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Staff Overview September 2014. OUTLINE Overview School recycling plan School education plan Evaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "Staff Overview September 2014. OUTLINE Overview School recycling plan School education plan Evaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staff Overview September 2014

2 OUTLINE Overview School recycling plan School education plan Evaluation

3 Phase one enables six schools within the region serviced by EWM to engage in a source separated recycling (SSR) program. The pilot includes the diversion of two additional waste streams, paper and containers (it will not affect current refundable beverage container program). OVERVIEW

4 Participating Schools Crescent Collegiate, Grades 7-9 Dunne Memorial Academy, Grades K-12 Mobile Central High, Grades 7-9 St. Bernard’s Elementary, Grades K-6 Stella Maris Academy, Grades K-12 Woodland Elementary, Grades K-6

5 OVERVIEW MMSB, EWM and NLESD will equip participating schools with the tools and resources necessary to implement and participate in the program. Schools will help identify best practices to advance similar programs in schools across the province where material recovery services are (or will become) available.

6 OVERVIEW Goals Provide MMSB, schools and regional waste management authorities with tools and best practices to implement school recycling programs. Engage schools in Source Separated Recycling (SSR) programs (in their respective regions) to increase education and participation in waste diversion initiatives.

7 Coordinate internal collection of recyclable materials and transfer material to provided storage facilities. Implement recommended education plans and identify the appropriate person(s) to lead education initiatives. Report any issues regarding the pilot immediately. Maintain infrastructure provided through the pilot. SCHOOL PARTICIPATION

8 Last spring, MMSB visited your school to develop recommendations for implementing a four-stream recycling program at your school. Based on those recommendations, MMSB has secured the required infrastructure (bins and signage) for your school. SCHOOL RECYCLING PLAN

9 MMSB has provided your school with centralized recycling stations - each accommodating four waste streams: 1.Beverage containers 2.Containers 3.Paper 4.Garbage SCHOOL RECYCLING PLAN


11 Two large paper recycling bins where paper waste is most often produced. One large container recycling bin has been provided to schools with breakfast programs to accommodate milk cartons. Small paper recycling bins are located in each instructional area. Teachers have the option of removing waste bins from classrooms where food is not consumed. Small container bins have been provided to schools where food is consumed in the classroom (Primary-Elementary). SCHOOL RECYCLING PLAN

12 Blue bags are provided by MMSB for the two new recycling streams – paper and containers – for the duration of the year- long pilot program (42 weeks). Cardboard is also accepted in the pilot program. Break down large pieces of corrugated cardboard and place in blue bags or bundle with string. Place in the storage shed for collection along with the bagged materials. SCHOOL RECYCLING PLAN

13 NLESD is providing your school with a 10 x 12 shed. MMSB recommends setting and adhering to a regular collection schedule that is based on the waste hauler’s collection schedule. Your school’s collection day will be every second Wednesday, starting Sept. 17, 2014. SCHOOL RECYCLING PLAN

14 Education Education is a key component of the Recycle @ School Pilot Program. MMSB is available to assist your team with any logistical concerns or educational needs. Call our Project Lead if you require assistance during the pilot program. Custom Recycling Plan School Education Plan SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN

15 Educating Staff School administrators are responsible for ensuring that all teachers and staff are aware of the new Recycle @ School pilot program. Letter to Teachers Staff Overview Notes MMSB Presentation – Happening NOW! SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN

16 Educating the Recycle @ School Team MMSB recommended that a Recycle @ School Team be formed to take a lead role in educating students. MMSB is providing resources and training to support your team in their education initiatives. Train-the-Trainer MMSB Website SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN

17 Educating the Student Body MMSB has provided the following resources to assist your team in educating all students: Assembly Notes Sample PA announcements Classroom PowerPoint Presentation Demonstrations Digital Images Classroom Sorting Guide SCHOOL EDUCATION PLAN

18 Waste Audits MMSB will conduct waste audits to identify baseline waste generation data for each of the six participating schools. Waste audits will identify the potential for waste diversion in each of the schools, as well as the potential to divert waste if the program was implemented in all schools in the eastern region. EVALUATION

19 Round Table Discussions In November, MMSB will host a roundtable information sharing session among all six schools to identify issues and solutions, share best practices and inform a mid-year report that MMSB will prepare in December. This report will be circulated to all partners and schools to highlight the waste audit data and feedback from teachers, staff and students. EVALUATION

20 Final Report A second waste audit will be completed in May 2015 to evaluate diversion rates and identify potential to divert waste from schools in Eastern Newfoundland. MMSB will conduct follow up surveys and focus groups with staff, teachers and students from participating schools. MMSB will lead the production of a final report, in consultation with EWM and NLESD. EVALUATION

21 Woodland Elementary Staff Overview

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