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Collaborative Community Aproach to Migrant Education Overview of project Challenges addressed by project Centre européen pour les langues vivantes European.

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Presentation on theme: "Collaborative Community Aproach to Migrant Education Overview of project Challenges addressed by project Centre européen pour les langues vivantes European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Collaborative Community Aproach to Migrant Education Overview of project Challenges addressed by project Centre européen pour les langues vivantes European Centre for Modern Languages

2 CoEduMigrant Project Overview ECML project (2013-2014) which builds on expertise in inclusive education from Canada, France, Great Britain, Spain and Greece. Focuses on (language) learning in informal and formal settings. An approach that draws upon migrant experiences, multilingual and multimodal literacies and alternative educational practice and materials.

3 Project Aims Promoting collaborative community approaches to education through: 1. Creation of learning communities by involving parents/educators/community members in ‘dynamic interactive groups’. 2. Development of teacher education module that promotes collaborative community approaches to learning. 3. Creating multilingual multimodal educational resources.

4 Tensions & challenges The place of plurilingual resources (heritage languages) and cultures in education Addressing language hierarchies within school (equitable language policy) Critically examining terminology Challenging the either/or dichotomy (National language or heritage language) Look through a pluri/multilingual lens? Giving all members of the community a voice (listening)


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