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University of Luxembourg Multilingual. Personal. Connected.

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1 University of Luxembourg Multilingual. Personal. Connected.

2 Luxembourg An attractive, multicultural and trilingual country in the heart of Europe: Around 490 000 inhabitants Around 44 % foreigners Languages: Luxembourgish, French, German

3 Luxembourg City  Mediaeval city – UNESCO World heritage site  Modern capital with European Institutions, financial centre, international enterprises  Great offer of cultural events

4 University of Luxembourg: facts & figures  Founded in 2003  4934 students  171 professors, assistant-professors, lecturers  Supported by 660 professional experts  11 Bachelor degrees, 23 Master degrees, PhDs  Moving to a brand new location in 2014

5 University of Luxembourg: our profile  The one and only, modern and dynamic  Multilingual and international  Research centered  Close proximity to the financial centre and to the EU Institutions  Close ties to the business world and to the society  A university with a personal touch

6 6 Multilingualism  Languages at the University French, English, German  Bachelor degree courses bilingual, except in special cases  Master courses bilingual or taught in English  Students, academic and administrative staff trilingual if possible

7 7 International Cooperation  43 partner universities in Europe, USA, Canada, Russia, China, Japan …  Cooperative models  student exchange programme  joint degree programs (Master, Ph.D.)  joint Ph.D. educational programme  research programmes

8 Our research priorities 2010-2013  International Finance  Secure, reliable and trustwothy ICT* systems and services * ICT: Information and communication technology  Life Sciences and Systems biomedicine  European and business law  Learning and development in multilingual and multicultural contexts

9 Interdisciplinary research centres  Interdisciplinary Centre for Security, Reliability and Trust  Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine

10 Research units  Computer Science and Communications Research Unit  UR en ingénierie  UR en mathématiques  UR en physique  UR en Sciences de la vie  UR en droit  Luxembourg School of Finance (LSF)  Cellule de Recherche en Économie Appliquée  Educational Measurement and Applied Cognitive Science (EMACS)  Language, Culture, Media, Identities (LCMI)  Integrative Research Unit on Social and Individual Development (INSIDE)  Identités, Politiques, Sociétés, Espaces (IPSE)

11 11 Budget Resources20082009 Self-financing 5’160’000 € 4’900’000 € External funds 5’480’000 € 7’488’000 € State contribution 58’474’000 €71’628’000 € Total Budget 69,114,000 € 84’016’000 €

12 12 Conseil de Gouvernance The Conseil de gouvernance (Board of Governors) decides upon the University's general policies and strategies and controls the University’s activities. It is composed of  7 members  4 participants with consulting role  University Rector,  Government Commissioner,  representative from the teaching body,  student representative.

13 Our Faculties

14 14 Structure of Educational Programs

15 Our courses on offer  Bachelor en Informatique  Bachelor en Ingénierie  Bachelor en Sciences et Ingénierie (Physique, Mathématique, Ingénierie)  Bachelor en Sciences de la Vie (Biologie, Médecine, Pharmacie)  Master in Integrated Systems Biology  Master in Engineering Sciences: Construction and Design  Master en Développement Durable  Master in Information and Computer Sciences  Master in Mathematics  Master en Management de la Sécurité des Systèmes d’Information  European Master of Small Animal Veterinary Medecine

16 Our courses on offer  Bachelor en Droit  Bachelor en Sciences Economiques et de Gestion  Bachelor en Gestion  Master en Droit Européen  Master in Financial Economics  Master in Banking and Finance  Master in Entrepreneurship and Innovation

17 Our courses on offer  Bachelor en Cultures Européennes (English, French, Germanistics, History, Philosophy)  Bachelor en Psychologie  Bachelor en Sciences de l’Education  Bachelor en Sciences Sociales et Educatives  Master en Histoire Européenne Contemporaine  Master in Learning and Development in Multilingual and Multicultural Contexts  Master in Psychology: Evaluation and Assessment  Master in Modern and Contemporary European Philosophy  Master en Etudes franco-allemandes: Communication et Coopération Transfrontalières  Master en Gérontologie  Master en Médiation  Master in Spatial Development and Analysis  Master en European Governance  Master en langues, cultures et médias – Lëtzebuerger Studien

18 18 Outlook – Construction of Belval West  the most ambitious urban development project of the Grand Duchy  location: 16 km south to the capital  roughly 120 hectares (27.5 hectares for University of Luxembourg)  a modern blend of research and teaching, work and leisure, industry and trade, private homes and culture

19 For further information Phone + 352 46 66 44 6664

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