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2 bits and text





7 8 bits on all modern systems
byte (the size of a cell of addressable memory) 8 bits on all modern systems octet = 8 bits

8 kilobyte 1,000 (103) bytes or 1,024 (210) bytes

9 megabyte 1,000,000 (106) bytes or 1,048,576 (220) bytes

10 gigabyte 1,000,000,000 (109) bytes or 1,073,741,824 (230) bytes

11 terabyte petabyte exabyte zettabyte
(1012 bytes or 240 bytes) petabyte (1015 bytes or 250 bytes) exabyte (1018 bytes or 260 bytes) zettabyte (1021 bytes or 270 bytes)

12 kibibyte mebibyte gibibyte
(210 bytes) mebibyte (220 bytes) gibibyte (230 bytes)

13 kilobit megabit gigabit etc…
(103 bits or 210 bits) megabit (106 bits or 220 bits) gigabit (109 bits or 230 bits) etc…

14 kilobit (kb) kilobyte (kB)

15 ?

16 “banana” b a n a n a

17 b a n a n a

18 “banana” b a n a n a

19 (a mapping of characters to numbers)
character set (a mapping of characters to numbers) ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) 128 characters

20 (a character representing spacing)
whitespace character (a character representing spacing)

21 “A banana” A b a n a n a

22 whitespace character (a character representing spacing)
space, tab, linefeed, carriage return

23 (signals an action response to the reader)
control character (signals an action response to the reader) LF (line feed) CR (carriage return) FF (form feed) BEL (bell)

24 (no formatting, only characters)
plain text (no formatting, only characters) no italics, underline, or bold no fonts, font sizes, or colors no margins, columns, or page breaks etc.

25 (a unit of written language and notation)
character (a unit of written language and notation) j j glyph (an actual visual representation of a character)

26 character encoding (scheme for representing characters as bits)
c a t 0x64 0x61 0x74 ASCII = 1 byte per character

27 (the world standard character set and its encodings)
Unicode (the world standard character set and its encodings) U+0000 to U+10FFFF

28 U+0000 – U+FFFF plane 0, BMP (Basic Multilingual Plane)
U – U+1FFFF plane 1, SMP (Supplementary Multilingual Plane) U – U+2FFFF plane 2, SIP (Supplementary Ideographic Plane) U – U+DFFFF planes 3 to 13 currently unassigned U+E0000 – U+EFFFF plane 14, SSP (Supplementary Special-purpose Plane) U+F0000 – U+FFFFF plane 15, PUA (Private Use Area) U – U+10FFFF plane 16, PUA (Private Use Area)

29 UTF-32 (4 bytes per character)
U+3FF _ _ _ _0001 FF U _ _ _ _0111 U _ _ _ _0101

30 (2 or 4 bytes per character)
UTF-16 (2 or 4 bytes per character) U _ _0101 U+F10F _ _1111 F F

31 (2 or 4 bytes per character)
UTF-16 (2 or 4 bytes per character) 1101_10xx xxxx_xxxx _11xx xxxx_xxxx * (fixed) (plane) (character) U+3F _ _ _ _0000 U+10FF _ _ _ _0000 U _ _ _ _0001

32 (2 or 4 bytes per character)
UTF-16 (2 or 4 bytes per character) surrogates: U+D800 to U+DFFF U+3F _ _ _ _0000 D BC DC U+10FF _ _ _ _0000 DB FF DF U _ _ _ _0001 D D DF

33 (1 to 4 bytes per character)
UTF-8 (1 to 4 bytes per character) U – U+007F: 0xxx_xxxx U – U+07FF: 110x_xxxx 10xx_xxxx U – U+FFFF: 1110_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx U – U+10FFFF: 1111_0xxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx 10xx_xxxx

34 (1 to 4 bytes per character)
UTF-8 (1 to 4 bytes per character) U+0031: 0011_0001 U+0700: 1101_ _0000 U+86FF: 1110_ _ _1111 U+50000: 1111_ _ _ _0000

35 (1- to 4-bytes per character)
UTF-8 (1- to 4-bytes per character) U+0031: (valid) 0011_0001 U+0031: (invalid) 1111_ _ _ _0001

36 (a program for creating and editing text files)
text editor (a program for creating and editing text files) notepad vi/vim emacs


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