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Sculptures Samples and how to approach making them…

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1 Sculptures Samples and how to approach making them…

2 Vocabulary for sculpture: You will get the definitions for bell work and you will be tested on these terms after we have had a chance to use them in class. The words you need for the sculpture unit are:

3 Italian artist Peeta is renowned for his graffiti, but it’s his 3-D interpretations of his art that make him really stand out from the crowd. Cardboard is among the materials Peeta has used to transform written graffiti into complex forms that have been featured in galleries around the world.

4 Cut out layers



7 Montreal-based artist Laurence Vallières creates animal sculptures using layered cardboard cutouts taken from found boxes.

8 Cardboard artist, Scott Fife: Scott Fife has been exhibiting his sculptures and drawings since 1976 in galleries in Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles and Vancouver, BC and in museums including the Frye Museum(Seattle), the Tacoma Art Museum, the Boise Art Museum, the Northwest Museum of Arts and Culture (Spokane). His work was included in the 2008 Art on PaperBiennial at the Weatherspoon Museum of Art in Greensboro, NC. "I like the physical nature of building the sculpture–it seems very old- fashioned and traditional. The idea of the material itself–it’s friendly, flexible, there’s a glow from in it. I’m the full-service artist–doing it all at the moment. I like the aspect of the low-tech tools that I need to make something like this. In the beginning [it was] an X-acto knife, masking tape and glue–now it’s the screw gun. So that hasn’t changed much at all–the directness of it, that I could begin to shape this, I can make this very plastic without any special process. 59882/




12 Jacqui Oakly from Ontario Canada This is the start of what follows on the next slide.




16 Notching instead of layering like the past slides:

17 Notching and layering can be combined to get another effect.




21 Corrugated Fountain: Cardboard Sculpture by James Grashow - See more at: fountain-cardboard-sculpture.html#sthash.rTCe22qd.dpuf


23 A students project:

24 What you can make out of toilet paper tubes, (this would be for extra credit if you work fast):

25 Junior Fritz Jacquet is an artist that loves working with paper and has created a series of small masks by bending and folding empty toilet paper rolls. Good looking, Junior (we named the dog Indiana). I really think this is testament to the creativity of the human mind. It's amazing, you know? Junior here sees an empty Toilet paper roll and thinks art.



28 Cardboard Sculpture project: 1. You will create a cardboard sculpture of your own. It can be one that can hangs on the wall. 2. Materials provided will be what cardboard we have in the classroom plus all our pizza boxes in back, scissors, white glue, break away knives (any horsing around with these and you will lose the privilege or working with them – NO EXCEPTIONS), masking tape for temporary hold and in rare cases because of size hot glue, check with me first. We have limited glue guns and your whole project cannot use that glue exclusively. You also may use paint when it is finished if you have enough time. You must plan as you work on how you will store your work in progress such as hanging or the drying rack or one of the cabinets. Both notching and layering are the techniques I would like to see applied. Doing both will give you a higher grade for effort. 3. You are encouraged to bring cardboard from home. Think about the cereal boxes you throw out and any other type of box you toss out in the trash. Cardboard sculpture is recycling at its best.

29 Cardboard Sculpture project continued: 4. You must consider balance and negative and positive space. Will it be concave, convex, or both. 5. You will be graded on neatness, technique and originality. Do NOT copy another artist you find on the internet and think I have not seen it. That will result in a “0” grade regardless of the effort you put in. This means no “Hello Kitty” sculpture or “Hatchet Man” or any other iconic image that is copyrighted by another! 6. If you finish before others you are not permitted to sit around and do nothing. That will hurt your grade and be taken out of participation and even your project if you are excessive at wasting class time. You are to use this time creating or trying to create smaller art like the toilet paper tube faces in the previous slides 7. I am expecting this project to take about 3 to 4 weeks before we move on to more recycled art sculpture.

30 Pre-sketching is required! The following slides show pre sketches of sculptures and commissions I have made. Notice how that final product does not necessarily look like the initial drawings. That is ok. But you need a plan to start. Otherwise it would be like trying to travel somewhere you have never been without a map. Your initial sketch must be kept and handed in with the final project. They are worth 20 points out of 200.





35 Some web sties we will explore if there is time and I suggest you explore these even more on your own

36 For Practice we will try playing with a few notched pieces of sculpture as a group. Remember we do not have to create sculpture that is of known imagery like we have seen through out these slides. You can approach this as an abstract piece. A good artist to look up on the internet for this is Alexander Caulder. He is well known for his mobiles. You can try a mobile but you will have to supply your own wire or string for it. The next few slides are works of Mr. Caulder or his style like the first slide which is a sample of student work.






42 Project rubric: Did student include initial plans? 20 points Sloppy and rushed? 5 to 10 points Originality, is it the students idea or did they copy someone else? 200 points (not kidding on this one!) Spots of glue mess? 5 to 10 points Did student use notching and layering as instructed? 5 to 10 points Does the piece balance? 5 to 10 points Is the cutting of the cardboard neat or sloppy, are there cuts that do not belong? Is the piece of reasonable size (larger than 12 inches in any one direction)? 5 to 10 points Did the student cut a few pieces and just glue them without thought or purpose and only put in a day or two of effort? 5 to 10 points plus subtraction of class participation grades. Is the project done on time? 10 points per every day it is late

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