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The Writing Question. Monday 3 rd March 2014 Responding to marked work 1.Copy Key Marking Point into WWW and EBI section of marking feedback 2.Make improvements.

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Presentation on theme: "The Writing Question. Monday 3 rd March 2014 Responding to marked work 1.Copy Key Marking Point into WWW and EBI section of marking feedback 2.Make improvements."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Writing Question

2 Monday 3 rd March 2014 Responding to marked work 1.Copy Key Marking Point into WWW and EBI section of marking feedback 2.Make improvements to your homework using the EBI target (see highlighted bit) 3.Write out spelling corrections 3 times If you have no work back (due to absence etc.), you must do the following: 1.Annotate and Plan an answer to this writing questions: FORM, PURPOSE, AUDIENCE Write a leaflet for parents advising them how to keep children safe in the sun

3 You have recently been on an expensive holiday which turned out to be a complete waste of money. Write a letter complaining about your holiday to the travel company. In your letter you may wish to consider: The causes of your complaint, e.g. travel, accommodation, food, facilities The details of your complaint What action you would like the travel company to take As well as any other ideas you may have

4 Letter Conventions March 3 rd 2014 Dear Sir/Madam, OR Dear NAME, I have recently returned from…… Yours sincerely Iva Complaint

5 What’s Wrong with This? Dear Sir or Madam, Your holiday company is pathetic. I have never before experienced such a shambles. You should not be allowed to sell holidays to anyone and I hope that your company loses everything in some awful corruption scandal. In fact, you all deserve to be in prison as you have literally stolen the money from my wallet……

6 Using a range of sentence starters Try to use some of these sentence starters /constructions…. The more…..the more…. The less….the less If…..then….. Despite…… Furthermore…. I would appreciate…. Even though…. However….. Start with an adjective, e.g. Chronic back pain is the least of my problems since returning…. Filthy toilets are not what one expects to find in a three star hotel… Start with an adverb, e.g. Unfortunately I did not receive…., Disappointingly the promised sea view was actually…. Start with a verb, e.g. Travelling with your company has been a huge disappointment…. Realising that we were not going to be moved, we decided …..

7 Write a leaflet for parents advising them how to keep children safe in the sun.

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