativenessLaunch of the PP1Laboratory of creativeness (coordination)Launch of the PP1 (coordination)Launch of the PP1 Laboratory of creativenessLaunch of the PP1 SC+CC meeting in Amsterdam july Capacity building workshop Laboratory of creativeness Capacity building workshop Laboratory of creativenesslaboratories (stages) august sept 1 gadget (diary) - CC meeting in Faro- Progress reportoctLaunch call for papers for Congress regional leaflet Launch call for papers for Congress regional leaflet - Launch call for papers for Congress E-magazine 3 - Launch call for papers for Congress novLaunch of the PP2 Launch of the PP2 (coordination)Launch of the PP2 dec jan 2012 Capitalization seminar; Capitalization seminar febCapitalization seminar in MilanCapitalization seminar mar Co-production of Instant Book(from call for papers) - Launch of the PP3Launch of the PP3 Capitalization seminar - Launch of the PP3Launch of the PP3 Co-production of Instant Book(from call for papers) - Launch of the PP3 (coordination)Launch of the PP3 Co-production of Instant Book(from call for papers) - Launch of the PP3 Co-production of Instant Book(from call for papers) - K-Fair and Congress in Athens (co- organization) Progress reportapr SC+ CC meeting in Athens K-Fair and Congress in Athens e-magazine 4 - may juneLaboratory of creativenessCapacity building workshop Laboratory of creativeness Capacity building workshop july Laboratory of creativeness (coordination) Laboratory of creativeness laboratories (stages) august sept CC meeting in Calabria 1 gadget (diary) Progress reportoct e-magazine 5 nov dec jan 2013 feb mar Progress reportapr e-magazine 6 may SC + CC meeting + Final Conference in Valencia

11 An updated list of the project indicators yesterday discussed will be part of the manual Coordination Committee, Rome -15 th, 16 th July 2010 Project indicators KnowInG Knowledge Intelligence and Innovation for a sustainable Growth






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