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UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 1 Sustainable Consuption and Production: The Costa Rican Experience A joint effort of the Chamber of Industry.

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Presentation on theme: "UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 1 Sustainable Consuption and Production: The Costa Rican Experience A joint effort of the Chamber of Industry."— Presentation transcript:

1 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 1 Sustainable Consuption and Production: The Costa Rican Experience A joint effort of the Chamber of Industry of Costa Rica, CEGESTI y Technological Institute of Costa Rica with the support of the Swiss Government

2 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 2 Costa Rica San Andrés RepúblicaDominicana Nicaragua El Salvador Honduras Panamá Costa Rica EstadosUnidos México Guatemala Belice Population: 4,000,000 Extension: 51,100 Km 2

3 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 3 Before the NCPC Central American EcoDesign Project executed by CEGESTI and Technological Institute of Costa Rica with the support of Delft University  5 Case Studies in Costa Rica Food Industry Metalmechanic Ornamental Plants exports Furniture  Training workshops on the EcoDesign methodology  Industrial Design degree at the ITCR

4 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 4 Case: EcoDesign CEGESTI and ITCR carried out the Central American EcoDesign Project with the support of Delft University Benefits: 20% reduction of polyethylene in secondary packaging. 3% reduction in primary packaging. 7 000 less cardboard boxes per year.

5 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 5 NCPC Era  Awareness raising on Sustainable Consumption as part of the promotion of CP  Training of government officials, academics and technicians from companies in EcoDesign, LCA and Sustainable Consumption  EcoDesign  LCA using the EMIS Software tool  Improving Competitiveness and decision making using LCA  Sustainable Consumption and Production Workshop  Development of a National CP Policy that includes Sustainable Consumption and Production concepts

6 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 6  Special Project development:  National Material Handling Report (2002)  LCA of BioDiesel Production from Palm Oil (2003)  LCA and EcoDesign in the Plastic Industry (2004)  Residual and Industrial By-Products Market – MERSI (2004)  Sustainable Consumption as part of the CP – IPA’s  Several CP Options identified in more than 50 enterprises with an IPA have Sustainable Consumption objectives NCPC Era

7 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 7 National Material Handling Report Management Instrument Based in a study of material flow December 2002

8 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 8 Opportunities founded in Costa Rica Many material do not have alternative chanels Options may exist for materials with present channels It may identiffy new neaches for environmental enterprises in Recuperation, Recycling and Reintegration Country neads Management Instruments Policy Instruments Stackeholder Dialogo de Actores Integrated Product Policy (IPP) and Extenden Producer Responsability (EPR)

9 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 9 Important data per material 1. Used Oils 2. Batteries (Lead-Acid) 3. Dry batteries 4. Solvents 5. PET 6. Poly-laminated packaging 7. Packages /containers of high and low density polyethylene, polystyrene, polypropylene, PVC suspension / emulsion MaterialData Imports 36.500 ton/year lubricating and hydraulic oils Import. 2.666 ton/year 196 million units/year national production+ 948 ton/year imports. Import. 15.627 ton/year Import. 8.000 metric tons in 2000 Import. 5,7 million tons poly- laminated -> TetraPak/PurePak Generation of 54.495 ton/year to the waste streams

10 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 10 8. Electronic / Computer Equipment 9. Fluorescent Lamps 10. Aluminum cans 11. Tires and rubber 12. Industrial sludge MaterialData 2% of waste in landills in the Central Valley (130.000 PCs in 2005) Import. 400 ton/year of lamps Hg: ⇒ 33 kg/year / 8,25 mg per capita 60 ton/month 9.000 ton/year Aprox. 43.800 ton/year Important data per material

11 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 11 13. Ferrous materials 14. Organic-biodegradable 15. Paper and cardboard 16. Agricultural Plastic 17. Refrigerants (CFC12) 18. Glass MaterialData Identified 43.000 ton/year Identified 510.000 ton/year Imports of 330.000 ton/year 9800 ton/año provenientes de la actividad bananera, melón (envases, bolsas, plast. cobertura) Average annual Imports 132.395 Kg. Aproximatly 15.670 kg/year are disposed Important data per material

12 UNEP-InWent-UNIDO Workshop- January 2004 12 “Opportunities are usually disguised as hard work, so most of the people don´t recognize them” -Ann Landers Tel: (506) 281-0006 Fax: (506) 234-6163 e-mail: website:

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