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Facebook is more alive than ever!. Waaaww! More than 5 billion people on this planet have a Facebook account!

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Presentation on theme: "Facebook is more alive than ever!. Waaaww! More than 5 billion people on this planet have a Facebook account!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Facebook is more alive than ever!

2 Waaaww! More than 5 billion people on this planet have a Facebook account!


4 The richest man on the planet! $

5 I’m also on Facebook!

6 Monopoly Not difficult to understand: Facebook is the only social medium left on the planet! Zuckerberg’s opponents all died in mysterious ways…

7 Cut the crap!

8 I have a story to tell… Yes, in 2016 stories still exist. Amazing, isn’t it! What’s more: stories are more popular than ever. Mine is a short story. I don’t like 900 pages stories.

9 Like this one…

10 Awwright! What do I do for a living?

11 I work in a library

12 I’m part of the educational staff

13 Sometimes I teach

14 Sometimes I don’t…

15 Sometimes I’m an…

16 Sometimes I’m just…

17 Opportunity One day my boss came into my office, she gave me a leaflet and told me: “This is something for you. You should do this! It’s an opportunity for your career. I want you to become a social media coach in our library.”

18 Wow! That sounded like I was going to earn more money!

19 New horizon! But what was it about? I read the leaflet carefully and after that I was totally convinced that my boss was right: a new horizon was set out for me!

20 KHLIM, C-Mine, Genk Organisation of a post-graduate ‘Sociaal en participatief gebruik van ‘sociale media’.

21 The great unknown My boss paid for it. The only thing I had to do, was to get into my car every two weeks and drive to the Far East of this country. Limburg was like unknown territory and I felt like an alien…

22 Welcome to Limburg!

23 A man needs a plan From the beginning, me and my co-students were told by the very friendly staff of the post-graduate that we had to create and implement a project in our organisation. That sounded very serious…

24 As serious as…

25 Two projects of my own! Idealistic (and ambitious) as I am, I decided to create two projects: First of all I wanted to create a Facebook and a Twitter account for my library. Second, I wanted to organise social media lessons for my colleagues and for target groups like elder people, refugees and adult students learning Dutch.

26 First step… I decided to start with the creation of a Facebook and a Twitter account for my library.

27 Every goddamn library! Nowadays every library should have a Facebook and/or a Twitter account. Without them, they’re kind of…


29 O, by the way… this is how my library looked a couple of years ago:

30 More…

31 And this is how it looks now

32 Great, isn’t it?

33 Back to business! First of all I realised that nobody working in my library had access to Facebook. Government policy!

34 Shit! This was not going to make things easier for me!

35 So, what did I do… I said to my boss: “Boss, we need a Facebook account, and we need it quick, because we are hopelessly behind!” Her answer: “Get lost! Mind your own business! Don’t you know we already have a Facebook account!”

36 So I said… “Where the hell is it!!!”

37 “And why did nobody tell me!”

38 Her answer: “It’s still offline ‘cause there’s no social media policy yet!”

39 Great! Nice to hear! And my boss continued: “You were not told because you’re part of the educational staff, and not of the communication staff!”

40 Was she kiddin’?


42 There I was, dreaming of… a Facebook account for my library…

43 Ggggrrrrr! Too late for the Red Monkey Principle!

44 Aiaiai! Too late for being a talkaoke host!

45 Dedju, toch! Too late for mind mapping!

46 Merde! Too late for playing games!

47 So, when I finally woke up… I didn’t see the light, but this:

48 Soon followed by…

49 My personal coach! He told me: “Drop the first step of your far too ambitious project. Focus on the second one. What do you want to do? Teach people? Well, then write a manual. Write a Facebook manual and concentrate on that. And then be a good teacher!”

50 Wow! I felt relieved. What is that simple? Yes, it was! Concentrate! Focus! And stay focused!


52 Now, five years later… here I am!

53 Teaching elder people… how to create a Facebook account!





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