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Arvin Recycling Programs Presented By: Analysis  Planning  Solutions.

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Presentation on theme: "Arvin Recycling Programs Presented By: Analysis  Planning  Solutions."— Presentation transcript:

1 Arvin Recycling Programs Presented By: Analysis  Planning  Solutions


3 Arvin At a Glance Southern Most City in San Joaquin Valley Agricultural Community 3 Square Miles 14,400 Population (undercounted) Over 85% Hispanic Migrant Population Language Issues Per Capita Income


5 Budget Shortfall Caused Delays Little money to implement new programs Staff lay offs in public works department Canceled agreement with waste management consultant

6 Partnership with Mountainside City placed more recycling responsibility on its franchise hauler Mountainside Disposal and the City have been working together to complete the Local Assistance Plan Mountainside and Arvin are now negotiating to make the recycling programs permanent

7 Local Assistance Plan 1) Construction & Demo Debris Recycling 2) Mandatory Residential Curbside 3) Mandatory Residential Greenwaste 4) Waste Audits for Large Generators 5) Expand Recycling for Businesses & Schools

8 Local Assistance Plan 6) Commercial Greenwaste Program 7) Expand Education and Outreach 8) Recycled Content Procurement 9) Reports and Documentation 10) Review Status of Diversion and Programs

9 Local Assistance Plan Has Been Completed Please refer to page 1-4 in staff report Item 1 - C&D Ordinance enforcement is complete as of 11/1/05 Item 6 – Commercial greenwaste is complete as of 11/4/05

10 Item 1 - Construction & Demolition Debris “C&D”

11 Arvin Has Implemented the C&D Recycling Ordinance Contractor & Public Education C&D Recycling Guide C&D Recycling Plans Are Now Part of Plan Check and Building Permit Process

12 Who Does the Ordinance Affect? Project Value Over $5,000 Project Larger Than 1,000 Square Feet New Construction RemodelDemolition

13 What Does the Ordinance Require? File a C&D Recycling Plan along with the Building Permit Application Recycle at least 50% of C&D or as much as practical Keep receipts to prove amount and destination Report actual C&D recycling to the City

14 C&D Recycling Plan For most projects, filling out a one page form provided by the City is sufficient For developments with five or more dwelling units, it is necessary to provide space for recycling bins

15 C&D Recycling Report to City Applicants need to keep receipts to show where and how much material was recycled Applicants must report the total amount of material recycled and where it was recycled, before the building permit can be finalized Large developments will report monthly

16 C&D Recycling Guide Provided to all Building Permit Applicants Explains Why C&D Recycling is Needed Dozens of Local Recyclers Listed Explains C&D Ordinance

17 C&D Recycling Options Source Separate & Haul Separated Materials to Various Recycling Programs Hire Mountainside Disposal to Haul Mixed C&D to Metro Recycling Corp. (MRC) –MRC Uses equipment and a conveyor to separate and recycle mixed C&D

18 Source Separated Option

19 Destination Facilities For Source Separated Wood – City of Bakersfield Composting Bena Landfill Wood Program Dry Wall – Hondo Chemical Inerts – Granite Construction Cardboard – BARC or Smurfit

20 Mountainside Mixed C&D Option

21 Metro Recycling Corporation C&D Facility Achieves 60% to 70% Diversion

22 Building Inspector Checklist Now has an item to make sure the C&D Recycling report is on file with the City before the building permit can be finalized

23 Failure to Comply No Certificate of Occupancy Potential fine of $500 to $10,000

24 Major Developers Recycle Waste audit found all three major developments in Arvin already recycled almost all C&D C&D recycling is happening because it saves money C&D Recycling Ordinance is now being enforced, will facilitate tracking, but not likely to make major improvement in diversion

25 Mountainside C&D Waste Audit R&O Apartment Complex at Comanche Rd Month of October –Tons Generated – 32.1 tons –Tons Delivered to MRC - 23.6 tons 70% –Tons Landfilled - 9.5 tons MRC average diversion is 60% to 70% Net Diversion 44% to 51%

26 A-1 Construction Cleanup Waste Audit Verified Recyclers Used by A-1Include: –Hondo Chemical – Dry wall –Bakersfield Wood Program at Mt. Vernon –Granite Construction – Inerts –Cardboard – BARC Could Not Calculate Diversion Rate Because Weight Tickets Were Not Available

27 Trained City Staff Training meeting included all building and planning staff Have provided on-going support to building staff as questions have come up

28 Public Outreach Mailed notice to all contractors and building permit holders that meet criteria Held C&D Ordinance Public Meeting for all contractors and active building permit holders Made public presentation to City Council Hand delivered copies of ordinance, recycling guide, recycling plan form and recycling report to all active building permit holders that did not attend the public meeting

29 Questions About C&D?

30 Item 2 – Mandatory Residential Curbside 100% of Homes Trash, Curbside Recycling, Greenwaste & Food Waste

31 Participation Rate is High in Some Areas, City Wide Participation Rate is 50%

32 Curbside Recycling Tonnage Residential & Commercial, Blue and Grey Carts Year # of Carts TonsRecycled Pilot200270023 Pilot200370093 Pilot2004700106 Mandatory2005YTD2652YTD281YTD

33 Questions About Mandatory Residential Curbside?

34 Item 3 - Mandatory Residential Greenwaste Mandatory Greenwaste Ordinance was not adopted until 9/28 However, automated greenwaste containers have been in place at 100% of single family homes since 1997 Mailers and flyers as early as 1997

35 Mandatory Residential Greenwaste Voluntarily expanded In 2004 to include food waste in greenwaste container Mountainside Disposal delivers to CR&RR for Composting

36 Greenwaste Tonnage Year Number Of Homes Tons Diverted 2000 2,085 1,410 2001 2,180 1,476 2002 2,300 1,520 2003 2,416 2,053 2004 2,577 2,248

37 Food Program Started in 2003 Increased Tons Diverted/Home by 29%

38 Questions About Mandatory Residential Greenwaste?

39 Item 4 – Waste Assessments Many assessments were completed by City’s previous solid waste consultant Two large waste generators were not done

40 Large Volume Generators Recycle Waste Audit Results: Total Waste – 638,920 lbs/yr Total Waste – 638,920 lbs/yr Recycled – 460,000 lbs/yr Recycled – 460,000 lbs/yr Disposed – 177,960 lbs/yr Disposed – 177,960 lbs/yr Diversion Rate = 72% Diversion Rate = 72%

41 Large Volume Generators Recycle Waste Audit Results: Total Waste < 5,000,000 lbs/yr Total Waste < 5,000,000 lbs/yr Recycled < 4,000,000 lbs/yr Recycled < 4,000,000 lbs/yr Disposed – 1,038,000 lbs/yr Disposed – 1,038,000 lbs/yr Diversion Rate = 75%

42 Questions about waste assessments?

43 Item 5 – Mandatory Commercial Recycling Mandatory Ordinance Was Not Adopted Until 10/18/05 However, Mountainside Started a Commercial Curbside, Cardboard and Paper Program in 2002

44 Mandatory Commercial Recycling Now 100% of Businesses participate in one or more programs: –Blue Cart –Cardboard and Paper (Grey Cart) –Greenwaste –Food Waste –Wood –Other Materials (Many businesses have unique, in-house programs)

45 Blue Barrel at County Library ( 223 blue carts are at businesses)

46 Cardboard Recycling At Burger King (50 paper and cardboard carts at businesses)

47 Cardboard Recycling at Sub Way

48 Schools Recycle Paper and Cardboard Collection Bins

49 Food Recycling Program Ranch Market

50 Questions On Mandatory Commercial Recycling?

51 Item 6 – Alternative Commercial Greenwaste Program Greenwaste Collection has been offered to all commercial accounts Landscapers and Gardeners have been made aware of recycling options

52 Alternative Commercial Greenwaste Program List of commercial greenwaste generators has been provided List of recyclers used by commercial greenwaste generators has been provided

53 Questions On Commercial Greenwaste?

54 Item 7 – Outreach Programs Education is Key to Success On-going Program Language and Cultural Issues Large Migrant Population

55 Item 8 – Recycled Content Procurement Did not provide documentation to CIWMB until 9/19/05 However, Policy was implemented on _____ and is on-going

56 Item 9 – Reporting Budget cuts led to loss of City’s solid waste consultant No one on staff with expertise Plan to work with a new consultant to prevent delays in future

57 Questions On Items 7, 8 and 9?

58 Sustainability What is being done to keep programs in place? Renegotiating Franchise Agreement Terms: Specific performance measures and liquidated damages Equitable rates to pay for programs Complete negotiations by January 31, 2005 Rescind notice of cancellation, upon City Council approval of new Franchise Agreement

59 Other Programs Arvin has many recycling programs beyond those included in the LAP

60 Recycling Drop Off Center

61 Recycling Buy Back Center

62 Bulky Waste Collection Events Air Conditioners & Coolers, Bikes, Dishwashers, Dryers, Furniture, Mattresses, Microwaves, Refrigerators, Sofas, Swing Sets, Washers, Water Heaters and more.

63 Household Hazardous Waste Collection Events

64 Contract Hauler Recycling Coordinator Mountainside Disposal provides a bilingual recycling coordinator who works with Arvin businesses and residents to encourage recycling and answer questions

65 City Residents Use County Programs Tires White Goods & Metals Electronic Waste Wood and Branches Grass and Leaves Inert Materials (concrete, bricks, etc.) Household Hazardous Waste Facility

66 How Does Arvin Compare? More Recycling Options Than Most Other Cities in Kern County More Mandatory Programs Than Any Other City in Kern County Lowest Diversion Rate In Kern County

67 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? Base Year Disposal Accounting May Have Been Flawed –Kern landfills did not have scales in 1990 –Estimated weights were not very accurate –Large waste generators may not have been allocated to the proper jurisdiction

68 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? Arvin’s Population is Under Counted –Officially 14,150 –Minority populations or monolingual, non- English speaking populations are often under counted by Census –Migrant populations are undercounted –Water Treatment Plant data suggests a population over 18,000 –Waste Disposal data suggests higher number of people per home than census data

69 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? Side Loader Packer Truck Tonnage in July 2004 TonsDisposedHomesPounds/Home Bakersfield35,6173,302185 Arvin2,577426330 78% More

70 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? Taxable Sales Occur in Bakersfield, While Disposal Occurs in Arvin –Limited retail in Arvin –Costco, Walmart, Malls, etc are only 20 miles away in Bakersfield

71 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? Language & Cultural Issues –All outreach programs are in Spanish and English –An estimated 1,500 people speak Mextico

72 Why is Arvin’s Diversion Rate Low? NOT an appeal to reduce programs This IS an appeal to consider important factors not fully under Arvin’s control Further study is needed


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