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Internationalization An introduction to Drupal i18n Russell Blakeborough

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1 Internationalization An introduction to Drupal i18n Russell Blakeborough

2 Multilingual Drupal A Drupal site can run in a number of different languages. To see the languages installed on a site go to ‘Administer - Languages’: /admin/settings/language

3 Languages

4 Add a Language To add another language click on ‘Add language’ and select from the list. Go to to download the latest translation of Drupal for that Then go to ‘Administer - Translate interface’ to import the translation: /admin/build/translate

5 Translate interface

6 Interface and Content A Drupal site’s users can select from the installed languages which one they’d like the Drupal interface to appear in. To translate a site’s content we use the ‘Internationalization’ module collection: Here is a simple Dutch – English – French page viewed as admin:

7 Home page

8 Node Translations Users can select which language they’d like to see this page in. We’re using the i18n ‘Language Icons’ block here to display an automatic language switcher. To view translations of a node click on the Translate tab:

9 Translations of home

10 Adding translations If a node doesn’t have a translated version in a particular language yet, it will have an ‘add translation’ link for that language on the Translations page. Various forms of translation workflow are available to help keep different language versions of nodes in synchronization eg. Published - outdated

11 Add translation

12 Translating menus Multilingual pages can have multilingual menu items to point to them. With the i18n Multilingual Menu module installed all menu items can be given a language. A language selector appears at the bottom of ‘Edit menu item’:

13 Edit menu item

14 Multilingual Sites With interface + content + menu translation we have the basis for building multilingual sites in Drupal. I18n ‘Multilingual Blocks’ module can be used to switch blocks by language. I18n ‘Localization Client’ provides a nice way of translating strings that may not be provided in downloaded Drupal Translations.

15 Case study: Camart - Pure 360 At Camart we developed an English – French – German – Spanish multilingual site for PurePromoter Ltd. – The client’s requirements were for additional translation workflow and extensibility towards future full automation integration with the ‘Big Word’ translation service via SOAP. We went with Drupal 6 for its integration of actions + central i18n into the core.

16 Pure 360 multilingual i18n Drupal 6 ‘Big Word’ translation SOAP interface XML translation data Trados compatability Workflow automation

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