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Financial Literacy for Immigrant Populations Consumer Action’s community-based organization network model Slide 1.

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1 Financial Literacy for Immigrant Populations Consumer Action’s community-based organization network model Slide 1

2 Immigrants are open to learning  Many arrive with strong values about earning and saving money  Have an interest in gaining knowledge of the U.S. financial system  Understand the need to make wise and informed financial decisions Slide 2

3 Consumer information  Many newcomers have financial goals but lack knowledge about our financial services marketplace our credit reporting system consumer rights frauds and scams Slide 3

4 Addressing the English gap  The U.S. financial systems is complex, even for English speakers  Focus on community-based organizations (CBOs) Trusted pipeline to train adult financial literacy educators, and To distribute our free, multilingual consumer information Hand-holding services, one on one as well as in groups  Access to the Internet Need printed materials, not only online Slide 4

5 Key elements of our strategy  Trusted entities in the community are the best avenue for educating limited English speakers and newcomer communities  Building capacity of community-based organizations to serve newcomer communities with financial literacy education  Providing free materials and training for community based organizations Slide 5

6  Providing training guides and consumer information in languages besides English  Tailoring materials for the community where they are intended to be used  Knowing the communities and the issues that may cause your messages to be misconstrued or ignored  Conducting public education campaigns and information campaigns via in-language community media Slide 6

7 Community media  Targeting the in-language media with publicity and messages is a great way to reach the community  When conducting public education campaigns and information campaigns, include in-language community media These outlets are more likely to: view such information as newsworthy run the entire message Slide 7

8 Provide basic money management information  Getting the best value for monthly expenses  Opening a bank account  Building a good credit report  Comparison shopping  Protecting your identity  Avoiding money scams Help newcomers understand that waste and fraud can empty your pockets of hard-earned money Slide 8

9 Help CBOs and they’ll help you  Provide Free multilingual materials for clients Train the trainer guides and seminars Mini grants to help teach financial literacy  Go where the community is Hold roundtables and trainings nearby Offer travel stipends Slide 9

10 Best practices  Learn from the CBOs How to present to their communities How to best disseminate information What community needs are Capacity for learning Learning styles  Conduct follow up surveys to understand outcomes SurveyMonkey works well for this Slide 10

11 Contact Consumer Action    800-999-7981  Multilingual consumer hotline: 415-777-9648 or Slide 11

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