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1 OPEN ACCESS Organization-Pays Program for Books.

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1 1 OPEN ACCESS Organization-Pays Program for Books

2 2 About De Gruyter Open established in 2001 leading Open Access publisher in various models publisher of scholarly journals and books in all major disciplines provider of professional publishing services

3 3 founded in 1749 publisher of the oldest journal in mathematics number 1 worldwide in some areas (e.g. linguistics) around 900 journals (400 in Open Access) over 54000 books partners with major content distributors About De Gruyter

4 4 De Gruyter Open Facts & Figures Member of: Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers International Association of Scientific, Technical & Medical Publishers Directory of Open Access Journals Directory of Open Access Books

5 5 Customers...and many others

6 6 Our titles How it works?  Open Access Books program covers 25 disciplines

7 7 Example of book webpage at How it works?

8 8 Open Access Publishing Programs for Books How it works? Author Pays – this program is addressed to academic authors; here, De Gruyter Open covers all publishing costs and keeps the Book Processing Charges paid by authors Organization Pays - in this option, a society or another organization that collates the contents of the book pays publishing fees to De Gruyter Open for the full range of publishing services

9 9 Organization-Pays Publishing Program for Books How it works?  readers have open access to your content,  organization pays publication costs How it works?

10 10 Organization-Pays Business Model How it works?  De Gruyter Open provides publishing services: Basic and Optional Services  Organization pays De Gruyter Open a fee for each published book  Organization can buy Optional Services, which are paid separately

11 11 EDITORIAL Selected Services How it works?  provision of stylesheet  copyediting and contacting author for proofreading  language editing  online manuscript submission and peer review system  plagiarism detection system

12 12 PRODUCTION Selected Services How it works?  online hosting and distribution platform  allocation of DOI  automatic metadata distribution to CrossRef  manuscript PDF file composition  book cover design

13 13 MARKETING Basic Services How it works?  standard book webpage on website  arranging for indexing by A&I services; metadata distribution to A&I services  assistance in application to Thomson Scientific  providing content usage statistics  promotional leaflet design (E-FLYER)  newsletters/alerts

14 14 DISTRIBUTION Selected Services How it works?  exclusive distribution to libraries; user authentication  arranging for coverage by ebook distributors; full-text distribution to such repositories  arranging for coverage by full-text repositories; full-text distribution to such repositories  arranging for coverage by open access directories; metadata distribution to such directories  arranging for coverage by long-term preservation service(s); full- text distribution to such services

15 15 Organization-Pays Model Optional Services How it works?  sales and distribution of printed and non-PDF formats  publicity campaigns for books  e-mailing to potential readers (using DGO database)  print flyer per book

16 16 Next steps? How it works? Get in touch to find out more about the organization-pays model! Email:

17 17 Thank you

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