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Move-IT – Seminars Promoting Virtual Support for Mobile Students Ilse Op de Beeck, AVNet-K.U.Leuven & EuroPACE ivzw Mart Achten, EuroPACE ivzw.

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Presentation on theme: "Move-IT – Seminars Promoting Virtual Support for Mobile Students Ilse Op de Beeck, AVNet-K.U.Leuven & EuroPACE ivzw Mart Achten, EuroPACE ivzw."— Presentation transcript:

1 Move-IT – Seminars Promoting Virtual Support for Mobile Students Ilse Op de Beeck, AVNet-K.U.Leuven & EuroPACE ivzw Mart Achten, EuroPACE ivzw

2  1 November 2009 – 31 December 2010  Project supported by the European Union under the Lifelong Learning Programme – Erasmus/Accompanying Measures  Follow-up project VM-BASE, “Virtual Mobility Before and After Student Exchanges” (Socrates-Minerva, 2006-2008)

3 Objectives To maximize the impact of physical mobility of students, teachers and staff by:  raising awareness  bringing together projects and potential users  emphasizing the transfer and take-up of project results by new users through the Move-IT website and the organisation of events

4 Promoting and increasing the visibility of (former and current) projects and initiatives on blended/virtual mobility and e-coaching

5 Project partners EuroPACE ivzw (BE) – coordinator Katholieke Universiteit Leuven – AVNet (BE) Coimbra Group (BE)

6 Target groups  Higher education institutions, especially those involved in student mobility management  Students & student networks  E-learning community, policy makers, other stakeholders in student mobility

7 Outcomes

8 Portal on blended mobility http://move-  Basic project info (description, partners, contact,...)  Events: Announcement & collection of related materials (presentations, recordings, etc.)  Presentation best-practice projects & initiatives  Interesting links & resources

9 Two seminars on blended mobility Presentations & discussion sessions  10 June 2010, Coimbra conference, Iasi (RO) 40 participants  14 October 2010, Leuven (BE) 33 participants

10 Two webinars on e-coaching  7 May 2010 (73 participants) 27 May 2010 (49 participants)  Face-to-face, Leuven (BE)  Webconferencing (Adobe Connect)  Livestream  Recordings available on website

11 Final event  Move-IT Home and Away Forum “Coaching exchange students from a distance” 1 December 2010, pre-conference event of Online Educa Berlin (DE)  Forum proceedings (online & printed guidebook)

12 Other dissemination materials & channels  Mailings: news and information published in relevant newsletters personal invitations sent to stakeholders  Leaflet, distributed at numerous events, conferences, meetings,...;  Conference presentations (e.g. Edulearn, EADTU, ICL, BEST student symposia…);  Publications: conference papers, articles,..;  Press releases;

13 Exploitation (1)  Establishing links with similar initiatives (EU-funded projects as well as individual best-practices of HEIs) on the topic of blended mobility and e-coaching. Launch call for cases at the start of the project Invitation to project leaders of identified innovative initiatives to contribute to the Move- IT web portal and/or to be a speaker or participant at one of the organised events

14 Exploitation (2)  Making available the Move-IT outcomes to an as wide audience as possible during & after the project duration. Making available the recordings of webinars & other events online Creating Forum proceedings & distributing to stakeholders.

15 After the project duration  Formalising commitment of Move-IT project partners in a final exploitation agreement  Continued promotion of outcomes in regular activities of partners (new projects, newsletters, seminars, presentations,...)

16 More information?

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