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Published byChristina Jefferson Modified over 9 years ago
Contents Dissemination committee: ‐Main achievements Dissemination strategy ‐Objectives ‐Key audience ‐Messages ‐Q&A ‐Next steps Review of dissemination tools: ‐General PPP ‐Leaflet Dissemination activities: ‐At EU level ‐At UK level ‐At DK level
WP7 – Dissemination committee Since 3 rd Biannual a dissemination committee has been set up: Participants: Dissemination WP leader (HyER) Project Coordinator (AP) Representatives from WP8 (EE), WP6 (Cenex) Cities representatives (EE, GLA,HL/CoC, HySOLUTION) Main tasks: Agreeing dissemination strategy for the project Agreeing the broad content / key messages for the project Reviewing the main dissemination materials (PPP, leaflet) Reviewing the deliverables and other projects outputs with a view to potentially use them for dissemination activities Setting up a calendar of events for the year, agreeing who would be involved in organizing / participating in these Strenghten the link btw. two cities Working mode: Monthly TCs
What has been achieved so far Revised dissemination strategy including: Objectives of the dissemination actiities Target audience Review of material available for dissemination activities Tailored messages and activities Template update Review general PPP and leaflet Development of a boiler plate
Presentation of dissemination strategy – Objectives in DoW Key objectivesTarget groups type and geographical location 1To ensure that project is widely publicised both within host nations and across the EU and to maximise exposure of its findings All in UK, DK, NO (Oslo) specific country and Europe wide 2To publicise the benefits of hydrogen and FC technology, as well as the successes and findings of the project, to the general public General Public 3To target the more detailed and technical results of the project to key industrial and political stakeholders and to the decision makers who will facilitate the commercialisation of hydrogen FC technologies as a future low carbon transport solution Key industrial and political stakeholders
Dissemination strategy – target audience Target audiencePriority levellevel Policy makers / fleet operators1Local, Regional, Policy makers / OEMs1Local, Regional, National, EU General public, end-users, taxi drivers2Local, National Industry (OEM)3National, EU wide FC community3 National, EU wide
Part 2: Tailored messages and activities Overall messages (, description of demonstration activities (infrastructure, vehicles, city focus), description of analysis activities and description of dissemination activities) Tailored messages by technology type: ‐LTI / Intelligent Energy Fuel Cell taxis ‐Passenger cars Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles (FCEVs) ‐Air Products Smartfuel ® Hydrogen Refuelling Station ‐CHN H2Station® Hydrogen Refuelling Station reviewed needed by IE and Hyundai Tailored messages for communication to targeted audience Question and answers ‐Ex. Why fuel cell electric vehicles, why not just battery vehicles? ‐ Is it safe to carry hydrogen on a vehicle? ‐Why has the project seen some delays in the deployment of the technology? List of dissemination tools Strategic Alliances (former D 7.1)
Dissemination committee - update final document will be circulated for comments by the end of the month Part B will be revised on quarterly basis The dissemination committeee will be kept alive to optimise sharing of experience Ongoing/future activities : table to be agreed by national leaders, assessment of dissemination activities proposed
Review of dissemination tools Review of general PPP to include technical slides : needs update with Oslo input Review of leaflet to include Oslo info and final results: proposal to develop final public report instead of new brochure As we have no money left for subcontracting these tasks we propose to shift some man hours to subcontracting
Current Leaflet: update needed to include Oslo fleet
Dissemination activities London On the 11 th September, Fleet News organised a seminar entitled ‘Running a Low Carbon Fleet’. in conjunction with the low carbon vehicle event LCV2014. At the seminar, Dr Emma Guthrie, HyTEC coordinator, presented on the achievements of the HyTEC project so far and lead one of the round table discussions that followed the main presentations. The event was well attended by around 40 UK fleet managers, working for the public and private sectors.
Dissemination activities Copenhagen June 25, 2014: visit of 19 HyER Members on the occasion of HyER AGM June 25, 2014: HyTEC Stakeholder workshop Copenhagen
Dissemination activities at EU level The HyTEC project was featured in a joint stand with hysolutions at the H2Expo during the Wind Expo in Hamburg, September 22- 25, 2014)
HyTEC Newsletter: sent October 9, 2014
HyTEC approach to strategic alliances former D 7.1 CHIC Deliverable No. 3.8 Issues of concern to external stakeholders and critics and pathways to their resolution 1.Visibility of the H2 product is too narrow at present; 2.Stay credible and deliver on promises 3.Need to target audiences and delivering accurate, current information outside H2 community 4.Ensuring and promoting H2’s ‘fit’ with values and behaviours of influential community groups (e.g. Environmental NGOs, Government Ministries)
1. Visibility of the H2 product is too narrow at present: HyTEC approach: HyTEC’s black cabs and Hyundai FCEVs are increasingly attracting attention on London, Copenhagen and Oslo streets. Presence at certain local and EU events has enhanced visibility. More targeted visibility is necessary to reach multipliers and first customers. Action foreseen Building alliances with European and national/local fleet owner organisations in cooperation with the HyTEC location coordinators. The following organisations have been identified and will be approached: Fleet Europe: organizes regular conferences and semianrs Fleet Europe Fleet News; organizes evetns in UK: HyTEC attended Low Emission Vehicle Conference (LCV 2014) in September 2014. Fleet News;
2. Stay credible and deliver on promises HyTEC approach: Stakeholders engaged during the decision and authorisation phases of the project will be informed in detail on the project results. Action foreseen: HyTEC token of appreciation will be developed to be presented to key facilitators in the project locations att the end of the project together with the project results
3. Need to target audiences and delivering accurate, current information outside H2 community HyTEC approach: Together with messaging on technology readiness and benefits, the experiences of the users of the vehicles and operators of the stations will be used to compile specific packages for key stakeholders that have expressed doubts on the use of hydrogen in transport in the HyTEC locations and at EU level. Action foreseen: HyER will prepare a dedicated printed newsletter by June 30, 2015 with users testimonials, interviews in addition to the final report to engage specific interest groups that are not yet engaged in hydrogen activities. Drive and rides will be planned in the last quarter of the project to provide complete picture of the project results and engage key stakeholders. Arrangements have been made for example to engage board members of the UNFCCC Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) in drive and rides in the upcoming CTCN board meetings in Copenhagen.
4. Ensuring and promoting H2’s ‘fit’ with values and behaviours of influential community groups (e.g. Environmental NGOs, Government Ministries) HyTEC approach: Engage with relevant key projects coordinated by other by environmental NGO’s and other European organisations. Alignment has been sought with the Clean Fleet project coordinated by ICLEI that will end in 2015 as well Actions foreseen: Joint seminar with Clean Fleet project on results of HyTEC project will be organized in second quarter of 2015. Liaise with at least 3 lobbiests for clean transport to disseminate key HyTEC outcomes: - Transport & Environment: HyTEC information has been shared to ensure that hydrogen and fuel cells are mentioend in a joint letter that was signed also by the NEW IG on a better EU policy and clean targets for transport, - International Road Transport Union, and - NGVA.
5. Letting the broader public know what’s “in it” for them. HyTEC approach: Local HyTEC dissemination includes visits by students and passenger groups on a regular basis that will be continued till the end of the project to explain the technology and engage them in technology benefits and perspectives. Actions foreseen: In addition to the general public efforts at local level, liaisons will be built by HyER with passenger groups at EU level by June 30, 2015 to inform them about HyTEC outcome and to get their perspective on the integration of clean vehicles in intermodal solutions. HyER will liaise with Copenhagen, London and Oslo to prepare a report on the student visits including key questions and student/teacher feedback by June 30, 2015 Links with the International Road Transport Union effort on doubling the use of public transport in 2025 will be leveraged by HyER to ensure visibility of HyTEC clean solutions for public transport.
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